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单词 日德兰
释义 〔Angle〕A member of a Germanic people that migrated to England from southern Jutland in the 5th centurya.d. , founded the kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia, and together with the Jutes and Saxons formed the Anglo-Saxon peoples. 盎格鲁人:公元 5世纪从日德兰南部迁到英格兰的日耳曼民族的成员,建立了诺森伯利亚、东盎格鲁和麦西亚三个王国,并同朱特人和撒克逊人形成了盎格鲁-撒克逊民族 〔Jellicoe〕British naval officer who commanded the fleet that fought the Germans at Jutland (1916). He later served as governor-general of New Zealand (1920-1924).杰利科,约翰·拉什沃思:(1859-1935) 英国海军司令,带领舰队在日德兰与德军作战(1916年)。后任新西兰总督(1920-1924年)〔Helgoland〕An island of northwest Germany, one of the North Frisian Islands inHelgoland Bay, an inlet of the North Sea southwest of Jutland. The island belonged to Denmark and Great Britain before being ceded to Germany in 1890. It is a popular tourist resort. 黑尔戈兰:德国西北部一岛屿,是位于海尔戈兰海湾 之中的北弗是希兰群岛之一,和位于日德兰西南部北海的小湾。这个岛先后隶属于丹麦和大不列颠,于1890年被并入德国版图。是一个深受欢迎的旅游胜地 〔Kattegat〕A strait of the North Sea between southwest Sweden and eastern Jutland, Denmark. It connects with the North Sea through the Skagerrak.卡特加特海峡:北海一海峡,位于瑞典西南和丹麦的日德兰东部,它通过斯加基拉克海峡与北海相连




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