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单词 日耳曼人
释义 〔Goth〕from Late Latin Gothī [of Germanic origin] 源自 后期拉丁语 Gothī [日耳曼人的] 〔Vandal〕A member of a Germanic people that overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuriesa.d. and sacked Rome in 455. 汪达尔人:日耳曼人的一支,于公元 4世纪和5世纪进入高卢、西班牙和北非,并于455年占领罗马 〔Mecklenburg〕A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea. It was originally occupied c. sixth centurya.d. by Slavic peoples who were then displaced by Germanic settlements. After 1621 Mecklenburg was divided into two duchies, which joined the German Confederation in 1867. 梅克伦堡州:历史上德国东北部一地区,临近波罗的海。这儿最早在公元 6世纪就有斯拉夫人居住,后为定居于此的日耳曼人所占领。1621年以后,梅克伦堡州被分成两个公爵领地,并于1867年加入了德意志联邦 〔bung〕"The Hungarian director bungs star Klaus Maria Brandauer once more into the breaches of past Teuton history"(Nigel Andrews)“这位匈牙利导演又一次把新星克劳斯·玛丽亚·布兰道尔扔进古代日耳曼人历史的裂缝中去了”(奈杰尔·安德鲁斯)〔Friesland〕A region of northern Europe on the North Sea between the Scheldt and Weser rivers. The Frisians, a Germanic people, were conquered by the Franks in the eighth century. A portion of the area is now a province of the northern Netherlands.弗里斯兰:北海岸边、威悉河与斯海尔德河之间的北欧地区。8世纪弗里西亚人征服了居住在此的日耳曼人的一支弗兰西斯人。此地区的一部分现为荷兰北部的一个省〔Gothic〕The combinationGothic romance represents a union of two of the major influences in the development of European culture, the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes that invaded it.The Roman origins ofromance must be sought in the etymology of that word, but we can see clearly thatGothic is related to the name Goth used for one of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire.The wordGothic, which is first recorded in 1611 in a reference to the language of the Goths, was extended in sense in several ways, meaning "Germanic,” "medieval, not classical,” "barbarous,”and also an architectural style that was not Greek or Roman.Gothic, originally in the sense "medieval, not classical,” was applied by Horace Walpole to his novelThe Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story, published in 1765. From this novel,filled with scenes of terror and gloom in a medieval setting,have descended the Gothic romances of today.Gothic romance 的组合代表对欧洲文化发展起主要作用的两个事物的联合, 这两个事物就是罗马帝国和侵犯它的日耳曼部落。romance 的罗马语源必须从这个词的词源里去找, 但我们也很清楚Gothic 是跟 Goth 有关的, 这个词被侵犯罗马帝国的一个日耳曼人部落所使用。Gothic 1611年第一次出现在一本描绘哥特语的注释书里, 有几个意思:“日耳曼人的”,“中世纪的,非古典的,”“野蛮的,”和非希腊和罗马的建筑风格。Gothic 最初意思是“中世纪的,非古典的,” 在霍勒斯·沃波尔1765年出版的小说奥特朗托的城堡,哥特的故事 中出现。 这本小说里,在中世纪的背景衬托下,充满了恐怖、阴暗的画面,它开创了哥特式浪漫主义并流传至今〔sack〕The wordsack may seem an odd candidate for preserving a few thousand years of history, but this word for an ordinary thing probably goes back to Middle Eastern antiquity.Sack owes its long history to the fact that it and its ancestors denoted an object that was used in trade between peoples. Thus the Greeks got their wordsakkos, "a bag made out of coarse cloth or hair,” from the Phoenicians with whom they traded. We do not know the Phoenician word,but we know words that are akin to it,such as Hebrewsaq and Akkadian saqqu. The Greeks then passed the sack, as it were, to the Latin-speaking Romans, who transmitted their wordsaccus, "a large bag or sack,” to the Germanic tribes with whom they traded, who gave it the form .sakkiz (other peoples as well have taken this word from Greek or Latin, including speakers of Welsh, Russian, Polish, and Albanian).The speakers of Old English, a Germanic language, used two forms of the word,sæc, from .sakkiz, and sacc, directly from Latin; the second Old English form is the ancestor of oursack. sack 这个词具有几百年的历史看起来可能很奇怪, 但这个词用来指一件普通的物品大概可追溯到古代中东。Sack 的长久历史归功于它和它的前身,即指用于人们之间贸易的一个物品。 因此希腊人从与他们做买卖的腓尼基人处得到sakkos 这个词,指“用粗布或毛发制成的袋子”。 我们不懂腓尼基语指什么,但知道一些与它相关的词,如希伯莱语中的Saq 和阿卡德语中的 Saqqu。 希腊人于是又把这个词传到说拉丁语的罗马人中,罗马人把他们的词saccus (“大袋子,大麻袋”)传给与他们做贸易的日耳曼人部落,他们用 Sakkiz 这种形式 (其他民族也从希腊语或拉丁语中得到这个词,其中包括说威尔士语、俄语、波兰语和阿尔巴尼亚语的人们)。讲古英语(一种日耳曼语言)的人用这个词的两种形式:源自sakkiz 的 sæc 和源自拉丁语的 sacc ; 这第二种古英语的形式是我们现在的sack 的前身 〔dicker〕Perhaps a desire to see history repeat itself has been at work in the case of an etymology suggested for the verbdicker, first recorded in 1802with reference to horse trading and the haggling that accompanies it.In a work published in 1848James Fenimore Cooper used the word with reference to frontier trade.This use would support a connection with the noundicker, which denotes a quantity of ten and was a common unit used in trading hides or furs. If the verbdicker originated in the fur trade, a parallel would exist with the noundicker. The noun may have come into the Germanic languages and hence to English by way of trade or tribute in furs between the Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire, with the Germanic word coming from the Latin worddecuria, "a group of ten men,” which in Late Latin was used as a measure of skins. The difficulty with this parallel isthat no existing evidence proves conclusively the derivation of the verbdicker from the noun dicker. 关于对动词dicker 提出的词源问题,也许是想看看历史重演的一种欲望在起作用, 此单词第一次记载是在1802年,同马匹交易和与之伴随的价格争论有关。在1848年出版的一本著作中,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀根据边境贸易使用了这个词。这种使用将会支持与名词dicker 代表数量“十”并用于皮毛交易的联系。 如果动词dicker 起源于毛皮生意, 那么便会与名词dicker 一起并行存在。 该名词也许是随着来自于拉丁语decuria “十人一组”的日耳曼语单词一起(在拉丁语中它被用作皮革的计量单位),通过日耳曼人和罗马帝国之间毛皮交易或进贡的途径进入日耳曼语中,而从此以后进入英语中。 但是对于这种并行的困难是,没有现成的证据确凿地证明动词dicker 是从名词 dicker 中衍生来的 〔Goth〕A member of a Germanic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the Christian era.哥特人:在公元初几个世纪侵犯罗马帝国的日耳曼人〔gonzo〕or Spanish ganso [dullard, goose] [of Germanic origin] * see ghans- 或 西班牙语 ganso [笨蛋,傻瓜] [源于日耳曼人的] * 参见 ghans- 〔Dutch〕Of or relating to any of the Germanic peoples or languages.日耳曼人的,日耳曼语的:任一日耳曼人或其语言的、或与之有关的〔Gothic〕Germanic; Teutonic.日耳曼人的;条顿人的




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