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单词 时髦
释义 〔modiste〕from mode [fashion] * see mode 源自 mode [时髦] * 参见 mode〔swank〕Imposingly fashionable or elegant; grand.See Synonyms at fashionable 华美的:不同凡响的时髦或优雅的;富丽堂皇的 参见 fashionable〔glossy〕glossy trendsetters.富丽堂皇的时髦〔vogue〕Popular acceptance or favor; popularity:流行,风尚,时髦:普遍的接受或喜欢;普及:〔fashion〕Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode:时髦:一些流行式样的东西,如衣服:〔trendy〕trendy clothes.See Synonyms at fashionable 时髦服装 参见 fashionable〔Skivvies〕"The venerable white-underwear company . . . had dabbled in socks, sweats, and fashion skivvies"(Advertising Age)"About 500 yards away, on three destroyers snubbed up to the dock, men were clambering on the deck in their skivvies"(Smithsonian)“令人崇尚的白色内衣公司…已经涉足袜子、汗衫和时髦男式圆领衫”(广告时代)“大约500码以外,在三艘挽桩滞缆在船码头的驱逐舰上,穿着圆顶衫的男人们正在攀上甲板”(史密森)〔nine〕dressed to the nines.打扮得时髦到极点〔swing〕To be lively, trendy, and exciting.样子活泼、时髦且激动〔swell〕Fashionably elegant; stylish.时髦而优雅的;漂亮的〔Cowes〕A town on the northern coast of the Isle of Wight off southern England. It is the headquarters of the Royal Yacht Club and the site of annual fashionable regattas. Population, 19,663.考斯:英格兰南部威特岛北岸的一个城镇。它是皇家快艇俱乐部的总部,并且每年举行时髦赛艇会。人口19,663〔flash〕"The antique flash and trash of an older southern California have given way to a sleeker age of cultural hip"(Newsweek)“旧南加州往日的炫丽与糟粕,早已被文化嬉皮的时髦时代取代”(新闻周刊)〔stereotype〕"Regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding. . . . Westerners are trendy, Midwesterners are dull, Northeasterners are brainy, and Southerners are lazy"(Brad Edmondson)“地区性旧习自从美国确立起就成为它的一部分…西部人时髦,中西部人木讷,东北部人机智,南方人懒惰”(布拉德·埃德蒙森)〔dagwood〕After Dagwood Bumstead, a character who made such sandwiches in the comic strip Blondie by Murat Bernard ("Chic") Young (1901-1973) 源自 Dagwood 巴姆斯代德,在缪拉·尔纳(“时髦”)·杨(1901-1973年)的连载漫画 布朗蒂 中制作三明治的人物 〔trend〕Current style; vogue:时尚:流行风格;时髦〔tart〕To dress up or make fancy in a tawdry, garish way.把…打扮得花枝招展、妖艳动人或制作这样的时髦衣服〔parade〕a parade of fads and styles.时髦和风尚的轮替〔mod〕An unconventionally modern style of fashionable dress originating in England in the 1960's.摩登派:于20世纪60年代始于英国的一种非传统的现代样式的时髦服装〔mod〕Fashionably up-to-date, especially in style, design, or dress.新潮的:时髦地时兴的,尤指在风格,设计或服装上〔swank〕Smartness in style or bearing; elegance.漂亮,优雅:风格或风度的时髦;优雅〔catchword〕"Glasnost has entered the international vocabulary as a catchword for a general liberalization of Soviet society"(Bill Keller)“公开性作为苏维埃社会普遍自由化的时髦语已进入国际语汇”(比尔·凯勒)〔style〕The fashion of the moment, especially of dress; vogue.时髦:尤指衣服之款式;流行




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