单词 | 星期六 |
释义 | 〔host〕"the garden party he had hosted last spring"(Saturday Review)“去年春天他主办的花园聚会”(星期六评论)〔off〕My off day is Saturday.我的休息日是星期六〔usual〕As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning.和平时一样,那个星期六早晨我起得很迟〔weekday〕Any day of the week except Sunday, or often except Saturday and Sunday.周日:除了星期日或常指除了星期六和星期日的一周中的任一天〔atomism〕"the kind of atomism and individualism that is implicit in what might be called the John Wayne conception of society and the individual"(Saturday Review)“个体论及个人主义论可以称作是约翰·韦恩的个人及社会观”(星期六评论)〔zingy〕"The times are good. The living is easy. The vibes are zingy"(Saturday Review)“时代很好。生活轻松。感情上的共鸣令人愉快而激动”(星期六评论)〔Curtis〕American publisher of magazines such asLadies' Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post. 柯蒂斯,赛勒斯·赫尔曼·科茨克玛:(1850-1933) 美国杂志出版商,他创办的杂志有《妇女家庭杂志》 和 《星期六晚邮报》 等 〔Wednesday〕We say the names of the days of the week constantly,but for most of us they are nonsense syllables. The seven-day system we use is based on the ancient astrological notion that the seven celestial bodies (the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) revolving around stationary Earth influence what happens on itand that each of these celestial bodies controls the first hour of the day named after it.This system was brought into Hellenistic Egypt from Mesopotamia,where astrology had been practiced for millenniums and where seven had always been a propitious number.Ina.d. 321 the Emperor Constantine the Great grafted this astrological system onto the Roman calendar, made the first day of this new week a day of rest and worship for all,and imposed the following sequence and names to the days of the week:Diēs Sōlis, "Sun's Day"; Diēs Lūnae, "Moon's Day"; Diēs Martis, "Mars's Day"; Diēs Mercuriī, "Mercury's Day"; Diēs Iovis, "Jove's Day" or "Jupiter's Day"; Diēs Veneris, "Venus's Day"; andDiēs Saturnī, "Saturn's Day.” This new Roman system was adopted with modifications throughout most of western Europe:in the Germanic languages, such as Old English, the names of four of the Roman gods were converted into those of the corresponding Germanic gods.Therefore in Old English we have the following names (with their Modern English developments):Sunnandæg, Sunday; Mōnandæg, Monday; Tīwesdæg, Tuesday (the god Tiu, like Mars, was a god of war); Wōdnesdæg, Wednesday (the god Woden, like Mercury, was quick and eloquent); Thunresdæg, Thursday ( the god Thunor in Old English or Thor in Old Norse, like Jupiter, was lord of the sky;Old NorseThōrsdagr influenced the English form); Frīgedæg, Friday (the goddess Frigg, like Venus, was the goddess of love); andSaeternesdæg, Saturday. 我们经常说一周各天的名字,但对我们中的大多数人来说,它们是毫无意义的音节。我们使用的七天制度是建立在古代星象学的观点上,即绕着静止不动的地球旋转的七个天体(太阳、月亮、火星、水星、木星、金星和土星),影响着地球上发生的事情,并且这些天体控制着以它们的名字命名的周日的第一个小时。这个体制从美索不达米亚引进到具有古希腊文明的埃及,在美索不达米亚,星象术已流行了上百万年,七一直是个吉利的数字。在公元 321年伟大的康斯坦丁国王把星相学系统用于罗马历, 把这种新星期的第一天作为休息与做礼拜的一天,并把以下的次序及名字加在其它的周日上:Dies solis ,“太阳日”; Dies Lunae “月亮日”; Dies Martis “金星日”; Dies Mercurii ,“水星日”; Dies Iovis, “朱维日”或“木星日”; Dies Veneris, “金星日”; 和Dies Saturni, “土星日”。 这种新罗马体制在西欧的大部地区有所改变后被采用:在日耳曼语言中,如古英语中,四位罗马神的名字被改为相应的日耳曼神的名字。所以在古英语中我们看到以下的名字(以及他们的现代英语形式):Sunnanhd?g, 星期日; Monand?g, 星期一; Tiwesd?g, 星期二(蒂乌神,象玛尔斯一样,是战神); Wodnesd?g, 星期三(沃登,象墨丘利一样,行动敏捷,善于词辩); Thunresd?g, 星期四( 古英语中的撒纳及古挪威语的索,象朱庇特一样,是宇宙之主;古挪威语的Thorsdagr 影响了英语中的该词的形式); Friged?g, 星期五(女神弗丽嘉,象维纳斯一样,是爱神); 和Saeternesd?g, 星期六 〔hype〕"It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job"(Saturday Review)“它只是夸大的广告,一个庞大的与公共关系的工作”(星期六评论)〔gut〕"Conservationism is a gut issue in the West"(Saturday Review)“环境保护在西方是一个极其深切的问题”(星期六评论)〔Sabbath〕The seventh day of the week, Saturday, observed as the day of rest and worship by the Jews and some Christian sects.安息日:犹太教徒和一些基督教派认为星期六-一周的第七天为休息和拜神的日子即安息日〔jackbooted〕"a revival of the aggressive, jack-booted militarism of the Thirties and Forties"(Saturday Review)“三、四十年代侵略和暴力的军国主义复活”(星期六评论)〔Morley〕American writer who was a founder and editor (1924-1941) ofSaturday Review and wrote prolifically, most notably popular novels, including Parnassus on Wheels (1917). 莫利,克里斯托弗·达灵顿:(1890-1957) 美国作家,是《星期六评论》 的创建人和编辑(1924年-1941年)。他是一个多产作家,许多是非常流行的小说,包括 《车轮上的帕尔纳萨斯》 (1917年) 〔weeknight〕A night of the week exclusive of Saturday and Sunday.周日夜晚:除了星期六和星期日的一周其它日子的晚上〔bush〕"Reviewers here have tended to see in him a kind of bush D.H. Lawrence"(Saturday Review)“这里的评论家们倾向于把他理解为二流的D·H·劳伦斯一类的小说家”(星期六评论)〔majoritarian〕"a naively uncomplicated premise of simple majoritarian democracy"(Saturday Review)“简单多数主义民主的单纯方便前提”(星期六评论)〔Saturday〕The seventh day of the week.星期六:一周的第七天〔week〕A seven-day calendar period, especially one starting with Sunday and continuing through Saturday:星期:一段七天的日历期间,尤指把星期日当作起始日,连续下去直至星期六:〔annihilative〕"The possession of annihilative power has not slowed down the drive toward even more fiendish modes of inflicting wholesale death"(Saturday Review)“对毁灭性力量的拥有并未减缓向更残忍的大规模杀伤手段发展的速度”(星期六评论)〔book〕The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演〔cosmeticize〕"cosmeticized packages of song and dance for easy audience consumption"(Saturday Review)“为促使观众消费对歌曲和舞蹈进行的装点门面性质的包装”(星期六评论)〔doozy〕"Among the delicious names taken by, or given to, minor political parties in the United States . . . are these doozies: Quids, Locofocos, Barnburners, Coodies, Hunkies, Bucktails"(Saturday Review)“在美国小政治党派自封或被封的各种动听的名字中有这么些怪名:咀嚼物党、磨擦火柴党、烧仓党、古德茨、亨克基、雄鹿尾等”(星期六评论) |
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