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单词 晦涩
释义 〔moxie〕"His prose has moxie, though it rushes and stumbles from a pent-up surge"(Patricia Hampl)“虽然他的散文由于压抑的激情时而文思流畅时而晦涩不通,但仍充满活力”(帕特里西亚·汉普尔)〔ambiguous〕Those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure and too complex.那些不喜欢卡夫卡作品的人说他的风格晦涩并且过于复杂。〔obliquity〕An obscure statement.晦涩的拐弯抹角的话〔elliptic〕Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression.晦涩的:以有意使风格或表达上含糊不清为特点的〔obliquity〕"It may be that the candor of contemporary literature creates a nostalgia for indirection, obliquity and deferral"(Anatole Broyard)“可能是当代文学的坦率创造了迂回、晦涩和迟滞的怀旧风格”(阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔)〔blur〕To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure.朦胧,模糊:使外观或面目模糊不清;晦涩〔dark〕"Nixon confined himself to opaque philosophical statements that indicated he was not ready for a discussion of basic assumptions" (Henry A. Kissinger).“尼克松把自己沉浸在晦涩的哲学论述中,这意味着他不准备讨论基础假说” (亨利·A·基辛格)。〔read〕To perceive or detect an obscure or unexpressed meaning:仔细阅读,研究:找出或发现隐藏晦涩的意思:〔ambiguous〕Recondite and abstruse connote the erudite obscurity of the scholar: Recondite 和 abstruse 表示因学者的博学而产生的晦涩〔showcase〕Still more opaque is use of the verb to mean simply "to expose to public view,”even when its object is neither admirable nor desirable: 这个动词更晦涩的用法是表示“曝光于公众视线之下”的意思,即使对象既不令人钦佩也不受人欢迎: 〔recondite〕Concerned with or treating something abstruse or obscure:玄妙的:与深奥或晦涩之事物有关的,或处理深奥或晦涩之事物的:〔meaning〕The writer's meaning was obscured by his convoluted prose.作者的意思被他晦涩的文章掩盖起来〔opaque〕So obscure as to be unintelligible:晦涩以至于难以理解的:〔twilight〕A state of ambiguity or obscurity.含糊不清或者晦涩的状态〔fathomless〕Too obscure or complicated to be understood.无法了解的:太晦涩或复杂以致于无法理解的〔wrest〕wrest the meaning from an obscure poem.从一首晦涩的诗里汲取含义




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