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单词 晦涩难懂
释义 〔cant〕The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discipline, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.See Synonyms at dialect 术语,行话:在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语 参见 dialect〔banal〕The pronunciation ofbanal is not settled among educated speakers of American English. Sixty years ago, H.W. Fowler recommended the pronunciation BAN-al (rhyming withpanel ), but this pronunciation is now regarded as recondite by most Americans:it is preferred by only 2 percent of the Usage Panel.Other possibilities are BANE-al (rhyming withanal ), preferred by 38 percent of the Panel; ba-NAL (rhyming withcanal ), preferred by 46 percent; and ba-NAHL (the last syllable rhyming withdoll ), preferred by 14 percent (this last pronunciation is more common in British English).Some panelists admit to being so vexed by the problem that they tend to avoid the word in conversation.Speakers can perhaps take comfort in knowing that any one of the last three pronunciations will have the support of a substantial minority, and that none of them is incorrect.When several pronunciations of a word are widely used,there is really no right or wrong one.单词banal 的发音在受过教育的讲美式英语的人中并未固定下来。 六十年前,H.W.福勒曾建议其发音为BAN-al(与panel 押韵), 但大多数美国人认为这一发音是晦涩难懂的:它只得到“惯用法专题研究小组”中2%成员的偏爱。另外可能的发音有BANE-al(与anal 押韵),得到38小组成员的认可; ba-NAL(与canal 押韵)得到46的认可; ba-NAHL(最后一个音节与doll 押韵),得到14的认可 (这最后一个发音在英国英语中更为常用)。一些小组成员承认,这个词的发音令他们太伤脑筋了以至他们在说话时尽量避免使用它。当使用者得知最后三个发音中的任何一个都有较为坚实的少数票的支持,且它们中的任何一个都不是错误的,也许会给他们一些安慰。当一个单词的几种发音都被广泛使用时,便的确无所谓对错了〔dense〕Difficult to understand because of complexity or obscurity:晦涩难懂的:因为复杂或含糊而难以理解的:〔implement〕The verbimplement, meaning "to put into practice, carry out,” has in fact been in use since the 19th century.Critics have sometimes objected to the verb as jargon,but its obvious usefulness appears to have outweighed their reservations.Eighty-nine percent of the Usage Panel accepts the usage in the sentenceThe mayor's office announced the creation of a special task force that will be responsible for implementing the new policy. 意思为“使生效,执行”的动词implement , 实际上在19世纪已经在被使用。批评家们有时侯因为晦涩难懂而反对,但是它明显用途远远压倒了他们的保留意见。用法专题小组百分之八十九的成员接受了在句子市长办公室宣布了为执行新政策的专案小组的成立 中的用法 〔dense〕a dense novel.一篇晦涩难懂的小说




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