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单词 智利
释义 〔Mistral〕Chilean poet whose works includeSonnets of Death (1914) and Tala (1938). She won the 1945 Nobel Prize for literature. 米斯特拉尔,加布里埃拉:(1889-1957) 智利诗人,作品包括《死亡十四行诗》 (1914年)和 《塔拉》 (1938年),1945年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔Araucanian〕from Arauco [a former region of southern Chile] 源自 阿劳科 [智利南部以前的区域] 〔Patagonia〕A tableland region of South America in southern Argentina and Chile extending from the Río Colorado to the Straits of Magellan and from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. The study of its original inhabitants, the Tehuelche ("the Patagonian giants"), and its unusual wildlife have attracted many scientific expeditions, including that of Charles Darwin (1831-1836).巴塔哥尼亚高原:南美洲阿根廷南部和智利间的一高原,从里奥科罗拉多一直延伸到麦哲伦海峡,从安第斯山脉一直延伸到大西洋。因对当地土著居民特维尔彻人(巴塔哥尼亚高原巨人)和奇异的野生动物的研究,吸引了不少科学探险队,其中包括查尔斯·达尔文(1831-1836年)〔Tacna〕A town of southern Peru north of Arica, Chile. The object of a long-standing dispute between Peru and Chile, it became part of Peru in 1929. Population, 97,173.塔卡纳:秘鲁南部一城镇,位于智利阿利卡以北。该镇长期以来是秘鲁和智利两国间争执的目标,1929年它成为秘鲁的一部分。人口97,173〔Valparaiso〕Alsoí.so [bäl'pä-rä-ēʹsô] A city of central Chile on the Pacific Ocean west-northwest of Santiago. Founded in 1536, it has frequently been subject to severe earthquakes. The modern city developed as an industrial center and the chief port of Chile in the early 20th century. Population, 265,355. 也作í.so [bäl'pä-rä-ēʹsô] 瓦尔帕莱索:智利中部的一座城市,位于圣地亚哥西北偏西部的太平洋沿岸。此城市建于1536年,频繁地遭受严重的地震。现在的城市于20世纪早期作为一个工业中心和智利的主要港口而得到发展。人口265,355〔Santiago〕The capital and largest city of Chile, in the central part of the country east-southeast of Valparaiso. On a plain in the foothills of the Andes, it was founded in 1541. Population, 425,924.圣地亚哥:智利首都和最大城市,位于该国中部地带,瓦尔帕莱索的东南偏东方。它建于1541年,位于安迪斯山脉山脚处一块平原上。人口425,924〔Valdivia〕Spanish conquistador who conquered Chile (1540) and founded Santiago (1541).瓦尔迪维亚,佩德罗·德:(1498-1553) 西班牙征服者,于1540年征服智利并于1541年建立圣地亚哥〔araucaria〕Any of several evergreen coniferous trees of the genusAraucaria native to South America and Australia, having awl-shaped leaves and whorled branches and including the monkey puzzle and Norfolk lsland pine. 南洋杉:一种生于美洲和澳洲的南洋杉属 常绿结球果的树,具有锥形叶和轮生树枝,包括智利南洋杉及诺福克南洋杉 〔Argentina〕A country of southeast South America stretching about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) from its border with Bolivia to southern Tierra del Fuego, an island it shares with Chile. Argentina is one of the most highly developed Latin American countries, with an economy based both on agriculture and on diversified industry. It proclaimed its independence from Spain in 1816. Buenos Aires is the capital and the largest city. Population, 27,947,446.阿根廷:南美洲东南的一个国家,从它与玻利维亚的边界,到与智利共有的岛屿火地岛,大约3,701公里(2,300英里)。阿根廷是拉丁美洲最高度发达的国家之一,经济基于农业及多样化工业。它于1816年宣布脱离西班牙而独立。布宜诺斯艾利斯是其首都及最大城市。人口27,947,446〔Neruda〕Chilean poet and diplomat whose literary tone of despair, evident in his early works, evolved into one reflecting the socialist commitment of the government of Salvador Allende. He won the 1971 Nobel Prize for literature.聂鲁达,帕布罗:(1904-1973) 智利诗人和外交家。他的早期作品带有明显的失意情调,其内容后发展成对萨尔瓦多艾伦德政府主张献身社会主义的反映,获得了1971年诺贝尔文学奖〔Quechumaran〕A group of languages found mostly in the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to northern Chile and Argentina, composed of the Quechuan and Aymaran languages.奇楚马兰语组:一语言组,多使用于从哥伦比亚南部到智利和阿根廷北部的安第斯高地,由奇楚亚语和艾马拉语组成〔Mendoza〕A city of western Argentina east-northeast of Santiago, Chile. Founded c. 1560, it was part of Chile until 1776. Population, 118,427.门多萨:阿根廷西部一城市,位于智利圣地亚哥的东北偏东处。此城建于公元1560年,1773年前一直是智利的领土。人口118,427〔Temuco〕A city of central Chile south-southwest of Concepción. Founded in 1881, it is a trade center. Population, 157,297.特木科:智利中部一城市,位于康塞普西翁西南以南。建立于1881年,是个贸易中心。人口157,297〔maqui〕A Chilean wine made from the fruit of this plant.智利果酒:由这种植物的果实制成的智利〔Aconcagua〕A mountain, 7,025.4 m (23,034 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina near the Chilean border. The highest peak of the Western Hemisphere, it was first scaled in 1897.阿空加瓜山:海拔7,025.4米(23,034英尺),是安第斯山脉在阿根廷西部近智利边境的一段, 是西半球最高的山峰,第一次测量是在1897年〔tarweed〕Any of several strong-smelling, resinous western American and Chilean plants of the genusMadia, having yellow, rayed flower heads. 星草菊:任一种产于美国西部和智利的星草菊 属的有强烈气味并分泌树脂的植物,开有黄色的伞形花冠 〔araucaria〕From Spanish Araucaria [(tree) of Arauco, a former province of south-central Chile] 源自 西班牙语 南洋杉属 [智利中南部的早期省份阿劳科的(树)] 〔Sajama〕A mountain, 6,574.3 m (21,555 ft) high, in the Andes of western Bolivia near the Chilean border.萨哈马山:安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔6,574.3米(21,555英尺),该山脉位于玻利维亚西部,临近智利边境〔Inca〕A member of the group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest.印加人:秘鲁高原上克丘亚部落的一支,被西班牙征服前建立了一个北起厄瓜多尔南到智利中部的帝国〔Antofagasta〕A city of northern Chile on the Pacific Ocean. It is a shipping center for minerals found in the area. Population, 185,486.安托法加斯塔:太平洋沿岸智利北部一城市,为该地区矿物基地的运输中心。人口185,486〔Selkirk〕Scottish sailor who was marooned (1704-1709) on an island off Chile and is thought to have inspired Daniel Defoe'sRobinson Crusoe (published 1719). 塞尔寇克,亚历山大:(1676-1721) 苏格兰水手,曾于1704年至1709年被放逐到靠近智利海岸的一个孤岛上,据信此地激发了丹尼尔·迪佛创作《鲁滨逊漂流记》 的灵感(出版于1719年) 〔Llullaillaco〕A volcano, 6,727.4 m (22,057 ft) high, in the Andes of northern Chile near the Argentine border.尤耶拉科火山:靠近阿根廷边境,位于智利北部安第斯山脉中的一座火山,海拔6,727.4米(22,057英尺)〔soapbark〕A Chilean evergreen tree(Quillaja saponaria) of the rose family, having bark used as soap and as a source of saponin. 皂树:智利的一种蔷薇科常青树(皂树) ,其树皮可用作肥皂或皂角苷的来源 〔Tupungato〕A mountain, 6,804.6 m (22,310 ft) high, in the Andes on the Chile-Argentina border east of Santiago, Chile.图篷加托山:一座海拔6,804.6米(22,310英尺)的山峰,属安迪基山脉,位于智利和阿根廷的边界,在智利的圣地亚哥以东〔peso〕A unit of currency in Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, Philippines, and Uruguay. See table at currency 比索:智利、哥伦比亚、古巴、多米尼加共和国、几内亚比绍、墨西哥、菲律宾和乌拉圭的一种货币单位 参见 currency〔Talcahuano〕A city of central Chile on the Pacific Ocean near Concepción. It is an important naval base. Population, 202,368.塔卡尔瓦诺:智利中部一城市,位于太平洋沿岸,康塞普西翁附近。它是一个重要的海军基地。人口202,368〔Rancagua〕A city of central Chile south of Santiago. It is primarily an agricultural center in a copper-mining area. Population, 139,925.兰卡瓜:智利中部一城市,位于圣地亚哥市以南。为一铜矿区内的主要农业中心。人口139,925〔Quechua〕The Quechuan language of the Inca empire, now widely spoken throughout the Andes highlands from southern Colombia to Chile.奇楚亚语:印加帝国的奇楚亚语,现广泛使用于从哥伦比亚南部至智利的安第斯高地〔Iquique〕A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the 16th century, it was ceded to Chile by Peru in 1883. Population, 110,153.伊基克:智利西北部城市,濒临太平洋,位于秘鲁边界以南。建于16世纪,于1883年由秘鲁割让给智利。人口110,153〔Froward〕The southernmost point of mainland South America, in southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan.弗得角:南美洲大陆最南端,在智利南部的麦哲伦海峡〔Arrau〕Chilean-born American pianist particularly noted for his interpretation of Beethoven's piano works.阿劳,克劳迪奥:(1903-1991) 智利裔美国钢琴家,尤其以对贝多芬钢琴作品的表演而闻名〔Talca〕A city of central Chile between Santiago and Concepción. Chile's independence was proclaimed here in 1818. Population, 128,544.塔尔卡:智利中部一城市,位于圣地亚哥和康塞普西翁之间,智利于1818年在此宣布独立。人口128,544〔Mercedario〕A mountain, 6,774.4 m (22,211 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina on the border with Chile.麻塞达里欧山:位于阿根廷西部与智利交界处的安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔为6,774.4米(22,211英尺)〔Valdivia〕A city of south-central Chile near the Pacific Ocean south of Concepción. Founded in 1552, it grew rapidly after the arrival of German immigrants in the mid-19th century. Population, 100,046.瓦尔迪维亚:智利中南部城市,位于康塞普西翁南部太平洋沿岸。于1552年兴建,在19世纪中叶德国移民大量聚集之后迅速发展起来。人口100,046〔Araucanian〕A member of a widespread group of South American Indian peoples of south-central Chile and the western pampas of Argentina.阿劳干人:智利中南部及阿根廷大草原西部的一支广泛分布的南美印第安人部落成员〔maqui〕A Chilean evergreen shrub(Aristotelia chilensis) bearing edible purple berries. 智利酒果:一种智利常青灌木(酒果属 智利酒果) ,长有可食的紫色浆果 〔centesimo〕A unit of currency in Chile, Panama, and Uruguay. See table at currency 分:智利、巴拿马和乌拉圭的货币单位 参见 currency〔Horn〕A headland of extreme southern Chile in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. The southernmost point of South America, it was first rounded in 1616 by the Dutch navigator Willem Schouten (died 1625), who named it after his birthplace, Hoorn.合恩角:智利最南端的一海岬,位于火地群岛中。荷兰航海者威廉姆·史考滕(死于1625年)于1616年首次绕过这一南美最南端,并以自己的出生地“合恩”为其命名〔Arica〕A city of northern Chile on the Pacific Ocean near the Peruvian border. Claimed by both Peru and Chile until 1929, it is a free port and popular resort. Population, 139,320.阿里卡:智利北部一城市,位于太平洋岸秘鲁边界附近。1929年后秘鲁和智利均称为己有(对其拥有主权),该市是自由港和旅游胜地。人口139,320〔Donoso〕Chilean writer of novels and short stories noted for his dark surrealism and satirical edge. His novelsThe Obscene Bird of Night (1970) and A House in the Country (1978) are considered among the greatest works of Chilean fiction. 多诺索,何西:智利长短篇小说作家,以其忧郁的超现实主义和尖锐犀利的作品闻名。其作品《暗夜中的淫秽之鸟》 (1970年)和 《乡村之屋》 (1978年)都被视为智利小说的上上之作




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