单词 | 暗杀 |
释义 | 〔desensitize〕"The successive assassinations and attempts, not just on Presidential figures but on Martin Luther King Jr. and others, have desensitized us"(Anthony Lewis)“不仅仅是对总统级的人物,而且有对马丁·路德和其他人的连续的暗杀或企图,使我们变得冷漠麻木了”(安东尼·刘易斯)〔Young〕American religious leader who directed the Mormon Church after the assassination (1884) of its founder, Joseph Smith. He led an exodus of the Mormons from their troubled settlement in Illinois to the site of present-day Salt Lake City, Utah, where they established a permanent home for the church (1847).扬,布里格姆:(1801-1877) 美国宗教领袖,在摩门教创始人约瑟夫·史密斯遭暗杀(1884年)之后,他领导摩门教徒从他们在伊利诺斯州居住的是非之地出走,到今天的犹他州的盐湖城所在地,在此为他们的教徒建立了永久的家园(1847年)〔Brutus〕Roman politician and general who conspired to assassinate Julius Caesar. In the subsequent power struggle with Mark Antony and Octavian, Brutus was defeated at the Battle of Philippi and committed suicide.布鲁图,马库斯·朱尼厄斯:(85?-42) 古罗马的政治家和将军,图谋暗杀凯撒。在后来与马克·安东尼和屋大维的争权战中,在菲利皮战役中失利并自杀〔assassinate〕To murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack, as for political reasons.暗杀:因政治原因,以突然袭击方式暗杀(某名人)〔Rommel〕German general active in France, Italy, and northern Africa during World War II. After his implication in the July Plot (1944) to assassinate Hitler, he committed suicide.隆美尔,埃尔文:(1891-1944) 第二次世界大战期间活跃于法国、意大利和北非的德国元帅,后因牵涉到暗杀希特勒的七月叛变(1944年)而被迫自杀〔Diem〕Vietnamese political leader who became president of South Vietnam in 1954. He was assassinated in a military coup d'état.吴廷琰:(1901-1963) 越南政界要人,于1954年就任南越总统,后在一次军事政变中被暗杀〔Oates〕English conspirator. His story of a Jesuit plot to assassinate Charles II (1678) resulted in the execution of many innocent Catholics.欧茨,提图斯:(1649-1705) 英国阴谋家。1678年他捏造耶稣会会员阴谋暗杀查理二世,使许多无辜天主教徒被处死刑〔Caracalla〕Emperor of Rome (211-217) who was obsessed with and sought to imitate Alexander the Great. His brutal, undisciplined rule of the empire, however, led to his assassination and left only a legacy of infamy.卡拉卡拉:罗马皇帝(211-217年),曾着迷地试图效仿亚历山大大帝。然而,他对帝国的残暴,不合理的统治,以致被暗杀,只留下遗臭万年的污名〔dark〕"It [gold] serves what life requires,/But dreadful too, the dark Assassin hires" (Alexander Pope).“它 为生活的需要服务,但是也是可怕的,成为邪恶的暗杀团体成员的雇金” (亚历山大教皇)。〔assassin〕Assassin A member of a secret order of Moslem fanatics who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others. Assassin 暗杀基督教十字军成员的穆斯林狂热派:威胁和暗杀基督教十字军成员或其他人的穆斯林狂热派的秘密团体成员〔Gandhi〕Indian political leader who served as prime minister (1966-1977) and (1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.甘地,印第拉·尼赫鲁:(1917-1984) 印度政治领导人,曾在(1966-1977年)和(1980-1984年)任总理,被锡卡极端分子暗杀〔Carnot〕French politician who served as president (1887-1894) of the Third Republic and was assassinated by an anarchist.卡诺,(玛丽·弗朗索瓦)萨迪:(1837-1894) 法国政治家,曾任法兰西第三共和国总统(1887-1894年),被一无政府主义者暗杀〔Dessalines〕African-born emperor of Haiti (1804-1806) who defeated the French (1803) to gain the island's independence. His despotic rule led to his assassination.德萨林斯,简·雅克:(1758?-1806) 生于非洲的海地国王(1804-1806年)。他于1803年击败了法国人,使该岛获得了独立。他的专制统治导致了他被暗杀〔Rasputin〕Russian starets whose magnetic personality and relative success in the treatment of the czarevich's hemophilia gained him favor in the court of Nicholas II. He was assassinated by noblemen who feared that his licentious manner and ignorance would undermine the monarchy.拉斯普廷,格里高利·埃费默维奇:(1872?-1916) 俄国农民医生,其迷人的性格以及为沙皇王子医好了血友病使其在尼古拉二世宫中大受宠爱。由于其行为淫荡,缺乏知识,王公贵族们因怕他毁了王室而暗杀了他〔Roosevelt〕The 26th President of the United States (1901-1909). A hero of the Spanish-American War, he served as governor of New York (1899-1900) and U.S. Vice President (1901) under William McKinley. On McKinley's assassination (September 1901), he assumed the presidency. Roosevelt's administration was marked by the regulation of trusts, the building of the Panama Canal, and a foreign policy based on the motto "Speak softly and carry a big stick.” He won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation in the Russo-Japanese War.罗斯福,狄奥多尔:(1858-1919) 美国第二十六任总统(1901-1909年),他是美西战争的中心人物,曾任纽约州州长(1899-1900年)并在威廉·麦金利被暗杀后(1901年9月)继任总统。他的政策以调节托拉斯集团、建筑巴拿马运河及对外奉行“说话和气,手持大棒”为显著特征。他因调停俄日战争而获1906年度诺贝尔和平奖〔Mountbatten〕British naval officer and colonial administrator who was supreme Allied commander in southeast Asia (1943-1946) and the last viceroy and governor-general of India (1947). He was assassinated by the Irish Republican Army.蒙巴顿,路易斯:(1900-1979) 英国海军军官、殖民地总督,曾任东南亚盟军最高统帅(1943-1946年)及英国驻印度最后一任总督(1947年)。为爱尔兰共和军所暗杀〔nihilism〕Also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination. 也作 Nihilism 无政府主义运动:发生在19世纪中期俄国的一次革命活动,藐视政权和传统观念,主张理性、物质主义以及通过恐怖手段和暗杀使及社会和政府发生激进性变化〔Buckingham〕English courtier and statesman whose military and political policies caused continual friction with Parliament. He was assassinated by a disgruntled naval officer.白金汉:英王宠臣和政治家。其军事和政治策略导致他和议会之间的长期摩擦,后被一名心情恶劣的海军军官暗杀〔King〕American civil rights leader noted for her work on behalf of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Foundation after the assassination of her husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. (1968).金,克里塔·斯科特:(生于 1927) 美国民权领袖,以她代表南部基督教领导会议和她的丈夫马丁·路德·金遭暗杀(1968年)后成立的马丁·路德·金纪念基金会所做的工作而著名〔Darnley〕Scottish nobleman and second husband (1565-1567) of Mary Queen of Scots. He plotted to kill David Rizzio, Mary's secretary, in 1566 and was himself murdered the following year, possibly at the urging of Mary's lover, the Earl of Bothwell.达恩利:苏格兰贵族和苏格兰女王玛丽的第二个丈夫(1565-1567年),他于1566年密谋杀害了大卫·利齐欧,玛丽的秘书,第二年自己也被暗杀了,可能是在玛丽的情人博恩韦尔伯爵的操纵下被杀的〔Lincoln〕The 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), who led the Union during the Civil War and emancipated slaves in the South (1863). He was assassinated shortly after the end of the war by John Wilkes Booth.林肯,亚伯拉罕:(1809-1865) 美利坚合众国的第十六任总统(1861-1865年),在美国内战期间领导北部联邦,并在1863年解放南方的奴隶。战争结束后不久他被约翰·威尔克斯·浦斯暗杀〔Pandarus〕The leader of the Lycians, slain by Diomedes in theIliad. 潘达洛斯:吕基亚人领袖,在伊利亚德 中被迪厄米德斯暗杀 〔Bernadotte〕Swedish diplomat who as a leader of the Swedish Red Cross (1943-1948) helped save thousands of people from Nazi concentration camps. As United Nations mediator in Palestine (1948) he attempted to end Israeli-Arab hostilities but was assassinated by Israeli terrorists.贝纳多特,福尔克:(1895-1948) 瑞典外交家,做为瑞典红十字会的领导人(1943-1948年)曾帮助营救了成千上万的人逃离纳粹集中营。做为联合国驻巴勒斯坦的调停者(1948年),他努力争取结束以色列和阿拉伯人之间的敌对,但被犹太复国主义者暗杀〔Gandhi〕Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britain to grant independence to India (1947). He was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic.甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德:(1869-1948) 印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 |
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