单词 | 暴动 |
释义 | 〔Funston〕American soldier who volunteered to serve in Cuba's insurrection against Spain (1896-1898) and commanded in the Philippines (1898-1901), where he captured the rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo.芬斯顿,弗雷德里克:(1865-1917) 美国军人,曾志愿参加古巴反对西班牙的暴动(1896-1898年),在菲律宾当过指挥官(1898-1901年)并在此俘虏了叛军领袖埃米利奥·阿吉纳尔多〔commotion〕Civil disturbance or insurrection; disorder.起义,暴乱:公民的扰乱或暴动;混乱〔Pontiac〕Ottawa leader who led a large Native American revolt against the British in the Great Lakes region (1763-1766).庞蒂亚克:奥塔瓦人首领,1763-1766年他曾在五大湖区领导了一场反抗英国殖民者的大规模印第安人暴动〔quell〕Police quelled the riot.警察平息了暴动〔Oudh〕A historical region of north-central India. Dating from at least the 4th centurya.d. , it was ruled by the Moguls after the 16th century and annexed by Great Britain in 1856. The annexation was a major cause of the Indian Mutiny (1857-1858). 奥德:历史上印度中北部的一个地区。其历史至少可追溯到公元 4世纪,16世纪后为蒙兀儿人统治,1858年被英帝国吞并。英国的并吞是导致印度反英暴动的主要原因(1857-1858年) 〔Nero〕Emperor of Rome (54-68) whose early reign was dominated by his mother, Agrippina the Younger. He had his mother and wife murdered, and he may have set the Great Fire of Rome (64). His cruelty and irresponsibility provoked widespread revolts, which led to his suicide.尼禄:罗马皇帝(54-68年),他早期的统治由其母阿格丽皮娜操纵,他谋杀了其母亲和妻子。64年的罗马大火可能是他操纵的。他的残酷与渎职引发了广泛的暴动致使他自杀身亡〔Heliogabalus〕Emperor of Rome (218-222). A priest of Baal, he became emperor after the murder of his cousin Caracalla (217). His eccentricity and debauchery and the imposition of his religion on the Romans led to an insurrection in which he was killed.赫利奥盖巴勒斯:罗马皇帝(218-222年)。是太阳神教的牧师,在其堂兄卡拉卡拉(217年)被谋杀后登上皇帝宝座。其人性情古怪,淫逸堕落,把自己的宗教强加在罗马人民头上,后引发暴动并丧生其中〔tumult〕A tempestuous uprising; a riot.暴动:吵闹混乱的暴动〔Devereux〕English nobleman and favorite of Elizabeth I. He was executed for treason after taking part in an uprising of the people of London.德威瑞克斯,罗伯特:(1566-1601) 英国贵族,是伊丽莎白一世的心腹。在参加一次伦敦人的暴动后,被以叛国罪处死〔Palmyra〕An ancient city of central Syria northeast of Damascus. Said to have been built by Solomon, it prospered under the Romans because of its location on the trade route from Egypt to the Persian Gulf. The city was partially destroyed by the emperor Aurelian after a people's revolt ina.d. 273. 帕尔迈拉:叙利亚中部一古城,位于大马士革东北。据说是所罗门所建,由于它位于从埃及到波斯湾的贸易路线上,在罗马人的控制下兴盛起来。在公元 273年的一次人民暴动之后该城被奥列利安罗马皇帝部分毁坏 〔Jacquerie〕jacquerie A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one. jacquerie 农民起义,农民暴动:农民暴动,特别是指血腥大暴动〔combust〕riots that are combusting whole provinces.激怒全省的暴动〔Danton〕French Revolutionary leader who took part in the storming of the Bastille (1789) and supported the execution of Louis XVI (1793) but was guillotined the following year for his opposition to the Reign of Terror.丹东,乔治斯·雅克:(1759-1794) 法国革命领袖,他参加了巴士底大暴动(1789年),并支持过路易十六的处决(1793年),但在第二年因反对恐怖统治而被送上断头台〔combust〕To cause to become angry or violent:引起暴动:令人变得生气或暴力。暴动:〔putsch〕A sudden attempt by a group to overthrow a government.暴动:由某一群体突然发动的,旨在推翻某政府的企图〔Necker〕French financier and politician who advocated the formation of the States-General to effect financial reform. His brief dismissal by Louis XVI (1789) precipitated the storming of the Bastille.内克尔,雅克:(1732-1804) 法国财政家和政治家,提倡由僧侣,贵族和第三等级代表组成的议会来影响财政改革。他的被路易十六(1789年)的简单的免职引起了巴土底暴动〔thrash〕To move wildly or violently:暴动:粗野或狂乱地动:〔Jacquerie〕The uprising of the French peasants against the nobility in 1358.扎克雷起义:法国农民在1358年的反对贵族政权的暴动〔uprising〕A sometimes limited popular revolt against a constituted government or its policies.See Synonyms at rebellion 起义,暴动:有时有限的民众对合法的政府或对它所执行的政策的反抗 参见 rebellion〔Boston〕The capital and largest city of Massachusetts, in the eastern part of the state onBoston Bay, an arm of Massachusetts Bay. Founded in the 17th century, it was a leading center of agitation against England in the 18th century and a stronghold of abolitionist thought in the 19th century. Today it is a major commercial, financial, and educational hub. Population, 574,283. 波士顿:美国马萨诸塞州首府和最大城市,位于该州的东部,马萨诸塞湾的一个海湾波士顿湾 上。建于17世纪,是18世纪反对英国暴动的领导中心和19世纪废奴思想的强烈支持者。现在是一个主要的商业、金融和教育中心。人口574,283 |
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