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单词 暴露
释义 〔weather〕To discolor, disintegrate, wear, or otherwise affect adversely by exposure.风干,褪色:暴露使褪色、解体、消耗或负面受影响〔stamp〕To identify, characterize, or reveal:暴露:使显示出,表现出特征,揭示:〔develop〕To come gradually to light; be disclosed:暴露:逐渐显示出来;被揭露:〔bare〕Exposed to view; undisguised:暴露的;不遮掩的:〔photoaging〕The process by which skin is changed or damaged as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and other sources.日照老化,光致老化:皮肤因为暴露在太阳或其它光源的紫外线辐射下而受到改变或损害的过程〔show〕To state one's intentions or reveal one's resources, especially when previously hidden.暴露:陈述某人的意向或透露某人的对策,尤指先前隐瞒的〔heliotherapy〕Medical therapy involving exposure to sunlight.日光(浴)疗法:一种通过暴露在阳光里达到治疗效果的治疗方法〔sunbath〕An exposure of the body to sun.日光浴:将身体暴露在阳光下〔irradiation〕Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation.射线疗法:暴露在辐射前的疗法或冶疗〔wear〕To damage, diminish, erode, or consume by long or hard use, attrition, or exposure. Often used withaway, down, or off : 磨损:由于长期大量的使用、磨损或暴露而毁损、削减、侵独或消耗。常与away, down 或 off一起使用 : 〔air〕To expose so that air can dry, cool, or freshen; ventilate.使风干:暴露在空气中使干燥、凉爽或新鲜;通风〔grapevine〕A usually unrevealed source of confidential information.消息的秘密来源:通常没有暴露的秘密消息的来源〔tarnish〕To dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt.使晦暗:使…的光泽晦暗;使褪色,尤指通过把…暴露在空气或灰尘中〔ventilate〕To expose (a substance) to the circulation of fresh air, as to retard spoilage.为…开通气孔:把(一个物体)暴露到新鲜空气的循环中以减缓损坏〔sunbaked〕Baked, dried, or hardened by exposure to sunlight:日晒的,日烤的:通过暴露在阳光下烤、弄干或弄硬的,晒干的,晒硬的:〔faithless〕Disloyal staff members exposed the senator's indiscretions to the press.不忠实的工作人员把参议员们不慎重的行为暴露给新闻刊物。〔find〕To detect the true nature or character of; expose:发现:探明真相或性质;暴露〔tanning〕Browning of the skin by exposure to sun and weather.(皮肤)晒黑:通过把皮肤暴露在阳光和各种恶劣的天气中使其变黑〔gibbet〕To expose to infamy or public ridicule.暴露以出丑或当众嘲弄〔get〕To become affected with (an illness, for example) by infection or exposure; catch:患上,染上:通过传染或暴露而传染上(例如,疾病);得了:〔windburn〕A reddened irritation of the skin caused by long exposure to the wind.风吹性皮肤症:由于长时间暴露在风中而引起的一种皮肤发红的炎症〔maillot〕A woman's one-piece swimsuit usually cut high on the leg.女士泳装:一种腿部暴露很高的衣裤连在一起的女式游泳衣〔bleacher〕[Sense 2, from comparing a person's exposure to the sun when sitting on them with the exposure of linens bleaching on a clothesline] [释义二,由坐在大看台而暴露在太阳下比作晒衣绳上被晒白的亚麻布而来] 〔xenodiagnosis〕Diagnosis of an infectious disease at an early stage by exposing a presumably infected individual or tissue to a clean, laboratory-bred mosquito, tick, or other vector and then examining the vector for the presence of the infective microorganism.异体接种诊断(法):早期传染病的一种诊断方法,将假定的被感染的个体或组织暴露给清洁的、实验室饲养的蚊子、壁虱或其它带菌者,然后通过检查带菌者来确定传染性微生物是否出现〔chilblain〕An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands, feet, or ears, resulting from exposure to moist cold.冻疮:因暴露在寒冷潮气中而引起生于手、脚或耳朵上的一种炎症,伴有痒和疼痛〔illuminate〕To expose to or reveal by radiation.暴露于射线:用辐射手段暴露或发现某物〔out〕To be disclosed or revealed; come out:揭发:被揭露或暴露;公布:〔staff〕A building material of plaster and fiber used as an exterior wall covering of temporary buildings, as at expositions.纤维灰浆:用于覆盖临时建筑物外墙的纤维灰浆,如在暴露的部分〔sly〕The parvenu was much too foxy to let slip even a hint of his working-class background.暴发户十分狡猾,他决不暴露自己是工人出身这一事实。〔expose〕To make visible:暴露:使…被看见:〔reveal〕In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation.阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己的动机。〔profile〕Degree of exposure to public notice; visibility:态度,姿态:对公众关心的事的暴露的程度;能见度:〔break〕To find the solution or key to; uncover the basic elements and arrangement of:破解,解决:找到…的解决办法或答案;揭开…的基本成分或暴露…的排列方式:〔betray〕To make known unintentionally:无意识地暴露〔naked〕"naked to mine enemies"(Shakespeare)“在我的敌人面前暴露弱点”(莎士比亚)〔uncover〕To manifest or disclose; reveal:显现,暴露,揭露:〔frostbite〕Injury or destruction of skin and underlying tissue, most often that of the nose, ears, fingers, or toes, resulting from prolonged exposure to freezing or subfreezing temperatures.霜害:由于长期暴露在结冰或近冰点温度下造成皮肤或皮下组织的伤害或损伤,主要在鼻、眼、手指或脚趾处〔blow〕To cause (a covert intelligence operation or operative) to be revealed and thereby jeopardized:泄密而陷入危险:暴露秘密侦察行动或侦察员使陷于险境:〔wear〕To produce by constant use, attrition, or exposure:磨出:由于不断地使用、磨损或暴露而导致:〔unveil〕To reveal oneself.暴露自己的身份




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