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单词 最高峰
释义 〔Thebes〕An ancient city of Boeotia in east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Originally a Mycenaen city, it reached the height of its power in the fourth centuryb.c. but was largely destroyed by Alexander in 336. 底比斯:位于雅典西北希腊中东部的彼奥提亚古城。起初是迈锡尼文明的古城,于公元前 4世纪达到权力最高峰,但在336年被亚历山大大帝严重破坏 〔Abruzzi〕A region of central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Mostly mountainous, it includes Mount Corno, the highest peak of the Apennines.阿布鲁齐:意大利中部一地区,濒临亚得里亚海。大部分为山区,包括亚平宁山脉的最高峰--科诺峰〔Waddington〕A peak, 3,996.7 m (13,104 ft) high, in southwest British Columbia, Canada. It is the highest elevation in the Coast Mountains.沃丁顿山:位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南的一座山峰,海拔3,996.7米(13,104英尺)。是海岸山脉的最高峰〔Grossglockner〕A peak, 3,799.4 m (12,457 ft) high, of southern Austria in the Hohe Tauern range of the Alps. It is the highest elevation in the range and the highest point of the country.大克洛克纳山:奥地利南部的高峰,在阿尔卑斯山上陶恩山脉中,海拔3,799.4米(12,457英尺)。为该山脉的主峰和奥地利最高峰〔Hermon〕The highest peak, 2,815.8 m (9,232 ft), of the Anti-Lebanon Range on the Syria-Lebanon border. It was sacred to the worshipers of Baal and is considered the traditional site of Jesus's transfiguration.哈蒙峰:在叙利亚、黎巴嫩边界的安替黎巴嫩山脉的最高峰,海拔2,815.8米(9,232英尺)。对古腓尼基人信奉的太阳神的崇拜者来说,此山是圣山,据认为是耶稣改变形象的地方〔Lincoln〕A peak, 4,357.2 m (14,286 ft) high, in the Rocky Mountains of central Colorado. It is the highest elevation of the Park Range.林肯峰:位于科罗拉多州中部的落基山脉的一座山峰,海拔4,357.2米(14,286英尺),是派克岭最高峰〔Whitney〕American geologist who measured (1864) the highest peak in the continental United States, which was later named after him. His brotherWilliam Dwight Whitney (1827-1894), a philologist and lexicographer, edited the Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1889-1891). 惠特尼,约西亚·德怀特:(1819-1896) 美国地质学家。他曾测量了美国大陆的最高峰(1864年),此峰后来以他的名字命名。他的弟弟威廉·德怀特·惠特尼 (1827-1894年)是一个哲学家和辞典编纂者,曾编辑 《世纪词典》 (1889-1891年) 〔Redoubt〕A volcano, 3,111 m (10,200 ft) high, of southern Alaska. The highest peak of the Aleutian Range, it erupted in 1989 for the first time in 25 years.里道特山:阿拉斯加南部火山,高3,111米(10,200英尺)。它是阿留申山脉最高峰,25年来于1989年第一次爆发〔Alps〕A mountain system of south-central Europe, about 805 km (500 mi) long and 161 km (100 mi) wide, curving in an arc from the Riviera on the Mediterranean Sea through northern Italy and southeast France, Switzerland, southern Germany, and Austria and into northwest Yugoslavia. The highest peak is Mont Blanc, 4,810.2 m (15,771 ft), on the French-Italian border.阿尔卑斯山脉:欧洲中南部一山系,绵延约805公里(500英里)长,161公里(100英里)宽,从地中海岸边的里维埃拉呈弧状通过意大利北部、法国东南部、瑞士、德国南部和奥地利,进入南斯拉夫西北部。最高峰是勃朗峰,4,810.2米(15,771英尺),位于法意边界〔Chimborazo〕An inactive volcano, 6,271.1 m (20,561 ft) high, in central Ecuador. The highest elevation of the Cordillera Real, it was first scaled in 1880.钦博腊索山:厄瓜多尔中部的一座死火山,高6,271.1米(20,561英尺)。是雷阿尔山脉的最高峰,1880年首次有人登上顶峰〔Bona〕A peak, 5,032.5 m (16,500 ft) high, of southern Alaska at the southern end of the Wrangell Mountains near the Canadian border. It is the highest elevation in the range.波拿峰:美国阿拉斯加州南部海拔高5,032.5米(16,500英尺)的一个山峰,在兰格尔山脉的南端,靠近加拿大国界。它是该山脉的最高峰〔Elbert〕A peak, 4,402.1 m (14,433 ft) high, in the Sawatch Range of central Colorado. It is the highest elevation in the range and also the highest of the U.S. Rocky Mountains.埃尔伯特峰:海拔4,402.1米(14,433英尺)的一座山峰,位于科罗拉多中部的萨沃奇岭。它是全岭的最高峰,也是美国落基山脉的最高峰〔Corno〕The highest peak, 2,915.8 m (9,560 ft), of the Apennines, in central Italy.科尔诺:意大利中部亚平宁山的最高峰,海拔2,915.8米(9,560英尺)〔Marmolada〕A peak, 3,344.3 m (10,965 ft) high, in the Dolomite Alps of northeast Italy. It is the highest elevation in the range.马尔莫拉达峰:意大利东北部多勒米特阿尔卑斯山脉的一座山峰,海拔3,344.3米(10,965英尺)。它是这一山脉的最高峰〔Elbrus〕A peak, 5,645.6 m (18,510 ft) high, in the Caucasus Mountains of southeast European U.S.S.R. It is the highest elevation in the range.厄尔布鲁士山:山峰,高5,645.6米(18,510英尺),高加索山脉的最高峰, 位于原苏联欧洲部分的东南部〔Salcantay〕A peak, 6,275.4 m (20,575 ft) high, of the Cordillera Oriental in southern Peru. It is the highest mountain in the range.萨尔坎泰峰:秘鲁南部东科迪勒拉山脉的山峰,海拔6,275.4米(20,575英尺)。是此山脉中的最高峰〔Damavand〕A peak, 5,774.9 m (18,934 ft) high, in the Elburz Mountains of northern Iran northeast of Tehran. It is the highest elevation in the range.达马万德山:一个山峰,高5,774.9米(18,934英尺),位于伊朗北部、德黑兰东北部的厄尔布尔士山脉中。它是这个山脉的最高峰〔Katahdin〕A mountain, 1,606.7 m (5,268 ft) high, of north-central Maine. It is the highest elevation in the state and the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail.卡塔丁山:美国缅因州中北部的一座山,海拔1,606.7米(5,268英尺),是缅因州最高峰和阿帕拉契山脉的最北端〔Kunlun〕A mountain system of western China extending from the Karakoram Range eastward along the northern edge of the Xizang (Tibet) plateau. Its highest point is 7,729 m (25,341 ft).昆仑山脉:中国西部的一系列山脉,从喀喇昆仑山脉向东沿着西藏高原北部边缘延伸。它的最高峰高7,729米(25,341英尺)〔height〕The highest or most advanced degree; the zenith:最高峰:最高或最先进的程度;最高点:〔Blanc〕The highest peak of the Alps, rising to 4,810.2 m (15,771 ft) in the Savoy Alps of southeast France on the Italian border.布朗峰:阿尔卑斯山的最高峰,海拔4,810.2米(15,771英尺1),位于意大利边界法国东南部萨瓦—阿尔卑斯山〔peak〕Approaching or constituting the maximum:到最高点的,极致的:接近或构成最高峰的:〔Mansfield〕The highest peak, 1,339.9 m (4,393 ft), of the Green Mountains in north-central Vermont. It is a winter sports area.曼斯菲尔德峰:美国佛蒙特州中部偏北格林山脉的最高峰 ,海拔1,339.9米(4,393英尺)。该地是进行冬季运动的好去处〔top〕The highest degree, pitch, or point; the peak, acme, or zenith:顶端:最高的程度,声音或据点;山顶,最高峰或顶峰:〔Zugspitze〕A mountain, 2,964.9 m (9,721 ft) high, in the Bavarian Alps of south-central Germany. It is the highest peak in the range.楚格峰:德国中南部一山峰,属巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山系,高2,964.9米(9,721英尺),是该山系的最高峰〔Robson〕A mountain, 3,956.5 m (12,972 ft) high, of eastern British Columbia, Canada, on the border with Alberta. It is the highest elevation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.罗布森山:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省东部的一座山,海拔3,956.5米(12,972英尺),与亚伯达省交界。它是加拿大境内落基山脉的最高峰〔Aztec〕A member of a people of central Mexico whose civilization was at its height at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.阿兹特克族:墨西哥中部民族的一支,其文明程度的最高峰处于16世纪初西班牙的攻占时期〔Rainier〕A volcanic peak, 4,395.1 m (14,410 ft) high, of the Cascade Range in west-central Washington. It is the highest point in the range and the highest elevation in the state.雷尼尔山:美国华盛顿州中西部喀斯喀特山脉的一座火山,海拔4,395.1米(14,410英尺)。它是这个山脉的最高点,也是本州的最高峰〔Whitney〕A peak, 4,420.7 m (14,494 ft) high, in the Sierra Nevada of east-central California. It is the highest elevation in the continental United States.惠特尼山:美国加利福尼亚州中东部,内华达山脉一山峰,海拔4,420.7米(14,494英尺),是美国大陆的最高峰〔high〕Summer temperatures reached an all-time high.夏天气温达到有史以来最高峰〔Erymanthos〕A mountain range of southern Greece in the northwest Peloponnesus. The tallest peak isMount Erymanthos, about 2,225 m (7,295 ft) high. In Greek legend, the range was the haunt of the ferocious Erymanthian boar, which was ultimately slain by Hercules. 埃里曼索斯山脉:德国南部的一座山脉,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛西北。最高峰就是埃里曼索斯 山,大约2,225米,即7,295英尺高。在德国传说中,凶猛的埃里曼索斯野猪经常出没于此地,这些野猪后来被赫拉克勒斯杀死了 〔Kosciusko〕The highest mountain of Australia, in the southeast part of the country in the Australian Alps. It rises to 2,231.4 m (7,316 ft).科修斯科山:澳大利亚的最高峰,位于该国东南部、澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山脉中。它高达海拔2,231.4米(7,316英尺)〔Washington〕A mountain, 1,917.8 m (6,288 ft) high, of eastern New Hampshire. It is the highest elevation in the White Mountains.华盛顿山:位于美国新罕布什尔州东部的山名,1,917.8米(6,288英尺)。是怀特山脉的最高峰〔Timpanogos〕The highest of the Wasatch Mountains in north-central Utah, rising to 3,662 m (12,008 ft).廷帕诺戈斯岭:美国犹他州中北部沃萨奇岭的最高峰,海拔3,662米(12,008英尺)〔Glittertinden〕A peak, 2,473.6 m (8,110 ft) high, of south-central Norway. It is the highest elevation in Scandinavia.格利特峰:一山峰,高达2,473.6米(8,110英尺),位于挪威中南部,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上的最高峰〔Belukha〕A peak, 4,508.8 m (14,783 ft) high, of the Altai Mountains in southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. near the Mongolian border. It is the highest elevation in the range.别卢哈峰:位于苏联中亚地区南部阿尔泰山脉的一座山峰,海拔4508.8米(14,783英尺),靠近蒙古边境。别卢哈峰为山脉的最高峰〔height〕at the height of her career.在她事业的最高峰




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