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单词 有意思
释义 〔ambiguous〕These adjectives mean lacking clarity of meaning.这些形容词都有意思不清楚的含义。〔film〕One indication of the gulf between us and our Victorian predecessorsis that theOxford English Dictionary fascicle containing the word film, published in 1896, does not have the sense "a motion picture.” The one hint of the future to be found among still familiar older senses of the word,such as "a thin skin or membranous coating" or "an abnormal thin coating on the cornea,”is the sense offilm used in photography, a sense referring to a coating of material, such as gelatin,that could substitute for a photographic plate or be used on a plate or on photographic paper.Thus a word that has been with us since Old English times took on this new use,first recorded in 1845,which has since developed and now refers to an art form,a sense first recorded in 1920.我们同我们维多利亚时代祖先之间的巨大隔阂的表现,就是1896年出版的《牛津英语词典》 分册包含的 film 一词没有“电影”这个含义。 在当中发现的对未来的提示仍然同这个词的旧有意思相近,例如“一层薄的皮或覆盖的薄膜”或“角膜上一种不正常的薄的覆盖物”,就是film 用于摄影的含义, 意思指覆盖物,如胶,可以代替感光板或用于感光板上或在相纸之上。因此从古英语时代出现这个新用法开始,这个词已同我们在一起了,在1845年首次被记录,随着时代发展并指一门艺术形式,这个含义于1920年才首次记录〔bludgeon〕The origin of some words is simply not known,andbludgeon is one such word. An interesting suggestion is that this word for a club used as a weapon comes from cant,the secret jargon of people such as thieves and beggars,and is related to the wordblood. We do know thatbludgeon is first recorded in a dictionary in 1730, while its first recorded use in running text (1755) is simple and to the point: "These villains . . . knocked him down with a bludgeon.”有一些词的词源不详,bludgeon 就是这样一个词。 一个很有意思的说法认为这个词作武器用棒解释时来源于黑话,是窃贼和乞丐们的秘密行话,与blood 这个词有关联。 然而我们确实知道bludgeou 首次收载于词典中是1730年, 而它第一次用于行文时意思简单明了(1755年):“这些恶棍…用短棒将他们击倒”〔responsible〕These adjectives share the meaning obliged to answer, as for one's actions, to an authority that may impose a penalty for failure.这些形容词的共有意思是有义务对可能惩罚失误的当权者作出答复的,如对自己的行为。〔stridulate〕"The crickets stridulated their everlasting monotonous meaningful note"(John Updike)“蟋蟀发出了它们持久的,单调而有意思的调子”(约翰·厄普代克)〔hang〕In all other senses of the word,hung is the preferred form as past tense and past participle. 这个词的别的所有意思用hung 来作过去时或过去分词都是合适的 〔meaningful〕Having meaning, function, or purpose.有意思的,有意图的,有目的的〔ugly〕The standard sense of the adjectiveugly becomes figurative in the common expression an ugly temper. Regional American speech shares this figurative sense and makes it even more specific.In New Englandugly as applied to animals, especially large farm animals such as cows and horses, means "balky, hard to manage.”In the South, on the other hand,ugly with the specific sense of "rude" is used of persons: Don't be ugly, son. Interestingly, the wordclever (senses 4 through 6) follows the same regional pattern as ugly : in New England the specialized senses refer to animals; in the South, to persons.形容词ugly 的标准的意思在的表达 坏脾气 中变得借喻性了。 美国的地区性语言中都有这种比喻性意义并且使它更加具体化。在新英格兰ugly 被用于动物, 尤其是大型的家畜,如奶牛和马,其意思是“不好,很难控制”。在南部,另一方面,ugly 被用于人的具体意思为“粗鲁的”: 孩子,不要那么粗鲁。 有意思的是,单词clever (释义4到6)有着和 ugly 一样地方性形式: 在新英格兰,特指的意思用于动物;在南方用于人〔interloper〕The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”




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