单词 | 有效性 |
释义 | 〔negritude〕An aesthetic and ideological concept affirming the independent nature, quality, and validity of Black culture.黑人的特征:一个美学和意识形态概念,确认黑人文化的独立性、特性和有效性〔injure〕Damage usually implies injury that decreases value, usefulness, desirability, or effectiveness: Damage 一词通常指那种使价值、有用性和有效性减少的损害: 〔confirm〕To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify.证实:支持或确认…的肯定性或有效性;确认〔strength〕Operative effectiveness or potency.效能:运作的有效性或潜力〔vital〕Necessary to continued existence or effectiveness; essential:极重要的,必不可少的:存在或有效性续所必需的;本质性的:〔revive〕To restore the validity or effectiveness of.使恢复效力:恢复有效性或效果〔Pupin〕Hungarian-born American physicist and inventor whose works improved the telegraph and telephone and increased the safety and effectiveness of x-ray photography.浦品,米哈伊洛·伊德夫斯基:(1858-1935) 匈牙利裔美国物理学家和发明家,他的贡献包括发展了电报和电话并提高了X射线照相术的安全性和有效性〔challenge〕To question the qualifications of (a voter) or validity of (a vote).对(投票人的)资格或(选票的)有效性质疑〔acknowledge〕 concede is to admit something, such as the validity of an argument, often against one's will: concede 指确认论点的有效性等事,通常是指违背某人意愿的: 〔shorten〕To reduce in force, efficacy, or intensity.减小…的力量,有效性或强度〔poststructuralism〕Any of various theories or methods of analysis, including deconstruction and some psychoanalytic theories, that deny the validity of structuralism's method of binary opposition and maintain that meanings and intellectual categories are shifting and unstable.后结构主义:包含解构和一些精神分析学理论在内的各种分析方法或理论,其反对构造主义中二元对立的有效性,主张意义和知识种类是一直变换不定的〔revive〕To return to validity, effectiveness, or operative condition.再生效力:恢复有效性、效果或运行状态〔token〕Something that signifies or evidences authority, validity, or identity:象征:显示或表明权力,有效性或身份的东西:〔gender〕Traditionally,gender has been used primarily to refer to the grammatical categories of "masculine,” "feminine,” and "neuter"; but in recent years the word has become well established in its use to refer to sex-based categories,as in phrases such asgender gap and the politics of gender. This usage is supported by the practice of many anthropologists,who reservesex for reference to biological categories, while usinggender to refer to social or cultural categories. According to this rule,one would sayThe effectiveness of the medication appears to depend on the sex (not gender ) of the patient, butIn peasant societies, gender (not sex ) roles are likely to be more clearly defined. This distinction is useful in principle,but it is by no means widely observed,and considerable variation in usage occurs at all levels.传统地,gender 已被主要用来指“阳性”、“阴性”和“中性”的语法类别, 自近年来,这个单词已被人们普遍接受为指基于性别区分的类别,例如在词组性别差异 和 性别政治 中, 这种用法被许多人类学家所支持,他们把sex 局限为生物类别, 而用gender 来指社会和文化方面的类别。 根据这种规则,我们应该说医疗的有效性似乎取决于 (而不是 gender ) 病人的性别, 但是在农业国家中,性别的 (不是 sex ) 角色易于有更清楚的定义。 这种区分在原则上是有用的,但无法被人们广泛注意,而且大量变体出现于在不同水平的用法中〔avouch〕To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm:断言:声称是可以证实的事实或其有效性;肯定:〔contestant〕One that contests or disputes something, such as an election or a will.质疑者:对某事提出质疑或异议的人,如对选举结果或遗嘱的有效性〔Pythagoras〕Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry. He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician.毕达哥拉斯:古希腊哲学家和数学家,在意大利南部创立学派,强调对音乐弦学及几何学的研究。他证明了毕达哥拉斯定理的广泛有效性并被认为是世界上第一位真正的数学家〔reactivate〕To restore the ability to function or the effectiveness of.恢复:恢复活动、作用能力或原有的有效性〔possible〕Making cars by hand is possible but not economically feasible. Somethingviable is both practicable and workable; the term often implies capacity for continuing effectiveness or success: 手工制造汽车是可能的,但从经济角度讲是行不通的。 Viable 指既可行又能有效实行的; 这个词经常表示延续有效性或成功的能力: 〔logic〕The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.逻辑:一门研究推理规律的科学,尤其是研究命题中区别于内容的结构和演绎推理中的方法和有效性〔strength〕Degree of intensity, force, effectiveness, or potency in terms of a particular property, as:…的度:从某一特殊特点来说的强度、力量、有效性或效力,如:〔acknowledgment〕A formal declaration made to authoritative witnesses to ensure legal validity.正式确认:向有权威的证人正式确认以保证法律上的有效性〔acknowledgment〕Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right.确认:确认他人的存在、有效性、权威或权力〔query〕To mark (an item) with a notation in order to question its validity or accuracy.画疑问号:给(一款项)标上记号,来就其有效性或精确性提出质疑〔probate〕The process of legally establishing the validity of a will before a judicial authority.遗嘱检验:在有法定资格的官员面前确定遗嘱的有效性的程序〔prove〕To establish the truth or validity of by presentation of argument or evidence.证明:通过提示论据或证据来确立真实性或有效性〔sustain〕To affirm the validity of:确定,认可:确认…的有效性:〔quorum〕The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or an organization, usually a majority, who must be present for valid transaction of business.法定人数:委员会或组织最少人数的官员或成员,通常要达到多数,必须出席以确保事务处理的有效性〔contest〕contest a will.See Synonyms at oppose 对遗嘱的有效性提出异议 参见 oppose〔query〕Abbr. q.,qu.A notation, usually a question mark, calling attention to an item in order to question its validity or accuracy.缩写 q.,qu.疑问号:一个记号,通常为问号,以引起对某一事物的注意以便就其有效性或准确性提出质疑〔intuitionism〕The theory that ethical principles are known to be valid and universal through intuition.直觉主义:通过直觉知道道德原则有效性和普遍性的理论 |
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