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单词 有时指
释义 〔brave〕 Intrepid sometimes suggests invulnerability to fear: Intrepid 有时指不为惧怕所动: 〔atlas〕After Atlas , legendary king of northern Africa, sometimes identified with, or considered descended from, the Titan Atlas 源自 Atlas ,传奇中的北非国王,有时指亚特拉斯巨人或其后人 〔stingy〕Penny-pinching heightens the implications ofniggardly and sometimes suggests foolish economy: Penny-pinching 加强了niqqardly 的意思并有时指愚蠢的节省: 〔frighten〕 Terrorize implies fear that intimidates;the word sometimes suggests deliberate coercion: Terrorize 暗示受威胁而害怕;此词有时指有意的强制或高压统治: 〔increase〕 Increase applies most widely;it sometimes suggests steady growth: Increase 应用范围最广;有时指稳定的增长: 〔glum〕Dour especially suggests grimness or humorlessnessand sometimes an obstinate nature: Dour 尤指严肃或毫无幽默感,有时指倔强呆板的性质: 〔ghastly〕Lurid sometimes refers to what is of a ghastly or unnatural hue suggestive of death: Lurid 有时指可怕的或不正常的让人联想到死的样子: 〔mood〕 Humor often implies a state of mind resulting from one's characteristic disposition or temperament;it sometimes suggests fitfulness or variability: Humor 常指由一个人的性格倾向或性情引起的精神状态;有时指不规则的或变化的状态: 〔method〕Fashion is often synonymous withmanner and mode; it sometimes suggests highly personal, even idiosyncratic behavior: Fashion 经常与manner 和 mode 同义; 它有时指高度个人化,甚至是独特的行为:




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