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单词 有罪
释义 〔culprit〕culpable [guilty] from Latin culpābilis * see culpable culpable [有罪的] 源自 拉丁语 culpābilis * 参见 culpable〔find〕The jury deliberated and found a verdict of guilty. All but one of the jurors found him guilty.陪审团进行商议并宣告作出有罪的裁决。除了一人所有的陪审官都宣布他有罪〔Tweed〕American politician. The Democratic boss of New York City in the 1860's, he defrauded the city of millions of dollars before being exposed and convicted (1873).特威德,威廉·马西:(1823-1878) 美国政治家。他19世纪60年代是纽约市民主党的后台老板,侵吞城市公款上百万,后来被发现并判有罪(1873年)〔consider〕considers waste to be criminal.认为浪费是有罪〔infamy〕An evil or criminal act that is publicly known.恶行:公众所知的极坏或有罪的行为〔peccant〕Sinful; guilty.有罪的;犯罪的〔convict〕"We need jurors . . . who will not convict merely because they are suspicious"(Scott Turow)“我们需要…不仅仅因为他们有嫌疑就判定他们有罪的陪审员”(斯科特·图罗)〔incontestable〕incontestable proof of the defendant's guilt.证实被告有罪的无可否认的证据〔ban〕An excommunication or condemnation by church officials.革出教门:被教会逐出或宣布有罪〔railroad〕To convict (an accused person) without a fair trial or on trumped-up charges.草率定罪:未经正常的审判或依据站不住脚的指控,宣判(一个被起诉的人)有罪〔pardon〕Exemption of a convicted person from the penalties of an offense or a crime by the power of the executor of the laws.赦免:由执法人员对已判有罪的犯人所做的对过失或罪行惩罚的免除〔criminality〕The state, quality, or fact of being criminal.犯罪,有罪:犯罪的状态、性质或事实〔convict〕To return a verdict of guilty in a court:判定有罪:在法庭上正式宣布有罪〔read〕As the law reads, the defendant is guilty.根据法律条文载明,被告有罪〔taint〕and partly from Middle English tainten [to convict] from Old French ataint [past participle of] ataindre [to attain, touch upon] * see attain 并且部分源自 中古英语 tainten [证实…有罪] 源自 古法语 ataint ataindre的过去分词 [得到,触及] * 参见 attain〔catch〕trapped into making an incriminating admission. 受算计而做了有罪的许可 〔gut〕She felt in her gut that he was guilty.她从心底知道他是有罪〔sure〕The prosecutor had positive proof of the defendant's guilt. See also Synonyms at certain 起诉人掌握有证明被告有罪的确凿证据 参见同义词 certain〔incriminate〕testimony that incriminated the defendant.表明被告有罪的证词〔clear〕Not subject to suspicion or accusations of guilt:无罪的,无嫌疑的:无理由被怀疑或被控有罪〔convict〕Found guilty; convicted.被定罪的:被发现有罪的;被定罪的〔incriminate〕To accuse of a crime or other wrongful act.归罪;控告:指控…有罪或有别的失误〔condemn〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to fix the punishment or destiny of one found to be guilty or undeserving": 这些动词都有“对一个发现有罪或不配的人或事物施以惩罚或命中注定”的意思: 〔negligent〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "guilty of a lack of due care or concern": 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“因缺乏适当的关心和考虑而有罪的” 〔nocent〕Middle English nocent [guilty] 中古英语 nocent [有罪的] 〔Scopes〕American teacher who violated a state law by teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school. His trial (July 1925) was a highly publicized confrontation between defense attorney Clarence Darrow and the director of the prosecution William Jennings Bryan. Scopes was found guilty and fined a nominal sum, but his conviction was later reversed on technical grounds.斯科普斯,约翰·托马斯:(1900-1970) 美国一教师,因在田纳西州的一所中学里讲授进化论而违反了州法。对他的审判(1925年7月)是辩护律师克拉仑斯·达柔和原告律师长威廉·詹尼斯·布赖恩之间的公开的高度对抗。斯科普斯被确认为有罪而且被罚了一点微不足道的罚金,但对他的判决后果由于技术方面的理由后来得到平反〔Dreyfus〕French army officer of Jewish descent who was convicted of treason (1894), sentenced to life imprisonment, and ultimately acquitted when the evidence against him was shown to have been forged by anti-Semites.德雷福斯,艾尔弗雷德:(1859-1935) 犹太裔法国军官,1894年以叛国罪判处终身监禁,但最后被无罪释放,因为证明他有罪的证据被发现是反犹太分子伪造的〔hold〕The court held that the defendant was at fault.法庭宣判被告有罪〔ashamed〕Feeling shame or guilt:羞愧的:感到害臊或有罪的:〔guilt〕The fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense.See Synonyms at blame 有罪:为犯下某一过失负有责任的事实 参见 blame〔forswear〕To make (oneself) guilty of perjury.使犯伪证罪:因发伪誓而有罪〔culprit〕According to British legal tradition,the wordculprit comes from cul. prit, an abbreviation of the Anglo-Norman legal phraseCulpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille. These words, said by the clerk of the crown in response to a not-guilty plea,meant, "Guilty: I am ready to aver our indictment.”After law French went out of official use in the courts,the shortened formcul. prit was misinterpreted as a term of address used by the clerk to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony and pleading "not guilty.” Culprit is first recorded in such a use in 1678. The term was thereafter taken to mean "the accused,”and then, by association with Latinculpa, "guilt,” it came to mean "a guilty party.”根据英国法律的传统,culprit 一词源于 cul. prit , 这是英国法语的法律短语Culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille 的缩略语。 这些词语是王国政府的书记员在回答对于被指控罪名不服的申诉时所说的,意思是:“证明有罪的:我将要证实我们的控告属实。”在诺曼人的法律法语不限于在法庭中使用后,其缩略形式cul.prit 被错误地理解为一种称呼,书记员用它来称呼被控犯有判国罪或重罪但又申辩“无罪”的犯人。 Culprit 一词最早在1678年以这种用法被记录下来。 这个词语自那以后被用来指“被控告的人”,然后它与拉丁语culpa “有罪的”一词相联系, 用来表示“被证明有罪的一方”〔guilty〕Responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; deserving of blame; culpable:有罪的:对某一不良行为负有责任或被指控的;应受到谴责的;犯罪的:〔ordeal〕A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.神判法:让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定〔throw〕The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.被认定有罪的那位法官被逐出了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了出去〔suspect〕To think (a person) guilty without proof:怀疑(有犯罪之嫌疑):无证据时认为(某人)有罪




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