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单词 有芳香
释义 〔mint〕Any of various plants of the genusMentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oil and used for flavoring. 薄荷属植物:一种薄荷 属植物,特点为有芳香的叶子和近乎规则的花。其中一些植物已被栽培用来提炼芳香油和用以调味 〔oregano〕A perennial Eurasian herb(Origanum vulgare) of the mint family, having aromatic leaves that are used as a seasoning. 牛至:欧亚大陆的一种多年生唇形科草本植物(牛至 牛至属) ,长有芳香的、可用于烹调的叶子 〔nicotiana〕Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genusNicotiana, native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属:一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花 属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类 〔bayberry〕A deciduous, eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica) having aromatic foliage and small, globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. 宾州杨梅:北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅 杨梅属) ,具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛 〔gillyflower〕Any of several plants, such as the wallflower, that have fragrant flowers.桂竹香:一种开有芳香花朵的植物,如桂竹香〔santonica〕A perennial or shrubby Eurasian plant(Artemisia maritima) having aromatic, bipinnately dissected leaves and numerous flower heads that yield santonin. 山道年:欧亚多年生或灌木植物(滨海蒿 蒿属) ,生有芳香的二回羽状分叶和众多产生山道年的头状花序 〔orris〕Any of several species of iris having a fragrant rootstock, especially a variety of the hybridIris germanica. 鸢尾科植物:一种鸢尾种类植物,有芳香的根状茎,尤指德国鸢尾 的杂交变种 〔bay〕Any of certain other trees or shrubs with aromatic foliage, such as the California laurel.月桂树:一种叶子有芳香气味的树木或灌木,如加利福尼亚的月桂树〔jonquil〕A widely cultivated ornamental plant(Narcissus jonquilla) native chiefly to southern Europe, having long, narrow leaves and short-tubed, fragrant yellow flowers. 长寿花:一种种植广泛的观赏性植物(长寿花 水仙属) 主要原产于欧洲南部,长有长而窄的叶子,开有黄色,花的管状底部很短,有芳香 〔stewartia〕Any of various deciduous trees or shrubs of the genusStewartia, native to eastern North America and tropical eastern Asia, having fragrant, showy, white flowers and smooth brown bark that peels into thin flakes. 紫茎属:任一种产于北美洲东部和热带东亚的紫茎 属的落叶树木或灌木,开有芳香炫丽的白花,生剥落成薄片的平滑褐色树皮 〔citronellal〕A colorless aromatic liquid, C10H 18O, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oils or produced synthetically and used in making perfumes and as a commercial flavoring. 香茅醛:一种无色有芳香气味的液体,C10H 18O,从香茅油和其他原油中提取或人工制成,用于制作香水和商业香料 〔chervil〕An annual Eurasian herb(Anthriscus cerefolium) in the parsley family, having aromatic parsleylike leaves that are used as a seasoning or garnish. 蜡叶峨参:亚欧大陆的一种伞形科一年生草本植物(峨参属 蜡叶峨参) ,长有芳香的用作调味品或装饰菜的芫荽状叶子 〔shiitake〕An edible eastern Asian mushroom(Lentinus edodes) having an aromatic, fleshy, golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible, tough stipe. Also called Chinese black mushroom ,golden oak mushroom ,Oriental black mushroom 什塔克菇:一种可食的产于东亚的蘑菇(香菇 香菇属) ,有芳香的,肉质菌盖,颜色为金色或深棕色到浅黑色,不能食用菌柄坚硬, 也作 Chinese black mushroom,golden oak mushroom,Oriental black mushroom〔wallflower〕Any of numerous herbs of the genusErysimum of the mustard family, having fragrant yellow, orange, or brownish flowers. 糖芥:一种十字花科糖芥属 的草本植物,具有芳香的黄花、桔黄花或棕色花 〔piperonal〕A white powder, C8H 6O 3, having a floral odor, used as flavoring and in perfume. 胡椒醛,洋茉莉醛:一种白色粉末,C8H 6O 3有芳香味,用作香料和香水中 〔magnolia〕Any of numerous evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs of the genusMagnolia of the Western Hemisphere and Asia, having aromatic twigs and large showy white, pink, purple, or yellow flowers. 木兰:任一种生长于亚洲和西半球的属于木兰 科的多种常青或落叶树木及灌木,生有芳香的树枝和呈白色、粉色、紫色或黄色的很大艳丽花朵 〔cowslip〕A Eurasian primrose(Primula veris), usually having fragrant yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental, and long used in herbal medicine. 连香报春花:一种产于亚欧大陆的报春花(报春花属 标准报春) ,通常开有芳香的黄色花,作为一种饰物被广泛种植,很早以前就被用于草药中 〔wallflower〕TheCheiranthus cheiri, with its sweet-smelling yellow, red, or brown flowers, came to be called the wallflower because it was noted for growing on surfaces such as old walls, rocks, and quarries. This plant name is first recorded in 1578.It is not known who first observed a likeness between this delicate, fragrant flower and the unpartnered women sitting along the wall at a dance, but the figurative sense is first found in an 1820 work by Mrs. Campbell Praed entitledCounty Ball. The word, although originally used only to describe women, has become unisex,and of course one can be a wallflower without having a wall in the vicinity.具有芳香的黄、红或棕色花的桂竹香 之所以后来被称为 wallflower 是因为它以生活于物体表面(如旧墙面、岩石成或矿井面)而闻名。 该植物名称首载于1578年。没有人知道谁最先发现了这种雅致、芳香的花与在舞会上单独坐在墙边的女子的关系,但是这种比喻义最早发现于埃贝尔·普利德夫人1820年名为郡办舞会 的作品中。 虽然该词起初只用来描绘女子,后来却男女都适用。而且,一个人即使周围没有墙也能成为一个离群之人〔tea〕An eastern Asian evergreen shrub or small tree(Camellia sinensis) having fragrant, nodding, cup-shaped white flowers and glossy leaves. 茶树:东亚有芳香低垂的杯状白花,和有光泽的叶的常绿灌木或小树(茶树 茶科) 〔horsemint〕A perennial, aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. Also called wild bergamot 香蜂草:产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草 香蜂草属) ,有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花 也作 wild bergamot




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