单词 | 望远镜 |
释义 | 〔telescopy〕The art or study of making and operating telescopes.望远镜制造和使用学:制造和操作望远镜的工艺或学问〔telescopic〕Visible only by means of a telescope:只能用望远镜看到的:〔view〕used binoculars to get a better view.用双目望远镜进行更好的检查〔level〕Such a device combined with a telescope and used in surveying.测地水准仪:装有望远镜的这种装置,用于测量〔transit〕To revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.旋转:使(中星仪的望远镜)围绕其水平模轴旋转,并转向一个相反的方向〔telescopic〕Seen or obtained by means of a telescope:用望远镜看到的:用望远镜看到或得到的:〔telescope〕To cause to slide inward or outward in overlapping sections, as the cylindrical sections of a small hand telescope do.使叠缩:使…在重叠部分中向里或向外滑动,如小型手动望远镜的圆柱部分的叠缩〔drawtube〕A tube that slides within another tube, as in a small hand telescope.伸缩管:在另一管筒中滑动的管筒,如小型手持望远镜中的伸缩管〔finder〕A low-power, wide-angle telescope fixed to the body of a more powerful telescope and pointed in the same direction for initially locating an object to be observed.寻星镜:一种低功率大视野的望远镜,附加在一台较大的望远镜上,为开始标出被观察的物体位置而指向同一方向〔theodolite〕An optical instrument consisting of a small mounted telescope rotatable in horizontal and vertical planes, used to measure angles in surveying, meteorology, and navigation.经纬仪:一种由一个小的可在水平面和垂直面旋转的望远镜构成的光学仪器,用于勘测、气象和航海中测量角度〔heliometer〕A telescope equipped to measure small angular distances between celestial bodies.量日仪:一种望远镜,用以测量天体之间微小的角距离〔Clark〕American astronomer and lens manufacturer who with his sonAlvan Graham Clark (1832-1897) made the objective lenses of the world's two largest refracting telescopes, one at Lick Observatory in California (1888) and one at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (1897). 克拉克,阿尔凡:(1804-1887) 美国天文学家及透镜制造者,和其子埃尔文·格拉汉姆·克拉克 (1832-1897年)制造了世界上两个最大的折射望远镜的物镜,一个置于加利福尼亚的里克观测台(1888年),另一个置于威斯康星的耶基斯观测台(1897年) 〔telescope〕An arrangement of lenses or mirrors or both that gathers visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects.望远镜:采集可见光、能对远距离物体直接观察或照相记录的透镜、镜片或两者都有的装置〔telescopic〕Of or relating to a telescope.望远镜的:属于或关于望远镜的〔altazimuth〕A telescope having such a mounting.地平经纬仪:有这种底座的望远镜〔telestereoscope〕A binocular telescope for stereoscopic viewing of distant objects.双筒立体望远镜:用于立体观看外距离物体的双筒望远镜〔coronagraph〕A telescope or an attachment for a telescope equipped with a disk that blacks out most of the sun, used to photograph the sun's corona.日冕仪:一种望远镜或望远镜的配件,配有使太阳光的大部分变暗的一种滤光片,用来拍摄日冕〔filar〕Having fine threads across the field of view for measuring small distances, as in the eyepiece of a telescope.视域里画有丝纹的:有用于测量小距离的通过视野的细线的,如在望远镜的目镜片中〔telescopic〕telescopic data.用望远镜获得的数据〔spyglass〕A pair of binoculars. Often used in the plural.双目望远镜常用在复数中〔Telescopium〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere between Pavo and Sagittarius.望远镜星座:南半球中处于孔雀星座和人马星座之间的星座〔perspective〕The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision.全景,透视:如通过普通双筒望远镜看到的物体全貌〔extended〕an extended telescope.拉长了的望远镜〔power〕A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.倍率:光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数〔glass〕Often glasses A binocular or field glass. 常作 glasses 双目镜,双筒望远镜〔aperture〕The diameter of the objective of a telescope.孔径:望远镜物镜的直径〔Palomar〕A peak, 1,868.4 m (6,126 ft) high, of southern California northeast of San Diego. It is the site of an observatory with one of the world's largest reflecting telescopes.帕洛马山:美国加利福尼亚南部圣迭弋东北的山峰,高1,868.4米(6,126英尺)。它是世界上最大的反射望远镜的观测台所在地〔alidade〕A topographic surveying and mapping instrument used for determining directions, consisting of a telescope and attached parts.照准仪:用来确定方向的地形测量和绘图工具,包括望远镜和其它附件〔dedicated〕"The satellite beams the information down to Earth, where it is sent through dedicated telephone wires to the Space Telescope Science Institute"(Boston Globe)“卫星把信息传送到地球上后,通过专用电话线发送到空间望远镜科学研究机构”(波士顿环球)〔orient〕oriented the telescope toward the moon; oriented her interests toward health care.把望远镜对着月亮;把兴趣集中在健康保健〔photoheliograph〕A telescope equipped to photograph the sun.太阳(全色)照相仪:装备来拍摄太阳的望远镜〔Telescopium〕from telescopium [telescope] * see telescope 源自 telescopium [望远镜] * 参见 telescope〔riflescope〕A telescopic sight for a rifle.步枪瞄准镜:来复枪的望远镜瞄准器〔telescope〕Any of various devices, such as a radio telescope, used to detect and observe distant objects by their emission, transmission, reflection, or other interaction with invisible radiation.电波望远镜:通过远距离物体的发射、透射、反射或其它不可见辐射的相互作用来探测和观察远距离物体的设备,例如电波望远镜〔Parsons〕British astronomer known for his improvements to telescope construction.帕森斯,威廉:(1800-1867) 英国天文学家,因其对望远镜构造的改进而闻名〔follow〕followed the bird through binoculars.通过望远镜密切观察鸟类〔Rittenhouse〕American astronomer, mathematician, and public official who is reputed to have built the first American-made telescope and was the first director of the U.S. Mint (1792-1795).里顿豪斯,戴维:(1732-1796) 美国天文学家、数学家和政府官员。他被公认为制造了第一架美国制造的望远镜。而且是美国铸币局的第一任局长(1792-1795年)〔Ryle〕British astronomer. He shared a 1974 Nobel Prize for physics for using radio telescopes to probe outer space with great precision.赖尔,马丁:(1918-1984) 英国天文学家。因用无线电波望远镜极清晰地观察外太空,而获1974年诺贝尔物理奖〔aperture〕A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or a telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.光圈:光学仪器上的一个可调开口,如照相机或望远镜,它控制穿过镜头的或到镜面的光的数量〔altazimuth〕A mounting for astronomical telescopes that permits both horizontal and vertical rotation.经纬仪:天文望远镜的底座,可以使望远镜水平和垂直旋转 |
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