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单词 本义
释义 〔fun〕The day may come when this usage is entirely unremarkable,just as the wordtalkative has lost all taint of its originally jocular formation from the attachment of a Latinate suffix to a native Anglo-Saxon root. At present, however, the attributive use offun may still raise eyebrows, and writers who want to stay on the safe side are advised to avoid it in contexts in which a light tone would not be appropriate.也许总有一天,这一用法会变得完全不引人注意了,正如单词talkative 在其拉丁语后缀与盎格鲁-撒克逊语词根组成词时该词有打趣的意味,但现在已失去其所具有的本义了。 然而,现在使用fun 做定语仍有可能导致误解, 而为保险起见的作家也都会避免在与轻松的语调显得不太协调的行文中使用该词〔parent〕The Usage Panel is better disposed to accept the verbparent than in previous surveys, though a majority continues to find it unacceptable.In 1968 it was acceptable to only 19 percent of the Panel;in the most recent survey45 percent accepted it in the sentenceIn looking for foster homes, we give preference first to relatives and second to families with prior experience in parenting. · The use of the verbparent to mean "act as a parent to" is not entirely new:it occurs as early as 1884 in a metaphorical context.But its use in a literal sense with respect to children is a recent development and reflects a modern reconceptualization of family life.The word is not completely synonymous with the traditional expressionraise a child, though the precise nature of the differences may depend on the context.For some speakers,use of the word suggests a self-conscious shift from child to parent as the focus of the parental relationship,and it may be this implication that feeds critical reservations about the verb.But the usage also reflects a widespread practical realizationthat the activities required of a parent extend well beyond the direct interactionwith the child emphasized inchild raising. Thus theparenting classes for young parents offered by schools and state agencies encompass not only the activities traditionally associated with raising a childbut also topics such as personal self-sufficiency, household financial management, and methods of dealing with schools and health care agencies.See Usage Note at father 用法小组比以往更倾向于接受动词parent 了, 虽然还有大部分人觉得不可接受。1968年仅有19%的小组成员认同这种用法;在最近的调查中,有45%的人接受了它,如在:在寻找收养家庭时,我们首先选孩子的亲戚,其次是有过养育孩子经历的家庭 这样的句子中的用法。 Parent 的意为“做…的父(母)”动词用法, 并不完全是个新用法:早在1884年,在一个比喻性的文章中就出现过了。但就孩子这方面而言,它的本义是近期发展的结果并反映了现代家庭生活的观念。这个词并不与习语 raise a child 完全同义, 尽管不同之处确切的性质可能取决于说话背景。但对一些人来说,使用这个词暗含一个把家长的关系作为重点的自觉的从孩子到父母的转换,也许正是这个隐含的用意引起了关于这个动词批评性的保留。然而,这个用法也反映了广泛的现实认识,即要求父母的活动扩展到超出直接与孩子的相互作用,这个相互作用在 child raising 这个短语中有所强调。 因此,由学校和国家专门部门向年轻家长提供的 parenting 课, 不仅包括传统上与抚养孩子有关的事务,而且还包括诸如个人自给自足、家庭财政管理和同学校和保健部门打交道的方法等课题 参见 father〔rankle〕A persistent resentment, a festering sore, and a little snake are all coiled together in the history of the wordrankle. "A little snake" is the sense of the Latin worddracunculus to whichrankle can be traced, dracunculus being a diminutive of dracō, "snake.” The Latin word passed into Old French, asdraoncle, having probably already developed the sense "festering sore,”because some of these sores resembled little snakes in their shape or bite.The verbdraoncler, "to fester,” was then formed in Old French. The noun and verb developed alternate forms without thed-, and both were borrowed into Middle English, the nounrancle being recorded in a work written around 1190, the verbranclen, in a work probably composed about 1300. Both words had literal senses having to do with festering sores.The noun is not recorded after the 16th century,but the verb went on to develop the figurative senseshaving to do with resentment and bitterness with which we are all too familiar.Rankle 这个词有不停的埋怨、折磨人的疼痛以及小蛇这三个意思。 “小蛇”是拉丁语dracunculus 的词义, 该词同时也是rankle 的词源, dracunculus 是意为“蛇”的 daaco 的小词尾。 该拉丁词进入古法语成为draoncle 时, 可能已有“折磨人的痛苦”这一词义,因为这种痛苦类似于小蛇的形状和撕咬。意为“骚扰,折磨”的动词draoncle 形成于法语中。 名词和动词去掉d- 后发展了各自的形式并都被借入中古英语, 名词rancle 第一次记载于1190年的一部作品中, 动词ranclen 记载于大约作于1300年的一部作品中。 两个词的本义都与“折磨人的疼痛”有关。名词在16世纪后就不见使用了,但动词却不断发展,后来便有了我们熟知的与抱怨和恼怒相关的比喻义了




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