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单词 机体
释义 〔airframe〕The structure of an aircraft, such as an airplane, a helicopter, or a rocket, exclusive of its power plant.机体,弹体,构架:航空器的构架,如飞机、直升机、火箭,不包括发电机〔electrogenesis〕Production of electrical impulses in living organisms or tissues.电发生机理:活体机体或组织中电活动的产生〔biogenesis〕The principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter.生源说:关于生物机体仅能从其他生物机体而非无生命物质发展而来的原理〔diplegia〕Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body.两侧麻痹:机体两边有相应部分的麻痹〔bioelectric〕Of or having to do with the electric current generated by living tissue.生物电的:属于或有关于由生命机体组织产生的电流的〔inanimate〕Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms; not animate.See Synonyms at dead 无活力的:不具备与活跃的、有生命的机体相关的一些特质的;无生气的 参见 dead〔excretion〕The matter, such as urine or sweat, that is so excreted.废物:尿或汗等由机体排出的废物〔autolysis〕The destruction of tissues or cells of an organism by the action of substances, such as enzymes, that are produced within the organism. Also called self-digestion 自溶(作用):一种由物质的作用,例如酶,所产生的对机体组织或细胞的破坏作用,这种物质产生于机体内部 也作 self-digestion〔nomenclature〕The procedure of assigning names to the kinds and groups of organisms listed in a taxonomic classification:命名(过程),有系统的命名法:将名称指定给列于系统类别之中的各种或各组机体的过程:〔serology〕The characteristics of a disease or an organism shown by study of blood serums:血清特征:研究血清而显示的疾病或机体特征:〔xenogenesis〕The supposed production of offspring markedly different from either parent.异种生殖:生出与父母体完全不同的机体的假想〔astringent〕A substance or preparation, such as alum, that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions.止血剂:一种物质或药剂,如明矾,可以聚敛或收缩机体组织,从而有效地阻止血液或身体其它分泌物流出体外〔box〕To provide a housing or case for (a machine part, for example).装箱:为(机体,例如)提供套壳或箱子〔muscle〕A tissue composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect bodily movement.肌,股束:由纤维组成能够通过伸缩影响机体运动的组织〔tumbler〕A projecting piece on a revolving or rocking part in a mechanism that transmits motion to the part it engages.转臂:机械装置中转动或摇动部分上的凸出部分,用来把另一机体移到啮合部位〔autolysin〕A substance, such as an enzyme, that is capable of destroying the cells or tissues of an organism within which it is produced.自溶素:一种可以破坏产生它的机体的细胞或组织的物质,例如酶〔tetanus〕An acute, often fatal disease characterized by spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles, especially those of the neck and jaw, and caused by the toxin of the bacillusClostridium tetani, which typically infects the body through a deep wound. Also called lockjaw 破伤风:症状为自主肌痉挛性收缩的急性,通常为致死性疾病,尤其是颈肌与咀嚼肌痉挛性收缩,由厌氧芽胞核菌属 的细菌引起,典型地通过深伤口感染机体 也作 lockjaw〔phenylketonuria〕A genetic disorder in which the body lacks the enzyme necessary to metabolize phenylalanine to tyrosine. Left untreated, the disorder can cause brain damage and progressive mental retardation as a result of the accumulation of phenylalanine and its breakdown products.苯丙酮尿:一种先天性代谢异常,其机体缺乏将苯丙氨酸代谢成酪氨酸所必需的酶。如果不治疗,这种异常会导致脑损伤和精神抑制,这是苯基丙氨酸沉积和其分解物的产物〔macrogamete〕The larger, usually female of two conjugating gametes in a heterogamous organism. Also called megagamete 大配子:在具有异形配子的机体中两个结合的配子中较大的一个,通常是雌性的配子 也作 megagamete〔biolysis〕Death of a living organism or tissue caused or accompanied by lysis.生物溶解:生物或机体因溶解而死亡或随溶解而死亡〔atavism〕The reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence, usually caused by the chance recombination of genes.返祖现象,隔代遗传:机体特征在几代缺失后重新出现,通常由基因重组引起〔psychosis〕A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.精神错乱:一种严重的精神病,有时机体受到损害,有时没有,以人格错乱和与现实失去联系为特征,引起患者的正常社会性职能的衰退〔rogue〕An organism, especially a plant, that shows an undesirable variation from a standard.劣种:尤指显出不符合标准的不良变异的植物机体〔biogenesis〕Generation of living organisms from other living organisms.生物机体产生于其他生物机体〔phallus〕The immature penis considered in psychoanalysis as the libidinal object of infantile sexuality in the male.性本能机体的不成熟阴茎:精神分析论中,认为是男性幼稚性欲的性本能机体的不成熟阴茎〔organicism〕The theory that the total organization of an organism, rather than the functioning of individual organs, is the principal or exclusive determinant of every life process.有机体理论:主张机体的总体组合而非各机体独特功能是每个生命过程主要的且起决定性作用的因素的理论〔vagility〕The capacity or tendency of an organism or a species to move about or disperse in a given environment.漫游:某机体或种群在特定环境里游移或传播的能力或倾向〔nonself〕That which the immune system identifies as foreign to the body.异物:被安全系统认为是非机体原有的东西




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