单词 | 杀死 |
释义 | 〔Grendel〕The male monster, descended from Cain, slain by Beowulf in the Old English epicBeowulf. 格伦德尔:在古英语史诗裴欧沃夫 中被裴欧沃夫杀死的为该隐后代的雄性巨怪 〔saber〕To hit, injure, or kill with a saber.用军刀击、伤或杀死〔victim〕One who is harmed or killed by another:受害者:被另一个人伤害或者杀死的人:〔necrosis〕Late Latin necrōsis [a causing to die, killing] 后期拉丁语 necrōsis [导致死之的原因,杀死] 〔Macbeth〕King of Scotland (1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan (died 1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedyMacbeth. 马克白:苏格兰国王(1040-1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表兄国王邓肯(卒于1040年)后即位。他夺权和统治的传说构成了莎士比亚《马克白》 的主要基础 〔pyrethroid〕Any of several synthetic compounds similar to pyrethrin, used as an insecticide.类除虫菊酯物:与除虫菊酯相似的一种合成的混合物,用于杀死昆虫的药剂〔hunt〕To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill:追捕,猎杀:为抓获或杀死而努力追逐:〔matador〕from matar [to kill] 源自 matar [杀死] 〔pyrethrin〕Either of two viscous liquid esters, C21H 28O 3 or C 22H 28O 5, that are extracted from pyrethrum flowers and used as insecticides. 除虫菊酯:两种液体粘性酯中的任一种,C21H 28O 3或C 22H 28O 5,从红花除虫菊花上提取,用于杀死昆虫 〔nematocide〕A substance or preparation used to kill nematodes.线虫杀虫剂:用来杀死线虫的物质或制剂〔Peck〕American actor who is best known for his portrayals of strong and courageous characters. Among his films areSpellbound (1950) and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). 派克,格雷戈里:(生于 1916) 美国演员,以饰演刚强和勇敢无畏的人物而知名,主演的影片包括《符咒》 (1950年)和 《杀死知更鸟》 (1962年) 〔decimate〕Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions.Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group.Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentenceThe Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge thatthe number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population.However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing,as inThe supply of fresh produce was decimated by the accident at Chernobyl, the usage is accepted by only 26 percent of the Panel.Decimate 最初指杀死每十人中的一个, 用于古罗马军队对反叛军团的一种惩罚。现在这一层意思通常引申为大批杀死。用法专题使用小组中66%的成员认为在德国的犹太人在战争中被大批杀死 一句中该词的这一引申义可接受, 尽管众所周知,被杀的犹太人的数目远比最初人口的十分之一要多。可是,当词义外延至包括大量毁灭而不是戳杀,如在新鲜农产品的供应由于车诺比事故极大地受到了破坏 一句中, 用法专题使用小组中只有26%的成员接受这一用法。〔Judith〕In the Old Testament, a Jewish heroine who rescued her people by slaying an Assyrian general.犹滴:《圣经·旧约》中的犹太女英雄,她通过杀死一名亚述大将而拯救了她的全族〔Hector〕A Trojan prince, the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba, killed by Achilles in Homer'sIliad. 赫克托耳王:据荷马所著的伊利亚特 ,他是特洛伊王子,是普里阿摩斯和赫卡柏的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死 〔BT〕A bacterium, lethal to and used to control many kinds of caterpillars that are pests of ornamental, crop, and other plants.BT菌:一种致命细菌,可用来杀死或抑制各种造成观赏植物、庄稼和其它植物虫害的毛虫〔shed〕To take life, especially with violence; kill.杀:夺走生命,尤指以暴力;杀死〔pacifarin〕Any of various bacterial products that, introduced in small amounts, protect an organism from an infection or a disease without killing the infectious agent.抑菌剂:任一种细菌产物,数量较小,在不杀死传染作用物的情况下保护微生物不受传染或疾病侵扰〔pasteurization〕The act or process of heating a beverage or other food, such as milk or beer, to a specific temperature for a specific period of time in order to kill microorganisms that could cause disease, spoilage, or undesired fermentation.巴氏杀菌法:对饮料或其它食物,如牛奶或啤酒,加热到一定温度并持续一段时间以杀死可能导致疾病、变质或不必要的发酵的微生物的行为过程〔assassin〕At first glance, one would be hard-pressed to find a link between pleasure and the acts of assassins.Such was not the case, however, with those who gave us the wordassassin. They were members of a secret Islamic order originating in the 11th centurywho believed it was a religious duty to harass and murder their enemies.The most important members of the order were those who actually did the killing.Having been promised paradise in return for dying in action, the killers,it is said, were made to yearn for paradise by being given a life of pleasure that included the use of hashish.Hence, the name for the secret order as a whole,ḥaššāšīn, "hashish users.” After passing through French or Italian, the word came into English and is recorded in 1603 with reference to the Moslem assassins.开始接触这个词,可能不容易看出暗杀者的乐趣与行为的联系。但是,对于给我们assassin 这个词的人来说,并不是这样。 他们是伊斯兰秘密团体的成员,该团体源自11世纪,他们认为骚扰并杀死他们的敌人是他们的宗教义务。该团体中最重要的成员是实际行使暗杀者。由于暗杀者被许诺进入天堂以作为对可能在行动中被杀的回报,据说为促使他们对天堂的热切渴望,先给予他们一种包括使用大麻麻醉剂乐趣的生活。这样hassasin “大麻使用者”就成了该秘密团体的名称。 这个词经过法语或意大利语进入英语,1603年记录下来,指穆斯林暗杀者。〔electrosurgery〕The surgical use of high-frequency electric current for cutting or destroying tissue, as in cauterization.电外科:在外科手术中为切割或杀死组织使用高频率电流,如用在烧灼术中〔slaughter〕To kill in a violent or brutal manner.残杀:以凶狠的、野蛮的方式杀死〔suffocate〕To kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen.窒息而死,把…闷死:通过阻断空气或氧气通入而杀死或毁灭〔uxoricide〕A man who kills his wife.杀妻者:杀死妻子的男人〔bayonet〕To prod, stab, or kill with this weapon.刺杀:用这种武器戳、刺伤或杀死〔larvicide〕An insecticide designed to kill larval pests.杀幼虫剂:用于杀死害虫幼虫的杀虫剂〔slaughter〕To kill (animals) for food; butcher.屠宰:为获取食物杀死(动物);屠宰〔faena〕The series of final passes performed by a matador preparatory to killing a bull in a bullfight.最后几次刺杀:斗牛士在斗牛过程中杀死斗牛前所做的最后关头的系列动作〔electrocoagulation〕Therapeutic use of a high-frequency electric current to bring about the coagulation and destruction of tissue.电凝法:利用高频电流的治疗用法,使组织凝固或杀死组织〔zap〕To destroy or kill with a burst of gunfire, flame, or electric current.杀死,摧毁:被突然而来的炮火、火焰、电流摧毁或杀死〔killing〕Intended or apt to kill; fatal.致死的:倾向或易于杀死;致命的〔Rienzi〕Italian revolutionary leader who installed himself as dictator of Rome (1347) but was quickly ousted at the bidding of the pope. In his second attempt to rule (1354), he was killed by a mob.里恩基,科拉·迪:(1313?-1354) 意大利革命领导人,他曾于1347年任罗马独裁者,但在教皇的要求下很快被推翻。在第二次企图统治中(1354年),被暴民杀死〔quell〕Middle English quellen [to kill] 中古英语 quellen [杀死] 〔capreomycin〕An antibiotic derived from a bacterium(Streptomyces capreolus) that is effective against the microorganism responsible for tuberculosis in human beings. 卷曲霉素,卷须霉素:从一种细菌(缠绕链霉菌) 中提取的一种抗生素,能有效地杀死导致人类肺结核的微生物 〔homicide〕A person who kills another person.杀人者:把另一人杀死的那个人〔praziquantel〕A drug, C19H 24N 2O 2, that kills trematodes and tapeworms parasitic to humans, used especially in the treatment of schistosomiasis. 吡喹酮:杀死寄生于人类的吸虫和绦虫的药剂,C19H 24N 2O 2,尤其用于治疗血吸虫病 〔homicide〕The killing of one person by another.杀人:一人把另一杀死〔Electra〕A daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon who with her brother Orestes avenged the murder of Agamemnon by killing their mother and her lover, Aegisthus.伊莱克特拉:阿伽门农与克吕泰墨斯特拉的女儿,为为其父亲报仇而与其弟奥瑞斯特斯杀死了他们的母亲和母亲的情夫埃古斯托斯〔ism〕"Formalism, by being an ‘ism,’ kills form by hugging it to death"(Peter Viereck)“形式主义,因为成为了一种‘主义’,就把形式拥抱得太紧而杀死了它”(彼得·维莱克)〔Laocoon〕A Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his two sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.拉奥孔:特洛伊的太阳神祭师,因警告特洛伊人不要中木马计而连同其二个儿了一起被两条海蟒杀死〔poisonous〕Having the capability of harming or killing by or as if by poison; toxic or venomous.有毒的:通过或好象通过毒药具有伤害或杀死的能力的;有毒的或剧毒的 |
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