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单词 条件
释义 〔distinction〕The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference:差别,不同:不相似或不同的条件或事实;相异:〔situate〕To place under particular circumstances or in a given condition.使处于:将…置于特殊的气氛或给定的条件〔comfort〕A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment.愉快:快乐轻松、安宁和满意的条件或感觉〔into〕To the condition, state, or form of:转为:到…的条件,状态,或形式中:〔free〕Not subject to a given condition; exempt:被豁免的:不受既定条件支配的;被免除的:〔constant〕An experimental or theoretical condition, factor, or quantity that does not vary or that is regarded as invariant in specified circumstances.永恒值:不变的或在具体环境中被认为不变的一个实验上或理论上的条件、因素或数量〔stipulate〕To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract.规定:作为合约的条件规定;按合同要求〔diathesis〕Greek [disposition, condition] 希腊语 [倾向,条件] 〔handicap〕Such an advantage or penalty.See Synonyms at advantage 这样的便利条件或不利条件 参见 advantage〔universality〕The quality, fact, or condition of being universal.一般性;普遍性:成为普遍的性质、事实或条件〔wilderness〕An unsettled, uncultivated region left in its natural condition, especially:荒野,荒地:保留天然条件的无人定居的未开垦地区,尤指:〔ecotype〕The smallest taxonomic subdivision of an ecospecies, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. The populations are infertile with other ecotypes of the same ecospecies.生态型:生态种的最小划分单位,由适应某一特定环境条件的群体组成。这些群体与其他同种异型的物种不能杂交〔subclimax〕A stage in the ecological succession of a plant or animal community immediately preceding a climax, and often persisting because of the effects of fire, flood, or other conditions.亚顶级群落:一植物或动物群落中直接先于气候顶极或区域顶极的生态演替阶段或群落,常因为火灾,洪水或其他条件之影响保持相对稳定〔environment〕The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or a community.社会环境:影响个人或社会本质的社会和文化条件的总和〔surroundings〕The external circumstances, conditions, and objects that affect existence and development; the environment.围绕物,周围的事物:周围环境、条件和影响存在和发展的事物;境况〔Adler〕American philosopher and educator whose numerous published works includeHow to Read a Book (1940) and The Conditions of Philosophy (1965). 阿德勒,莫蒂默·杰罗姆:(生于 1902) 美国哲学家及教育家,其大量已出版的作品包括《如何阅读一本书》 (1940年)以及 《哲学的条件》 (1965年) 〔Beers〕American mental-health pioneer who as a patient discovered abysmal conditions in asylums. On his release he wrote an autobiography,A Mind That Found Itself (1908), and thereafter worked for international mental-health reforms. 比尔斯,克利福德·惠延厄姆:(1876-1943) 美国心理卫生学的先驱。作为一个病人,他发现了精神病院极端恶劣的条件。刚一出院他就写了一本自传《发现本体的心智》 (1908年),从此以后致力于国际精神卫生的改革工作 〔qualification〕fulfilled the qualifications for registering to vote in the presidential election.达到能在总统大选中报名投票的条件〔strict〕Conforming completely to established rule, principle, or condition:严守的:完全遵守已有的规则,原则或条件的:〔fruitage〕The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit.结果实:结果的过程、时间或条件〔include〕Involve usually suggests inclusion as a logical consequence or necessary condition: Involve 通常作为一种逻辑推理的结果或必需条件而被包括进去: 〔lightness〕The quality or condition of being illuminated.光亮度:光照的性质或条件〔cohesion〕The act, process, or condition of cohering:内聚性:凝集的动作、过程和条件〔fertility〕The condition, quality, or degree of being fertile.肥沃的条件、本质及程度〔title〕The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.所有权:构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件〔taphonomy〕The conditions and processes of fossilization.形成化石的条件和过程〔strike〕An unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic; a disadvantage.好球:不利的条件,环境,或特点;劣势〔matrix〕"Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every form of freedom"(Benjamin N. Cardozo)“言论自由几乎是任何一种自由形式的母体和不可缺少的条件”(本杰明N.卡多佐)〔community〕A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions.共生动物群:一群植物和动物,在有比较相似的环境条件的特定区域生活和相互影响〔necessary〕Unavoidably determined by prior conditions or circumstances; inevitable:不可避免的:因原有的条件成环境决定而不能避免的,不可避免的:〔wall〕An extreme or desperate condition or position, such as defeat or ruin:绝境:一种极端的或近乎绝望的条件或境地,如挫败或毁坏:〔reinforcement〕An event, a circumstance, or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given response will recur in a situation like that in which the reinforcing condition originally occurred.强化条件:能增强给定的反应在原先的强化条件下再次发生的可能性的一个事件,环境或条件〔humiliation〕A humiliating condition or circumstance.丢脸,丢人:使人丢脸的条件或环境〔voice〕The quality or condition of a person's singing:歌唱才能:一个人歌唱的质量或条件〔mortgage〕A contract or deed specifying the terms of a mortgage.抵押单据,抵押证明:一种具体规定抵押条件的合约和证书〔mobile〕Capable of moving or changing quickly from one state or condition to another:变化的:能从一种状态或条件很快地移动或转变为另一种状态或条件的:〔hold〕To maintain in a given condition, situation, or action:保持:维持给定条件、状态或行为:〔proviso〕A clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or restriction.限制性条文:文件中作为一个限定、条件或限制的条文〔strike〕To make and confirm the terms of (a bargain).定下:制定或证实(交易)的条件〔femininity〕The quality or condition of being feminine.作为女性的气质或条件




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