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单词 杰出
释义 〔nonpareil〕A person or thing that has no equal; a paragon.See Synonyms at paragon 完美无比的人或物:无比杰出的人或物;完人 参见 paragon〔honorable〕Distinguished; illustrious:卓越的;杰出的:〔banner〕Unusually good; outstanding:特别好的;杰出的:〔make〕I will not make so bold as to criticize such a distinguished scholar.我不会冒险去批评这么杰出的一位学者〔eminent〕Outstanding, as in character or performance; distinguished:杰出的:例如在戏剧或表演中杰出的;醒目的:〔Tiepolo〕Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, includingThe Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha (both 1750). 泰波罗,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特:(1696-1770) 意大利画家,他对透视、光线、色彩和构图有杰出的掌握,创作了一大批世俗和宗教作品,其中有《克利奥帕特拉的宴会》 和 《圣阿加莎的殉道》 (同为1750年) 〔preeminent〕Superior to or notable above all others; outstanding.See Synonyms at dominant See Synonyms at noted 突出的:高于所有其他的或比所有人都显著的;杰出的 参见 dominant 参见 noted〔West〕American painter. The first American to study art in Italy (1760-1763), he settled in England and quickly became a prominent artist.The Death of General Wolfe (1770) is among his most important works. 韦斯特,本杰明:(1738-1820) 美国画家。他是第一位到意大利学习艺术的美国人(1760-1763年),后来他在英国安家并很快的成为杰出的艺术家。《沃尔夫将军之死》 (1770年)是她最重要的作品之一 〔example〕This poem is a fair specimen of his work. See also Synonyms at ideal 这首诗是他著作中的杰出范例 参见同义词 ideal〔monarch〕One that surpasses others in power or preeminence:大王:在力量或杰出程度上超越其他的事物:〔transcendentalism〕The quality or state of being transcendental.超越、先验、杰出的性质或状态〔top〕In a position of preeminence:杰出的:处于极突出位置的:〔magnate〕from Late Latin magnātēs [pl. of] magnās [magnate] 源自 后期拉丁语 magnātēs magnās的复数 [杰出的人] 〔gent〕Middle English [noble, excellent] 中古英语 [高尚的,杰出的] 〔beaut〕Something outstanding of its kind:精彩,杰出:同类中突出的东西:〔uper〕suffixed form*super-bhw-o- , "being above" ( *bhw-o- , being; see bheuə- ). superb , from Latin superbus , superior, excellent, arrogant; 添加后缀的形式*super-bhw-o- , “在上面” ( *bhw-o- , 在,有,是; 参见 bheuə-). superb , 源自 拉丁语 superbus , 上好的, 杰出的, 傲慢的; 〔noticeable〕 Remarkable describes what elicits comment because it is unusual or extraordinary: Remarkable 表示那些因不平常和杰出而引出的评论: 〔worthy〕An eminent or distinguished person.杰出人物,伟人:杰出的或卓著的人〔crackerjack〕Of excellent quality or ability; fine.素质或能力优秀的;杰出〔observable〕Deserving or worthy of note; noteworthy:值得注意的:应该引起或值得注意的;杰出的:〔ennoble〕ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.因其杰出的功劳授予总理爵位〔lollapalooza〕Something outstanding of its kind.极出色的人或物:某一类事物中杰出的一个〔wit〕A person of exceptional intelligence.才子,智者:具有杰出的智力的人〔Pleiad〕Often pleiad A group of seven illustrious persons. 常作 pleiad 七位精英:一组七个杰出的人物〔Sumner〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Massachusetts (1851-1874), he was a brilliant orator with an uncompromising opposition to slavery.萨姆纳,查尔斯:(1811-1874) 美国政治家,是来自于马萨诸塞州的一位美国参议员(1851-1874年),他是一位杰出的演说家,他坚定、毫不妥协地反对奴隶制〔paragon〕A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example:典型,模范:一类中杰出或完美的模式;无可匹敌的范例:〔McKay〕Jamaican-born American writer who figured prominently in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's. His works include collections of poetry, such asConstab Ballads (1912), and novels, including Home to Harlem (1928). 麦凯,克劳德:(1890-1948) 牙买加裔美国作家,为20世纪20年代的哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的杰出代表人物。他的作品有诗集如《康斯特布民歌》 (1912年)以及小说如 《回到哈莱姆的家》 (1928年) 〔phenomenal〕Extraordinary; outstanding:非凡的;杰出的:〔only〕Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的〔name〕An illustrious or outstanding person:名人:著名的或杰出的人:〔ducky〕Excellent; fine.卓越的,杰出的;好的,上等的〔towering〕Outstanding; preeminent:杰出的;卓越的:〔Olivier〕British actor and director best known for his interpretations of Shakespeare's Othello and Richard III. He was knighted in 1947 for his contributions to the theater and directed the National Theatre of Great Britain from 1962 to 1973.奥利维尔,劳伦斯·克尔:(1907-1989) 英国演员和导演,以其对莎士比亚戏剧人物奥赛罗和查理三世的精彩表演而著称。由于他对于戏剧杰出的贡献,在1947年被授予爵士头衔,并且从1962年至1973年还执掌大不列颠国家剧院〔take〕To win the prize; be outstanding.赢得了奖项;杰出〔Baker〕American writer. A long-timeNew York Times columnist, he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for distinguished commentary and in 1983 for his autobiography Growing Up. 贝克,拉塞尔·韦恩:(生于 1925) 美国作家,是《纽约时报》 的长期专栏作者,他因杰出的评论文章而获1979年获普利策奖,并因其自传 《成长》 而于1983年再次获此奖 〔mixer〕She's outgoing and a good mixer.她是一个杰出的爱交际的人〔Thorpe〕American athlete. An outstanding collegiate football player, he later played professional football and baseball. He won the decathlon and pentathlon in the 1912 Olympics but was later disqualified because of his professional status.索普,詹姆斯·弗朗西斯:(1888-1953) 美国运动员,杰出的大学足球运动员,后来从事职业足球和棒球。他曾在1912年奥运会中获十项运动全能冠军和五项运动全能冠军,但后来因其职业身份而被取消资格〔Laurel〕British-born American comedian who with Oliver Hardy formed the first great comedy team of talking films. Their works includeThe Music Box (1932) and A Chump at Oxford (1940). 劳莱,阿瑟·斯坦利·杰斐逊:(1890-1965) 英裔美国喜剧演员,他和奥利佛·哈代组成了有声电影中第一对杰出的喜剧搭档,他们的作品包括《八音盒》 (1932年)和 《牛津白痴》 (1940年) 〔lustrous〕Gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant.See Synonyms at bright 光辉的,杰出的:以或仿佛以亮光闪耀的;光辉的 参见 bright〔prince〕An outstanding man, especially in a particular group or class:巨头,名家:杰出的人,尤指在某一特定团体或阶层中:




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