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单词 极少
释义 〔Velcro〕"Many colleges and universities have adopted a Velcro approach to curriculum design: sticking additional requirements on a base of distribution requirements"(New York Times)"In the early stages of a romance—the Velcro period—intimacy is rarely an issue"(Chicago Tribune)“许多学院和大学已采用了一种设置课程的维可牢方法:在分类要求的上插入附加的要求”(纽约时报)“在浪漫文学的早期阶段——维可牢时期——极少描述亲昵的行为”(芝加哥论坛报)〔tight〕Affording little spare time; full:紧凑的:提供极少的空闲时间的;满满的:〔xenon〕A colorless, odorless, highly unreactive gaseous element found in minute quantities in the atmosphere, extracted commercially from liquefied air and used in stroboscopic, bactericidal, and laser-pumping lamps. Atomic number 54; atomic weight 131.30; melting point -111.9°C; boiling point -107.1°C; density (gas) 5.887 grams per liter; specific gravity (liquid) 3.52 (-109°C). See table at element 氙:一种无色、无味、高度惰性的气体元素,在大气中含量极少,可以从液态空气中分离得到,用于频闪观测灯、杀菌灯和镭射充能灯中。原子数为54;原子量为131.30;熔点-111.9°C;沸点-107.1°C;每升纯氙重5.887克;比重(液体)3.52(在-109°C时) 参见 element〔oligopoly〕A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors.寡头卖主垄断:一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力〔rarely〕She rarely if ever watches television.她极少看电视。〔feldspar〕Any of a group of abundant rock-forming minerals occurring principally in igneous, plutonic, and some metamorphic rocks, and consisting of silicates of aluminum with potassium, sodium, calcium, and, rarely, barium. About 60 percent of the earth's outer crust is composed of feldspar.长石:任何一组由大量岩石形成的矿物,主要存在于火成岩、深成岩以及一些变性的岩石中,含有钾、钠、钙及极少的钡的铝硅酸盐,地球的外层地壳中约百分之六十是长石〔fast〕 Quick most often applies to what takes little time or to promptness of response or action: Quick 大多指花费极少时间或反应或动作的敏捷: 〔small〕a minuscule amount of rain;极少的降雨量;〔ghastly〕lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism: 耸人听闻的罪行。 该词极少用来指怒目而视的并且通常是令人不快的危言耸听: 〔unflattering〕Acknowledging few or no good aspects; unfavorable:不奉承的;坦率的:承认极少或认为没有好的方面的;不利的:〔sterile〕Producing little or no vegetation; unfruitful:贫瘠的:不产生或产生极少植被的;不结果实的:〔microstate〕An independent country that is very small in area and population. Also called ministate 超小国家:一个面积狭小,人口极少的独立国家 也作 ministate〔run〕To become scanty or insufficient in supply:供给不足或极少〔shit〕To care the least bit.只在乎极少的一点〔Svengali〕"a crafty Svengali who lures talented people with grand promises yet gives them little lasting operational authority"(Chris Welles)“一个以堂皇的诺言引诱有才能的人,却给予他们极少实际权力的精明的斯文加利式人物”(克里斯·韦尔斯)〔outside〕Very unlikely; remote:极少的,万一的:非常不可能的;细微的:〔nonessential〕Having little or no importance; not essential.非必要的,不重要的:有极少或根本没有重要性的;非本质的〔introduction〕"He loathed a fork; it is a modern introduction which has still scarcely reached common people"(D.H. Lawrence)“他讨厌叉子,一般人仍然极少使用这个现代的用具”(D.H.劳伦斯)〔through〕Affording transportation to a destination with few or no stops and no transfers:直达的:经极少停留或不经停留且不需转换即可到目的地的交通的:〔oligopsony〕A market condition in which purchasers are so few that the actions of any one of them can materially affect price and the costs that competitors must pay.寡头买主垄断:一种由少量买方控制的市场状况,由于买主极少,以至于任一买主的行为都有可能极大地影响价格及竞买者所必须偿付的费用〔rarely〕She rarely or never watches television. See Usage Note at hardly ,redundancy 她极少看电视 参见 hardly,redundancy〔beefcake〕Minimally attired men with muscular physiques, as in photographs or motion pictures.健美男性的裸照:穿着极少、肌肉发达的男人,如在照片上或电影中〔unfrequented〕Receiving few or no travelers or visitors:人迹罕至的:极少或不接受旅游者或参观者的:〔epithelium〕Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs.上皮:由一层或几层被极少细胞间质分隔的细胞构成的膜状组织,包着身体和器官的内外表面〔alecithal〕Having little or no yolk:无蛋黄的:有极少蛋黄或没有蛋黄的:〔McJob〕A job, usually in the retail or service sector, that is low paying, often temporary, and offers minimal or no benefits or opportunity for promotion.麦当劳工作,临时工:通常是零售或服务业内的工作,报酬低,经常是临时性的,提供极少甚至没有福利或晋升机会〔mindless〕Giving or showing little attention or care; heedless:不注意的,粗心大意的:给予或显示极少的注意或关心的;莽撞的:〔smokeless〕Emitting or containing little or no smoke:无烟的:不或极少散发或包含烟尘的:〔minimalist〕Being or providing a bare minimum of what is necessary.最低必须限度的:只有或只提供必要的极少一部分的




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