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单词 林地
释义 〔clearing〕A tract of land within a wood or other overgrown area from which trees and other obstructions have been removed.皆伐区,林地开垦:在树林或灌木繁生地带内清除了树木和其它障碍的一块地〔twinleaf〕An eastern North American woodland plant(Jeffersonia diphylla) having basal leaves deeply cleft into two kidney-shaped lobes and a solitary white flower borne on a long scape. 二叶鲜黄连:一种北美洲东部林地植物(二叶鲜黄连 鲜黄连属) ,有分得很开成为两肾脏状裂片的基生叶和单枝不拔节的白花 〔forestland〕A section of land covered with forest or set aside for the cultivation of forests.林地:覆盖着森林或用于植树造林的一片土地〔foamflower〕A woodland plant(Tiarella cordifolia) of eastern North America, having a narrow cluster of small white flowers. Also called false miterwort 心叶黄木枝:一种产于北美东部的林地植物(心叶黄水枝 黄水枝属) ,生有一种窄小的白花簇 也作 false miterwort〔semidesert〕A semiarid area often located between a desert and a grassland or woodland.半沙漠,半荒漠:半干旱的地区,通常位于沙漠和草原或林地之间〔woodland〕Of, relating to, or constituting woodland.林地的:林地的,与林地有关的,构成林地〔shinleaf〕Any of various Eurasian and North American woodland perennial herbs of the generaMoneses and Pyrola, especially P. elliptica, having a basal cluster of elliptic to oblong leaves and white to pink flowers. 鹿蹄草:一种产于欧亚和北美的Moneses属 和 鹿蹄草属 林地多年生草木植物,尤指 椭圆叶鹿蹄草 ,有椭圆形到长方形的基状叶簇,白色到粉色的花朵 〔tinamou〕Any of various chickenlike or quaillike birds of the family Tinamidae, living in grasslands and jungles of Central and South America.:一种象小鸡和鹌鹑的科鸟类,生活在中南美洲的草原和林地〔silenus〕Any of the minor woodland deities and companions of Dionysus, depicted on Greek vases as men with the tails, ears, and hoofs of horses.小森林之神:林地小神和酒神狄俄尼索斯的同伴中的一个,在希腊的花瓶上被描绘成带尾巴、耳朵和马蹄的男子〔cep〕A species of edible mushroom(Boleteus edulis) widely distributed in woodlands. 美味牛肝菌:一种可食蘑菇(美味牛肝菌) ,广泛分布于林地 〔silvicolous〕Growing in or inhabiting woodlands.生长或居住在林地中的〔deforest〕To cut down and clear away the trees or forests from.砍伐林地:砍掉并清除某处的树木或树林〔woodland〕Living, growing, or present in woodland:生活在、生长在或存在于林地的:〔woodland〕Land having a cover of trees and shrubs.林地:有树和灌木作覆盖物的土地〔goldenseal〕A woodland plant(Hydrastis canadensis) of eastern North America, having small greenish-white flowers and a yellow root formerly used medicinally. Also called orangeroot 白毛茛:一种产于北美洲东部的林地植物(白毛茛 白毛茛属) ,有略呈浅绿色的小白花,黄色的根,以前作药用 也作 orangeroot〔Campbell〕British poet and editor best known for his ballad "Lord Ullin's Daughter" (1809).坎贝尔,托马斯:(1777-1844) 英国诗人和编辑,以其叙事诗《尤林地主的女儿》(1809年)而享有盛誉〔hummock〕Also ham.mock [hămʹək] A tract of forested land that rises above an adjacent marsh in the southern United States. 也作 ham.mock [hămʹək] 肥沃高地:美国南部沼泽附近的一片高林地〔woodnote〕A song or call characteristic of a woodland bird.林中鸟叫声:林地鸟独特的叫声或歌声〔timberland〕Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value.林地:尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地




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