单词 | 某一部分 |
释义 | 〔pressure〕A physical sensation produced by compression of a part of the body.压迫感:身体上某一部分由压迫而引起的生理上的感觉〔hold〕To carry or support (the body or a bodily part) in a certain position:使(身体或身体某一部分)保持特定姿势:〔ossia〕Or else. Used to designate an alternate section or passage.或:或者。用以表示乐曲中某一部分或某一段落的另一种奏法〔toric〕Of, relating to, or shaped like a torus or part of a torus.环形圆纹曲面:环形圆纹曲面的或其某一部分的;形状象环形圆纹曲面的或其某一部分的;与之有关的〔residuum〕Something remaining after removal of a part; a residue.See Synonyms at remainder 残留物:去掉某一部分后剩下的东西;残留物 参见 remainder〔walk〕The gait of a human being or other biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one part of a foot always on the ground.步法,脚步:人或其他两足动物的步法,双脚轮流提空,一只脚的某一部分始终接触地面〔concrescence〕The amassing of physical particles.增殖:身体某一部分的增生〔dimple〕A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human body, especially in the cheek or on the chin.酒窝: 在身体某一部分(特别在脸颊或下颚处)的天然凹陷〔god〕A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.神:一种具有超自然力量或因素的存在,被一类人所信仰和崇拜,尤指一雄性神灵,被认为能控制自然或现实世界的某一部分〔morphology〕The form and structure of an organism or one of its parts:一有机体或其某一部分的形成和结构:〔assign〕 Allocate usually means to set something apart from a larger quantity, as of money, for a specific purpose or for a particular person or group: Allocate 常常指为了一特定目的,或特殊的一个人或一组人将某一部分从一大的整体中分出来,如钱: 〔pool〕To accumulate in a body part:淤积:在身体某一部分淤积:〔felony〕Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part.重罪,大罪:英国早期法律规定的几种重罪,这些罪行可处以没收土地、财产甚至失去身体某一部分或死刑〔dislocation〕Displacement of a body part, especially the temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position.脱位,脱臼:身体某一部分的脱位,尤指骨头从它正常的位置暂时的脱臼〔cut〕The elimination or removal of a part:删节:消除或去掉某一部分:〔order〕A request made by a customer at a restaurant for a portion of food.点菜:顾客在餐厅用餐时提出上某一部分菜的请求〔lift〕A raised, high, or erect position, as of a part of the body:翘起:升高的、高的或直立的位置,如身体的某一部分:〔detent〕A catch or lever that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism.制动装置:阻止机械装置的某一部分的运动的擒纵装置或控制杆〔erethism〕Abnormal irritability or sensitivity of an organ or a body part to stimulation.兴奋增盛:某一器官和身体某一部分对刺激的不正常的应激性、激动性或敏感性〔submarginal〕Near the margin of a body, an organ, or a part:接近边缘的:接近身体、器官或某一部分边缘的:〔deflection〕The movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress.变位:由于拉力或应力作用致使建筑结构或建筑结构的某一部分的移动〔residue〕The remainder of something after removal of parts or a part.See Synonyms at remainder 残留物:被去掉某些或某一部分的某物的剩余部分 参见 remainder〔plaster〕A pastelike mixture applied to a part of the body for healing or cosmetic purposes. Also called sticking plaster 硬膏:涂敷在身体某一部分用于愈合或整容的糊状混合物 也作 sticking plaster〔guard〕An attachment or a covering put on a machine to protect the operator or a part of the machine.外壳:机器上的附加装置或外罩,用以保护操作者或机器的某一部分 |
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