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单词 梦想
释义 〔challenged〕People who object to the termsdisabled and handicapped as being too negative sometimes propose the substitution of challenged instead, as in referring to persons with physical disabilities as physically challenged. While this particular phrase is quite popular, it is sometimes taken to be condescending, and similar usages such as mentally challenged have failed to win equal acceptance. Indeed, the widespread parody of challenged in such expressions as electronically challenged for "inept at using computers" has effectively eliminated it as an all-purpose alternative to disabled or handicapped. 一些觉得使用disabled 和 handicapped 字眼过于负面的人,偶会以委婉的 challenged 代替,如用 physically challenged 指肢体有缺陷。这个特别词汇的使用相当普遍,因为有时会被视为较谦逊的用法,不过相似用法的接受度不一定相同, mentally challenged 这个用法便无法获得相同的认同。事实上,广为流传的 challenged 谐谑用法如以 electronically challenged(计算机残障) 来形容计算机白痴,已使得其全面替代 disabled 或 handicapped 沦为梦想 〔romantic〕Imaginative but impractical; visionary:幻想的:想象而不切实际的;梦想的:〔pass〕The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.这份遗产超出了我最漫无边际的梦想〔Oxford〕A borough of south-central England on the Thames River west-northwest of London. First mentioned in 912, it was chartered in 1605. Oxford University, with its famed "dreaming spires,” was founded in the 12th century and still dominates the center of the city. Population, 114,400.牛津:英格兰中南部的一个区,位于泰晤士河之滨,伦敦西北偏西。912年第一次被提及到,1605年被特许立市。牛津大学,有著名的“梦想之颠”,建于12世纪并且仍然居于整个城市的中心地位。人口114,400〔such〕never dreamed of such wealth.从未梦想过这样的财富〔dream〕a dream of owning their own business.想拥有自己的企业的梦想〔Lachine〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on Montreal Island and the St. Lawrence River. It was first settled as an estate by Sieur La Salle in 1668 and named for his futile dream of finding a westward passage to China. Population, 37,521.拉欣:加拿大魁北克南部一城市,位于蒙特利尔岛上,圣劳伦斯河畔。它最初是由拉萨尔先生于1668年作为一处地产而建,并且以他找到一条向西通往中国的道路的梦想命名。人口37,521〔sweep〕The incident in effect swept away all her dreams.这场事故事实上毁灭了她所有的梦想〔King〕American cleric whose eloquence and commitment to nonviolent tactics formed the foundation of the civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's. Among the many peaceful demonstrations he led was the 1963 March on Washington, at which he delivered his "I have a dream" speech. He won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, four years before he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.金,小马丁·路德:(1929-1968) 美国牧师。他对非暴力策略的雄辩和信奉导致了20世纪50年代和60年代民权运动的形成。在他领导的众多和平示威中包括1963年的向华盛顿进军,此中他发布了“我有一个梦想”的演说。1964年他获诺贝尔和平奖,四年后被暗杀于田纳西州的孟菲斯〔dream〕dreaming of a world at peace.梦想有和平的世界〔effect〕"Our dreams are the sequel of our waking knowledge" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).See also Synonyms at perform “我们的梦想是我们清醒时意识的继续” (拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生) 参见同义词 perform〔vaporing〕"All his . . . dreams of fame were the vaporings of a shoddy aesthete without talent"(Thomas Wolfe)“他的关于名誉的所有的梦想只不过是没有审美品味的赝品的夸耀而已”(托马斯·沃尔夫)〔dream〕A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration:梦想:渴望的状态或成就;雄心:〔defeat〕the defeat of a lifelong dream.毕生梦想的破灭〔come〕The knot came loose. This is a dream that has come true.结变松了。这是一个实现了的梦想〔withered〕"the battle to keep his withered dreams intact"(Time)“使他枯萎了的梦想不至破灭的战争”(时代)〔undeceive〕To free from illusion or deception.使不受欺骗:使…不受蒙骗;打破…的梦想〔degrade〕He dreamed of humbling his opponent. To 他梦想着压倒对手。 〔dream〕To have a deep aspiration:梦想:有远大的抱负:〔shatter〕The outcome of the conflict shattered our dreams of peace and prosperity.冲突的后果摧毁了我们对和平与繁荣的梦想〔actualize〕"More flexible life patterns could . . . nurture and renew our spirits through opportunities to actualize personal dreams"(Fred Best)“更多灵活的生活方式能…通过实现个人梦想的机会滋养和更新我们的精神”(弗雷德·贝斯特)〔bubble〕didn't want to burst the new volunteers' bubble.不想粉碎志愿者的梦想〔rave〕variant of resver [to dream, wander, rave] resver的变体 [梦想,游荡,胡说] 〔materialize〕By building the house, we materialized a dream.通过建造这所房子,我们实现了一个梦想〔beyond〕rich beyond his wildest dreams.超出他最渴望梦想的财富〔nor〕He cannot find anyone now, nor does he expect to find anyone in the future;现在他找不到任何人,以后也别梦想找到任何人 ;〔rival〕"They achieved more than they had ever dreamed, lending a magic to their family story that no tale or ordinary life could possibly rival"(Doris Kearns Goodwin)“他们取得的成就比他们所梦想的还要多,这给他们的家族史注入了一股魔力,使得任何神话及日常生活都没法匹敌”(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)〔consummate〕a dream that was finally consummated with the publication of her first book.她处女作的发表实现了她的梦想〔Brooks〕American poet known for her verses detailing the dreams and struggles of Black Americans. An early volume of poems,Annie Allen (1949), was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. 布鲁克斯,格温德琳·伊丽莎白:(生于 1917) 美国女诗人,以其淋漓尽致地描述美国黑人的梦想和斗争的诗而闻名。其早期的一部诗集《安妮·爱伦》 (1949年),获普利策奖 〔materialize〕In its original sensesmaterialize is used intransitively to mean "to assume material form,” as inMarley's ghost materialized before Scrooge's eyes, or transitively to mean "to cause to assume material form,” as inDisney materialized his dream in a plot of orchard land in Orange County. But these uses are probably less common nowadays than two extended senses of the intransitive sense of the verb.In the first the meaning is roughly "to appear suddenly,”as inNo sooner had we set the menu down than a waiter materialized at our table. Some critics have labeled this use incorrect,but the criticism may suggest an overliteralism;used in this way,the verb has the sense "to appear as if by magic.”Materialize also means "to take effective shape, come into existence,” particularly as applied to things or events that have been foreseen or anticipated: materialize 的最初含义是作为不及物动词时意思是“具有物质形式,” 例如在玛雷的鬼魂在斯克鲁奇眼前显现了 一句中或作及物动词时意思是“使具有物质形式,” 例如在迪斯尼在奥兰治郡的一块果园实现了他的梦想 中。 但是现在这两种用法也许不如该词作为不及物动词的两种延伸的用法更为常见。第一种用法的大致意思是指“突然出现,”例如在我们刚放下菜单不久,侍者就突然出现在我们的饭桌旁 中。 一些批评家认为这种用法不准确,但是这种批评未免太拘泥于字面意思;同样这种用法下,该词还有“仿佛由于魔力而出现”的意思。Materialize 还有“显形,显效,出现”的含义, 尤其适用在已经预料到或被期望的事物。 〔visionary〕Given to daydreams or reverie; dreamy.白日做梦的或幻想的;梦想




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