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单词 植物学
释义 〔Buffon〕French naturalist whose monumentalHistoire Naturelle (36 volumes, 1749-1788; 8 additional volumes completed by assistants and published in 1804) laid the foundation for later studies in biology, zoology, and comparative anatomy. 布丰,乔治斯·路易斯·勒克莱尔·德:(1707-1788) 法国博物学家,他的经典著作《自然史》 (36卷,1749-1788年);另外8卷由助手完成,1804年出版为以后的植物学,动物学和比较解剖学的研究奠定了基础 〔dendrology〕The botanical study of trees and other woody plants.树木学:研究树木和其他木本植物的植物学〔agronomy〕Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture.农学;农艺学:土壤学和植物学在土壤管理和作物生产中的应用;科学农业〔paleobotany〕The branch of paleontology that deals with plant fossils and ancient vegetation.史前植物学:古生物学的分支,研究植物化石以及古代植被〔Theophrastus〕Greek philosopher who succeeded Aristotle as leader of the Peripatetics and refined the work of Aristotle in botany and natural history.西奥佛雷特斯:继亚里斯多德之后的作为逍遥派领袖的希腊哲学家,并改进了亚里斯多德在植物学和自然史方面的著作〔mycology〕The branch of botany that deals with fungi.真菌学:真菌有关的植物学分支〔biology〕The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.生物学:生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支〔phytography〕The science of plant description; descriptive botany.记述植物学,植物分类学:植物描述的科学;植物分类学〔phytology〕The study of plants; botany.植物学:对植物的研究;植物学〔nomenclature〕the rules of nomenclature in botany.植物学的命名原则〔tautonym〕A taxonomic designation, such asGorilla gorilla, in which the genus and species names are the same, commonly used in zoology but no longer in botany. 重复名:一种分类学名称,例如大猩猩属大猩猩 ,其中属和种的名称是相同的,常用于动物学,但不在植物学中使用 〔naturalist〕One versed in natural history, especially in zoology or botany.博物学家:精通自然历史,尤其是动物学和植物学的人〔botanical〕Of or relating to the science of botany.植物学的:植物学的或与植物学有关的〔Goethe〕German writer and scientist. A master of poetry, drama, and the novel, he spent 50 years on his two-part dramatic poemFaust (published 1808 and 1832). He also conducted scientific research in various fields, notably botany, and held several governmental positions. 歌德,约翰·沃尔夫贡·冯:(1749-1832) 德国作者和科学家。精通诗歌、歌剧和小说。他花了50年时间写了二部戏剧长诗《浮士德》 (出版于1808年和1832年)。他也致力于各个领域的科学研究,在植物学方面享有盛誉,并在几次政府担任职务 〔agrostology〕The study of grasses.禾本植物学:关于禾本植物的科学〔phycology〕The branch of botany that deals with algae. Also called algology 藻类学:研究水藻的植物学分支 也作 algology




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