单词 | 欢迎 |
释义 | 〔greeting〕A word or gesture of welcome or salutation.问候,招呼:一个欢迎或致敬的词语或姿态〔wrong〕Unacceptable or undesirable according to social convention.不被接受的:不能被社会常理接受的或欢迎的〔host〕Host was used as a verb in Shakespeare's time, but this usage was long obsoletewhen the verb was reintroduced (or perhaps reinvented) in recent yearsto mean "perform the role of a host.”The usage occurs particularly in contexts relating to institutional gatherings or television and radio shows,where the person performing the role of host has not personally invited the guests to his or her own establishment (thus it would be odd to sayThis evening we are hosting a dinner party at our house for my husband's cousins from New York ). Perhaps because the verb involves a suspect extension of the traditional conception of hospitality,it initially met with critical resistance.In a 1968 surveyonly 18 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the usage in the sentenceThe Cleveland chapter will host this year's convention. Over time, however,the usage has become increasingly well establishedand appears to serve a useful purpose in describing the activities of one who performs the ceremonial or practical role of a host (in arranging a conference or entertainment, welcoming guests, and so forth).In our most recent survey53 percent of the Panelists accepted the usage in the phrasea reception hosted by the Secretary of State. The verb is less well accepted when used to describe the role of a performer who acts as a master of ceremonies for a broadcast or film,where the relation of the word to the notion of "hospitality" is stretched still further.Only 31 percent of the Panel accepted the use of the verb in the sentenceStudents have watched Sex, Drugs and AIDS, a graphic film hosted by actress Rae Dawn Chong. · The verbcohost has likewise become well established in its use to refer to those who collaborate in assuming responsibility for an occasion. Fifty-eight percent of the Usage Panel accepted this use in the sentenceThe Department of Architecture and the Department of History will be cohosting a reception for conference participants. Host 一词在莎士比亚时代用作动词, 但自那时起这一用法很长时间不用了,直到近年来又被重新起用(或者可能重新创造),用来表示“担当主人的角色”。这一用法尤其在学术聚会或电视、电台节目的情况下使用,在这些情况下,身为主人的人并没有以私人身份邀请客人去到他或她自己的家中,(这样的话,如果我们说今天晚上我们将在家中为我丈夫来自纽约的表兄妹‘主办’一个晚餐会 就会觉得有点别扭)。 也许是因为有人认为这一动词用法会扩大传统的“好客”概念,所以一开始它就遭到了批评性抑制。在1968年的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组中18%的成员在如下句子中的用法,即克利夫兰分会将主办本年度的大会。 但是,随着时间的推移,这一用法已逐渐被接受,并在描绘一个担当司仪或具体的主人任务(例如安排会议或娱乐活动,欢迎客人等等)时起到了很好的作用。在我们最近一次的调查中,用法专题使用小组中的53%的成员接受了短语由国务卿出面举办的招待会 中"host"一词的用法。 但当这一动词用法用来描绘作为广播节目或电影节目的主持人的主持工作时,人们就不太接受其用法,因为这样用,这个词与“好客”这一概念的关系就更松了。只有31%的用法专题使用小组成员接受host在句子学生们观摩了 由 演员雷·唐·宗主持解说的纪录片 ‘性、毒品与艾滋病’”中的动词用法。 同样,用来表示分工合作共同举办某一活动的动词cohost 也已被普遍接受。 58%的用法专题使用小组成员接受这一动词在如下句子中的用法:建筑系和历史系将共同为与会者举办一次招待会 〔kiss〕To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness.接吻:用嘴唇接触或抚摸,以表达慈爱、欢迎、尊敬或情爱〔receive〕To admit or welcome guests or visitors:接见,欢迎:接待或欢迎客人或来访者:〔salutatory〕An opening or welcoming statement or address, especially one delivered at graduation exercises.开幕词:表示开始或欢迎的话语或讲话,尤指在毕业典礼上的〔ovation〕A show of public homage or welcome.热烈欢迎:公开表达敬意或欢迎〔reception〕A welcome, greeting, or acceptance:接待,欢迎:欢迎,问候或接待:〔depressed〕a card welcomed by the downhearted patient. 受到心情忧郁的病人欢迎的卡片 〔join〕The committee joins me in welcoming you.委员会和我一起欢迎你〔triumph〕A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army.凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动〔ovation〕An ancient Roman victory ceremony of somewhat less importance than a triumph.小凯旋式:古罗马欢迎将士凯旋归来的仪式,隆重程度稍次于凯旋式〔ceremonious〕Their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt.他们礼节性的欢迎看起来并不是出于真心的〔welcome〕A cordial greeting or hospitable reception given to an arriving person.欢迎,款待:对刚刚到达的人的衷心问候或热情的接待〔hail〕The act of greeting or acclaiming.欢呼:问候或欢迎的动作〔semiclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a classical composition that enjoys popular appeal because of modern elements.半古典的:某个因现代因素而受大众欢迎的古典乐曲的、与之相关的或属于之的〔chervil〕khairein [to greet, delight in] * see gher- 2khairein [欢迎,喜爱] * 参见 gher- 2〔pretzel〕It is probably well known or widely assumed thatpretzel is a German word, since the food seems traditionally German, but the word ultimately has a Latin origin.The German wordBrezel or Pretzel, which was borrowed into English (first being recorded in American English in a newspaper of March 1856) goes back to the assumed Medieval Latin word brāchitellum. This would accord with the storythat a monk living in France or northern Italy first created the knotted shape of a pretzel,even though this type of biscuit had been enjoyed by the Romans.The monk wanted to symbolize arms folded in a prayer,hence the name derived from Latinbracchiātus, "having branches,” itself frombracchium, "branch, arm.” 可能象大家所熟知的或认定的那样,因为这种食品好象是德国的传统食品,所以大家认为pretzel 是个德语词, 但实际上这个词源于拉丁语。德语词Brezel 或 Pretzel 被借入英语(首次以美式英语记录于1856年3月的新闻报刊)可追溯到中世纪的拉丁词 brachitellum 。 这可能是与这个故事是一致的:一位住在法国或意大利北部的修士首创了这种节状的椒盐饼,尽管这种饼干很受罗马人的欢迎。那位修士想要象征祈祷者交叠的手臂,因此这个名字来源于拉丁语bracchiatus, 意为“有枝干的,” 该词本身又是由bracchium “枝干,手臂”演变而来的 〔ceremony〕The head of state was welcomed with full ceremony.人们以最高规格的仪式欢迎国家首脑〔receive〕To greet or welcome:欢迎:问候或欢迎:〔reception〕A social function, especially one intended to provide a welcome or greeting:招待会:一种社会活动,尤指用于欢迎或问候的社交活动:〔bosom〕We welcomed the stranger into the bosom of our family.我们以家庭的关怀来欢迎陌生人〔welcome〕Used to greet cordially a visitor or recent arrival.欢迎:用于衷心问候客人或最近到达的人〔peace〕Used as a greeting or farewell, and as a request for silence.静一下,不要吵:用作欢迎或道别语及请求安静等〔recommend〕Honesty recommends any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质〔hearty〕a hearty welcome.See Synonyms at sincere 热烈的欢迎 参见 sincere〔chime〕To call, send, or welcome by chiming.通过敲钟召集、传唤或表欢迎〔greet〕To salute or welcome in a friendly and respectful way with speech or writing, as upon meeting or in opening a letter.问候,称呼,招呼:在见面或信的开头以语言或文字方式友好并尊敬地致敬或欢迎〔that〕will go anywhere that they are welcome.去任何欢迎他们的地方〔formal〕a formal manner; a formal greeting; a formal bow to the monarch.刻板的仪态;刻板的欢迎;向君主刻板地鞠躬〔pipe〕To receive aboard or mark the departure of by sounding a boatswain's pipe.用长口哨欢迎或送别:用水手长的口哨迎接或表示分离〔homepage〕The opening or main page of a website, intended chiefly to greet visitors and provide information about the site or its owner.首页,主页:网站中的首页或是主要网页,主要是为了欢迎访客并提供此网站或是网站拥有者的相关信息〔welcome〕of Old English wilcuma [welcome guest, welcome] * see g wā- 古英语 wilcuma的变化 [欢迎客人,欢迎] * 参见 g wā- 〔Stuyvesant〕Dutch colonial administrator. The last Dutch governor (1646-1664) of New Netherland, he was unpopular for his harsh leadership and in 1664 was forced to surrender the colony to England.斯图佛逊,彼得:(1592?-1672) 荷兰殖民统治者,他是新荷兰的最后的一位荷兰的统治者(1646-1664年),因为其残酷的统治而不受人们欢迎,终于1664年被迫将该殖民地拱手让给英国〔intrude〕 Intrude implies thrusting or coming in without permission, warrant, or welcome;it often suggests violation of another's privacy: Intrude 暗指未经允许、授权、或欢迎用力推入或进入;通常暗示对他人隐私的侵犯: 〔welcome〕To greet, receive, or entertain (another or others) cordially or hospitably.欢迎:衷心地或热情地招呼、接纳或使某人愉悦 |
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