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单词 歌利亚
释义 〔Gath〕An ancient city of Palestine east-northeast of Gaza. It was one of the five Philistine city-kingdoms and the home of Goliath.迦特:加沙东北偏东巴勒斯坦一古城,是巴勒斯坦五个城市王国之一,是巨人歌利亚的故乡〔David〕The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Old Testament, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.大卫:犹大和以色列的第二任国王,据旧约记载,他杀死了腓力斯巨人歌利亚,并且接替索尔任国王,他是许多赞美诗的据说的作者〔Goliath〕In the Old Testament, a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David with a stone and sling.歌利亚:旧约圣经里的非利士巨人勇士,被大卫用石头打死




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