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释义 〔hernia〕The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture.疝,突出:某一器官或其它身体组织突破正常情况下包裹它们的细胞壁;突出〔pathway〕A chain of nerve fibers along which impulses normally travel.神经传导:神经纤维链,冲动正常情况上通过它传导〔herself〕Her normal or healthy condition or state:她的正常情况:她正常的或健康的情况或状态:〔flood〕An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.洪水:正常情况下干燥为陆地地区的水泛滥〔uremia〕A toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally excreted in the urine. Also called azotemia 尿毒症:因肾病而引起的中毒状态,表现为正常情况下应由尿排泄的排泄物遗留在血液中 也作 azotemia〔cannot〕The idiomatic phrasecannot but has sometimes been criticized as a double negative, perhaps because it has been confused withcan but. Thebut of cannot but, however, means "except,” as it does in phrases such asno one but, while thebut of can but has the sense only, as it does in the sentenceWe had but a single bullet left. Bothcannot but and can but are established as standard expressions. · The constructioncannot help is used with a present participle to roughly the same effect as cannot but in a sentence such as We cannot help admiring his courage. But this construction is generally restricted to contextsin which a person is unable to affect an outcome that would normally be under his or her control.It would be more precise to sayWith all the public interest in the affair, the book cannot but attract the attention of reviewers (or . . . can but gain . . . )than to say the book cannot help attracting the attention of reviewers, which suggests that the book might have had a say in the matter. · The constructioncannot help but probably arose as a blend of cannot help and cannot but; it has the meaning of the first and the syntax of the second: 习语cannot but 有时候被判定为一种双重否定, 这也许是因为它已混淆于can but 。 然而cannot but 中的 but 表示“除了”, 就如用在象no one but 这样的短语中一样, 而can but 中的 but 意思却是 only(只有) , 就如用在我们只剩下了一颗子弹 中那样。 cannot but 和 can but 都已被确定为标准的表达法。 cannot help 结构与现在分词同用的作用和 我们禁不住钦佩他的勇气 一句中的 cannot but 大致相同。 但这一结构通常只限于这种情况,即一个人在该情况下不能实现正常情况下处于他或她控制之下的结果。由于公众对该事件的浓厚兴趣,这本书理所当然地引起了评论家的注意 (或 …can but gain… )的说法比暗示这本书在此事中想必有决定权的 这本书情不自禁地吸引了评论家的注意 说法要更为精确。 cannot help but 也许是来自 cannot help 和 cannet but 的混合; 它具有前者的意思和后者的句法结构: 〔fetoprotein〕Any of several antigens normally present in a fetus and occurring abnormally in adults as a result of certain neoplastic conditions or diseases of the liver.胎蛋白:正常情况下存在于胎儿体内的任何抗原,若存在于成人体内则会由于某种赘生物或肝病而造成体内有不正常的反应〔kilter〕"policy ‘adjustments’ designed to bring the . . . country's economy back into kilter with the Western economic system"(Edward Zuckerman)“政策的‘调整’计划要使国家的经济回到西方经济系统的正常情况中来”(爱德华·祖克尔曼)〔ourselves〕Our normal or healthy condition or state:我们的正常情况:我们正常的健康的情况或状态:〔undersexed〕Having less sexual desire or potency than what is regarded as normal.性欲不强的,性冷淡的:具有比正常情况要少的性欲或性能力的〔kilter〕Good condition; proper form:正常情况正常情况;正确方式:




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