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单词 武装力量
释义 〔militarism〕Predominance of the armed forces in the administration or policy of the state.军国主义:在国家的管理或政策方面以武装力量为主导〔blockade〕The forces used to effect this isolation.封锁部队:用于进行隔离的武装力量〔demob〕Demobilization of armed forces.复员:武装力量的遣散〔gendarme〕A member of the French national police organization constituting a branch of the armed forces with responsibility for general law enforcement.乡村警察:法国警察组织的一员,由一支武装力量组成,负责普通法律的实施〔attack〕Beset suggests beleaguerment from all sides by an enemy force or by adversity: Beset 指受到敌人武装力量或敌对者的各方围攻: 〔military〕Members, especially officers, of an armed force.军人:武装力量的成员,尤指军官〔exec〕The executive officer of a unit of the armed forces.主任参谋,副舰长:武装力量某一部门的行政官员〔Valerian〕Emperor of Rome (253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces (260) and died in captivity.瓦莱里安:罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去〔convoy〕An accompanying and protecting force, as of ships or troops.护航舰队:起陪伴和保护作用的武装力量,如舰队或部队〔militia〕A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.预备役部队:不作为正规军的一部分,准备在紧急情况下服役的武装力量〔join〕were joined by marriage; join forces.结成夫妻;联合武装力量〔army〕Often Army The entire military land forces of a country. 常作 Army 陆军军队:一国的全部地面武装力量〔blockade〕The isolation of a nation, an area, a city, or a harbor by hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance and exit of traffic and commerce.封锁:用军用船只或武装力量隔离一个国家,一个地区,一个城市或一个港口,以阻止交通和商贸的进出〔military〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of members of the armed forces:军人的:武装力量的成员的、与之相关的或以之为特征的:〔legion〕Often Legion A national organization of former members of the armed forces. 常作 Legion 退伍军人协会:由武装力量的退役人员组成的一种全国性组织〔reserve〕The part of a country's armed forces not on active duty but subject to call in an emergency.后备部队:一国的不处于积极任务中但在紧急情况发生时随叫随到的分武装力量〔battlefront〕The line or sector in which armed forces engage in combat.前线:武装力量进行作战的场地或路线〔rebellion〕A rebellion in the officer corps led to chaos in the armed forces. Arevolution is the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another: 下士军官们的反叛导致了武装力量的混乱。 Revolution 是指推翻一个政府并用另一个政府来替代: 〔confrontation〕A conflict involving armed forces:武装对抗:涉及武装力量的冲突:〔military〕Performed or supported by the armed forces:武装力量的:由武装力量执行或支持的:〔demob〕To demobilize (armed forces).复员:遣散(武装力量〔atrocity〕An act of cruelty and violence inflicted by an enemy armed force on civilians or prisoners:暴行:由敌对武装力量对公民或犯人做出的残忍的或暴力的折磨:〔stratocracy〕Government by the armed forces.军阀政治:由武装力量当政的政治〔lift〕To bring an end to (a blockade or siege) by removing forces.撤消封锁:通过撤走武装力量而终止(封锁或包围)〔invasion〕The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.入侵:侵略的动作,特指武装力量进入领土进行征服的行为〔noncombatant〕A member of the armed forces, such as a chaplain or surgeon, whose duties lie outside combat.非战斗人员:武装力量一员,如牧师或医生,其责任在战斗之外〔attack〕an area assailed by enemy forces from both directions;被敌人武装力量从两个方向袭击的地区;〔Keitel〕German general and chief of the supreme command of Nazi armed forces during World War II. He signed the unconditional surrender of Germany to Russia and the Allies (May 1945) and was executed as a war criminal.凯特尔,威廉:(1882-1946) 德国将军,二战中是纳粹武装力量的高级统帅司令。他签署了德国对俄罗斯和盟军的无条件投降条约(1945年),并作为战犯被处决〔Franco〕Spanish soldier and political leader who directed the Nationalist government and rebel armed forces that defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). He ruled as dictator (1939-1975) until his death, upon which the Bourbon monarchy was restored.佛朗哥,弗朗西斯科:(1892-1975) 西班牙军人和政治领袖,领导民族主义政府在反对西班牙内战中(1936-1939年)击退共和党员的武装力量。他在(1939-1975年)年期间以独裁者姿态统治直到死,其后波旁皇室君主政体复位〔recruit〕To strengthen or raise (an armed force) by enlistment.征募,充实:通过增加人员来加强或提高(某个武装力量




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