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单词 毁灭性
释义 〔discord〕Strife usually implies a struggle, often destructive, between rivals or factions: Strife 通常暗示斗争,常指竞争双方或两派间的毁灭性斗争: 〔juggernaut〕Something, such as a belief or an institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed.使人盲目牺牲(或崇拜)的事物:使人们产生盲目而具毁灭性的热情或者无情地使人们为之牺牲的东西,如某种信仰或习俗制度〔Rome〕The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River. Traditionally founded by Romulus and Remus, it was ruled first by Etruscans, who were overthrown c. 500b.c. The Roman Republic gradually extended its territory and expanded its influence, giving way to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus (27 b.c. - a.d. 14). As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). Alaric I conquered the city in 410, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes. In the Middle Ages the city revived as the spiritual and temporal power of the papacy increased. During the 1800's Rome was held at various times by the French until it became the capital of Italy in 1871. Vatican City remains an independent enclave within the confines of Rome. Population, 2,830,569. 罗马:意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。传统上认为罗马由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯创建,伊特鲁里亚人最先统治罗马,并于公元前 500年被推翻。罗马共和国逐渐扩展领土和扩大势力,在奥古斯都( 公元前 27年- 公元 14年)统治时期成为罗马帝国。罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。阿拉里克一世于410年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。中世纪时,随着教皇宗教和世俗权力的上升,罗马又恢复了生机。19世纪期间,罗马不时受到法国人的统治,直至1871成为意大利的首都。梵蒂冈仍为罗马境内独立的外国领地。人口2,830,569 〔hepatotoxicity〕The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver.肝中毒:对肝有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况〔Balaklava〕A section of Sevastopol in the Crimea of southern European U.S.S.R. During the Crimean War Balaklava became famous for the doomed charge of the British Light Brigade against heavy Russian fire (October 25, 1854).巴拉克拉瓦:塞瓦斯托波尔市的一部分,位于苏联欧洲部分南部的克里米亚半岛上。在克里米亚战争期间,因英国轻兵旅对俄国重火力的毁灭性进攻而闻名(1854年10月25日)〔Gifu〕A city of central Honshu, Japan, north-northwest of Nagoya. A manufacturing center, the city was rebuilt after a devastating earthquake and fire in 1891. Population, 411,740.岐阜:日本本州岛中心的一个城市,位于名古屋的西北偏北,是一个制造中心,该城市在1891年毁灭性的地震和火灾后被重建。人口411,740〔annihilative〕"The possession of annihilative power has not slowed down the drive toward even more fiendish modes of inflicting wholesale death"(Saturday Review)“对毁灭性力量的拥有并未减缓向更残忍的大规模杀伤手段发展的速度”(星期六评论)〔deadly〕gave the film a deadly review.对这部影片给予毁灭性的评论〔pernicious〕Causing great harm; destructive:恶毒的,毁灭性的:引起巨大伤害的;毁灭性的:〔poison〕Something destructive or fatal.致命物:某种毁灭性或致命的事物〔truculent〕Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce.狂暴的:显示毁灭性的;残忍的〔suicidal〕a suicidal corporate takeover strategy.一个毁灭性兼并公司的策略〔cruel〕Vicious suggests a disposition to malicious, violent, or destructive behavior: Vicious 意指有恶意、暴力或毁灭性行为倾向的: 〔suicidal〕Dangerous to oneself or to one's interests; self-destructive or ruinous:灾难性的:危及自己或自身利益的;毁灭性的或自毁:〔overkill〕Destructive nuclear capacity exceeding the amount needed to destroy an enemy.过度的杀伤威力:超过了摧毁敌人所需量的毁灭性核能量〔ruinous〕Causing or apt to cause ruin; destructive.毁灭性的,破坏性的:引起毁灭的,容易引起毁灭的;有害的〔Tabriz〕A city of northwest Iran in Azerbaijan east of Lake Urmia. A commercial and industrial center, Tabriz has been subject to numerous devastating earthquakes since 858. Population, 852,000.大不里士:伊朗西北部一城市,位于阿塞拜疆地区,乌尔米亚湖以东。大不里士是一个商贸和工业中心,自858年以来它遭受了许多次毁灭性的地震。人口852,000〔weather〕The unpleasant or destructive effects of such atmospheric conditions:恶劣天气:这种气象条件的令人不快或毁灭性的结果:〔fatal〕"Such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"(Charles Darwin)“这些教条如果是真的,将对我的理论有着绝对的毁灭性”(查尔斯·达尔文)〔lethal〕Extremely harmful; devastating:极其有害的;毁灭性的:〔berserk〕Destructively or frenetically violent:狂暴的:毁灭性或狂乱地暴力的:〔brisance〕The shattering effect of the sudden release of energy in an explosion.爆炸威力,震力:爆炸时能量突然释放出来造成的毁灭性的效果〔folly〕A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.费力不讨好的事:一项具有一个荒谬或毁灭性结果的代价很高的任务〔vendetta〕A bitter, destructive feud.宿怨:强烈的、毁灭性的仇恨〔annihilative〕Capable of causing utter destruction or serving to destroy utterly:毁灭性的:能够引起完全毁灭或用于完全毁灭的:〔poisonous〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "having the destructive or fatal effect of a poison": 这些形容词共有的中心意思是“具有某种毒药的毁灭性或致命的效果的”: 〔thunderbolt〕One that acts with sudden and destructive fury.以突然且具毁灭性的猛烈动作行动的人或物〔deathblow〕A destructive event or occurrence:毁灭性的事件:〔fatal〕Causing ruin or destruction; disastrous:毁灭性的:引起毁灭或破坏的;灾难的:〔destruction〕weapons that could prove to be the destruction of humankind.可以被证明能对人类进行毁灭性打击的武器




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