单词 | 母亲 |
释义 | 〔stepfather〕The husband of one's mother and not one's natural father.继父:一人母亲的丈夫而非其生父〔matricide〕The act of killing one's mother.杀母:杀死母亲的行为〔Beowulf〕The legendary hero of an anonymous Old English epic poem believed to have been composed in the early eighth century. Beowulf slays the monster Grendel and its mother, becomes king of the Geats, and dies fighting a dragon.裴欧沃夫:被认为创作于公元8世纪早期的,英国无名氏所作的一部古老史诗中的传奇英雄。贝奥伍尔弗杀死妖怪格伦德尔及妖怪的母亲,成为耶牙特的国王,死于与一条龙的争斗中〔brood〕The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time and cared for by the same mother.幼小的动物:某种幼小的动物,尤指一次孵出并由同一个母亲照料的一群雏鸟或雏禽〔proud〕"His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air" (Tobias Smollett).“他母亲以一种目空一切的架势一声不响地盯着我” (托比阿斯·斯摩莱特)〔Oedipus〕A son of Laius and Jocasta, who was abandoned at birth and unwittingly killed his father and then married his mother.奥狄帕斯:莱厄斯和乔卡斯塔之子,在出生时即被抛弃,后在无意中杀害了他父亲尔后娶了他母亲〔religious〕Her mother, a pious woman, attends Mass every morning. When the term refers to insincere piety, however, it is derogatory: 她的母亲是一个虔诚的妇女,每天早晨都参加弥撒。 当这个词指不真诚的虔诚时,它是贬义的: 〔Rebecca〕In the Old Testament, the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau.利百加:旧约圣经中的人物,是以撒的妻子,雅各和以扫的母亲〔Cassatt〕American painter noted for her studies of mothers and their children, such asThe Bath (1891-1892). She was associated with the French impressionists. 卡萨特,玛丽·史蒂文森:(1844?-1926) 美国画家,以其对母亲和孩子的研究而著名,如《沐浴》 (1891-1892年)。她与法国印象主义者有联系 〔Danu〕The mother of the Irish gods, and the goddess of death.达努:爱尔兰神的母亲,和死亡女神〔Thetis〕One of the Nereids, the wife of Peleus and mother of Achilles.忒弥斯:海的女神之一,是珀琉斯的妻子和阿喀琉斯的母亲〔grandmother〕The mother of one's father or mother. Also called grandam 祖母,外祖母:某人父亲或母亲的母亲 也作 grandam〔Lamaze〕Relating to or being a method of childbirth in which the expectant mother is prepared psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs.心理助产法的:与一种生孩子方法有关的或这种方法的,在该法中怀孕的母亲不借助麻醉药而是在心理和身体上作充分的准备〔Loeb〕Russian-born American journalist and social-welfare advocate noted for her work on behalf of widowed mothers.洛布,索菲叶·伊林娜·西蒙:(1876-1929) 俄裔美籍新闻记者和社会福利倡导者,以其代表守寡母亲的作品闻名〔Hecuba〕The wife of Priam and mother of Hector, Paris, and Cassandra in Homer'sIliad. 赫卡柏:据荷马所著伊利亚特 ,她是普里阿摩斯的妻子,赫克托耳、帕里斯和卡珊德拉的母亲 〔motherly〕Of, like, or appropriate to a mother:母亲的:母亲的、象母亲的或适合于母亲的:〔Abbott〕American social reformer noted for her opposition to child labor and her promotion of maternal and infant health care programs.艾博特,格拉斯:(1878-1939) 美国女社会改良家,以反对童工及促进母亲和儿童保健活动著称〔cousin〕sōbrīnus [cousin on the mother's side] * see swesor- sōbrīnus [母亲那边的表亲] * 参见 swesor- 〔madrigal〕from māter mātr- [mother] * see mater 源自 māter mātr- [母亲] * 参见 mater〔Elizabeth〕In the New Testament, the mother of John the Baptist and a kinswoman of Mary.以利沙伯:新约全书记载的施洗约翰的母亲,是圣母玛丽亚的亲戚〔matrix〕from māter mātr- [mother] * see māter- 源自 māter mātr- [母亲] * 参见 māter- 〔mother〕A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child.母亲:孕育、生产或抚养和教育小孩的女人〔maternal〕Inherited from one's mother:从母亲继承来的:〔grandfather〕The father of one's mother or father.祖父,外公:某人母亲或父亲的父亲〔maternity〕from māter [mother] * see māter- 源自 māter [母亲] * 参见 māter- 〔gallantry〕"the air of faintly mocking gallantry with which he habitually treated mother"(Louis Auchincloss)“他习惯对母亲采取的略带嘲弄的彬彬有礼的态度”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)〔Gaea〕The goddess of the earth, who bore and married Uranus and became the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.盖亚:大地女神,并嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,成为泰坦和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲〔maternity〕The feelings or characteristics associated with being a mother; motherliness.母性,母爱:母亲的感受或特征;慈母心〔sultana〕The wife, mother, sister, or daughter of a sultan.苏丹女眷:苏丹的妻子、母亲、姐妹或女儿〔amah〕from Medieval Latin amma [mother] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 amma [母亲] 〔harlot〕Harlot is first recorded in English in a work written around the beginning of the 13th century, meaning "a man of no fixed occupation, vagabond, beggar,” also the first main sense of the word herlot, which we borrowed from Old French. The recorded history of a word is sometimes all we need to scotch conjectures as to its ultimate origins. William Lambarde, in a 1570-1576 work, suggested that the word harlot came from the name of Arletta, or "Harlothe,” William the Conqueror's mother. As we have seen, Lambarde was unnecessarily besmirching her, for the history of harlot makes clear that "prostitute" was not its first sense. In fact, the word came to mean "male lecher" before it meant "prostitute,” but by the time Lambarde wrote, "prostitute" must have been thought to have been the main sense of the word, hence his etymology. Harlot 在英语中首次出现于某部创作于约13世纪初的作品中,意指“没有固定职业的人,流浪者,乞丐,”这也是 herlot 一词由古法语转借而来的第一个主要意思。单词的历史记载通常可供我们推测该词的最初渊源,威廉·兰巴德在他于1570年到1576年间创作的作品中指出: harlot 一词来自于英王威廉一世的母亲阿莉塔或“哈洛特”的名字,我们知道,兰巴德并无需玷污英王母亲的名誉,因为 harlot 一词的历史很明白地表明“妓女”之意并非该词的第一个意思,实际上,该词在意为“妓女”之前所具备的意思是“好色的男人”,但在兰巴德创作之时,“妓女”一定已经被认为是该词的主要意思,这便是它的词源 〔provoke〕"His mother . . . endeavored to rouse him from this passive state" (Washington Irving). “他的母亲…试图使他从消极的状态中振作起来” (华盛顿·欧文)。 〔supermom〕A mother who performs the traditional duties of housework and childcare while also holding full-time employment.超级母亲:即履行做家务、看孩子等传统职责同时又拥有全日性工作的母亲〔living〕the living image of her mother.她母亲的逼真形象〔maternal〕a maternal trait.从母亲继承来的品性〔matron〕A married woman or a widow, especially a mother of dignity, mature age, and established social position.夫人,已婚妇女:结婚的妇女或寡妇,尤指有一定社会地位的、成熟年龄的、有身份的母亲〔uncle〕The brother of one's mother or father.舅舅,叔伯:父亲或母亲兄弟〔mother〕Derived from or as if from one's mother; native:本国的:从或似乎从某人的母亲处提取的;本土的:〔maternity〕from Latin māternus [maternal] 源自 拉丁语 māternus [母亲的] 〔MADD〕Mothers Against Drunk Driving.反对酒后驾车母亲协会 |
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