单词 | 比率 |
释义 | 〔slope〕The rate at which an ordinate of a point of a line on a coordinate plane changes with respect to a change in the abscissa.斜率:坐标平面上一条直线上一个点的纵座标随横座标的变化而变化的比率〔rate〕A measure of a part with respect to a whole; a proportion:比率:部分相对整体形成的比率;比例:〔absorptance〕The ratio of absorbed to incident radiation.吸收比:吸收投射的辐射线的比率〔unemployment〕The percentage or number of people who are involuntarily unemployed:失业率:非自愿性失业人口的数字或比率:〔proportion〕A relationship between quantities such that if one varies then another varies in a manner dependent on the first:比率:数量之间的一种关系,在这种关系中如果一个发生变化则另一个随第一个发生相应的变化:〔octave〕The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of 2 to 1.倍频程:频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔〔first〕Of, relating to, or being the transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档的,低速齿轮的:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮比率的或与之有关的〔in〕Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion:指比率:用于次要的和较大的比例或比率条件:〔marginal〕Having to do with enterprises that produce goods or are capable of producing goods at a rate that barely covers production costs.边际效用的:与某种企业的生产有关,这种企业以正好收回生产成本的比率进行生产或能够以此比率生产〔reluctivity〕A measure of the resistance of a material to the establishment of a magnetic field within it, equal to the ratio of the intensity of the magnetic field to the magnetic induction of the material.磁阻率:一物体对其内部形成磁场的阻抗的度量,等于磁场强度和这个物体磁场感应之间的比率〔frequency〕The ratio of the number of times an event occurs in a series of trials of a chance experiment to the number of trials of the experiment performed.频数:一系列实验中偶然现象次数与所做的一系列实验的次数的比率〔assay〕To be shown by analysis to contain a certain proportion of usually precious metal.经分析含有:经检验证明含某种比率的通常较贵重金属〔magnification〕The ratio of the size of an image to the size of an object.放大率:图象的尺寸和实物尺寸之间的比率〔that〕was sure that she was right; the belief that rates will rise soon.肯定她是对的;比率很快会上升的信念〔percentage〕A proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part:部分,比率:与整体有关的一个比例或部分;一部分:〔mileage〕An allowance for travel expenses established at a specified rate per mile.按英里里程计算的补贴:以每英里的特定比率所认可的旅行消费的津贴〔data〕But whiledata comes from a Latin plural form, the practice of treatingdata as a plural in English often does not correspond to its meaning, given an understanding of what counts as data in modern research.We know, for example, what "data on the homeless" would consist of—surveys, case histories, statistical analyses, and so forth—but it would be a vain exercise to try to sort all of these out into sets of individual facts,each of them a "datum" on the homeless. (Does a case history count as a single datum,or as a collection of them?Is a correlation between rates of homelessness and unemployment itself a datum, or is it an abstraction over a number of data?)Since scientists and researchers think of data as a singular mass entity like information,it is entirely natural that they should have come to talk about it as such and that others should defer to their practice.Sixty percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use ofdata with a singular verb and pronoun in the sentenceOnce the data is in, we can begin to analyze it. A still larger number, 77 percent, accepts the sentence 但是当data 来源于一拉丁复数形式, 在英语中把data 当作复数来对待的运用常常和它的意义不相符合, 给了我们在现代研究中算作数据事物的一种理解。例如,我们知道,“无家可归人的资料”将由调查、个人历史,数据分析等等构成——但是试着把这些都分类到一套个人事实将会是一次无用的尝试,他们中的每一个都为无家可归人的资料。 (个人历史是算作一个简单的资料,还是作为其中的一个收集?无家可归人的比率和失业之间的联系是一个资料,还是一系列资料中的一个提取?)既然科学家和研究工作者认为资料和信息一样是一个单一的团体,他们就应该这样地来谈论它并且其他的人应当服丛他们的说法,这是完全自然的,百分之六十的用法专题使用小组成员接受把data 和单数动词和代词连用, 如在句子一旦资料来了,我们就能开始分析了 中, 更大的比例,即百分之七十七的成员接受了句子 〔specific〕Designating a commodity rate applicable to the transportation of a single commodity between named points.比率的:指依特定的被指定地点对其间的单位货物运输制定比率的〔first〕The transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档,低速齿轮:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮的比率〔efficiency〕The ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system.效率:在某一系统中有效的或有用的产出与总投入的比率〔at〕To or using the rate, extent, or amount of; to the point of:在某一点:到达或运用比率、限度、或数量;在某一点:〔extreme〕The first or last term of a ratio or a series.首项,末项:比率或数列中第一个或最后一个项〔birthrate〕The ratio of total live births to total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. The birthrate is often expressed as the number of live births per 1,000 of the population per year. Also called natality 出生率:某一特定集团或区域在指定时间段内总出生人口与总人口的比率。出生率常以每年每1000人口中的出生人数来表示 也作 natality〔ratio〕Relation in degree or number between two similar things.比率,对比:两件相似事情在程度或数量上的对比关系〔recapture〕The lawful taking by a government of a fixed amount of the profits of a public-service corporation in excess of a stipulated rate of return.依法征收:政府用超用规定的比率对公众服务企业的利润征收一定数量的钱的合法行为〔profit〕The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.净值利润率:在给定的计算期间内商业企业的净值增加的比率〔decibel〕A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually between two acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.分贝:通常表示两个声音信号或电力信号在功率或强度方面的相对差别的单位,相当于两个水平的比率的常用对数的十倍〔term〕One of the quantities composing a ratio or fraction or forming a series.项:组成比率或分式或者构成一数列的一个量〔disinterested〕a proportion that is not significantly different from the 93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别〔percentage〕A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as the denominator; for example, 0.98 equals a percentage of 98.百分比:把100做为分母的分数或比率,例如,0.98等于百分之九十八〔turnover〕The ratio of this number to the number of employed workers.新雇人员比率:补缺人员数与雇佣人员总数的比值〔odds〕The ratio of the probability of an event's occurring to the probability of its not occurring.机率:事件发生的可能性与不发生的可能性的比率〔module〕A unit of education or instruction with a relatively high teacher-to-student ratio, in which a single topic or a small section of a broad topic is studied for a given period of time.单元:一种有相当高师生比率的教育或教授单元,其中的单个论题或一个大论题的小部分在给定阶段的时间内学习〔tender〕A written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate; a bid.投标:以某一特定价格或比率来吸引货物或服务的书面提议;投标〔annualize〕To adjust or calculate so as to reflect a rate that is based on a full year:以年计算:以年为单位进行核算或计算,以反映一个以整年为基础的比率:〔per〕Per is appropriately used in the description of ratios ( Per 适用于描述比率( 〔rate〕A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity:比率,速度:一个确定数量对另一个所测数量的比例:〔factor〕The rate increased by a factor of ten.比率增加了10倍〔percentage〕An amount, such as an allowance, a duty, or a commission, that varies in proportion to a larger sum, such as total sales:佣金,津贴:在比率上区别于如总销售额等一较大的总额的量,如津贴、税或佣金售额:〔modulate〕To adjust or adapt to a certain proportion; regulate or temper.调衡:调整或使适应一定的比率;调节或缓和 |
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