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单词 比较级
释义 〔neoteric〕from neōteros [younger] [comparative of] neos [new] * see newo- 源自 neōteros [年轻人] neos的比较级 [新的] * 参见 newo- 〔certiorari〕from certior [comparative of] certus [certain] * see certain 源自 certior certus的比较级 [肯定] * 参见 certain〔esoteric〕from esōterō [comparative of] esō [within] * see en 源自 esōterō esō的比较级 [在…之内] * 参见 en 〔senior〕from Latin [comparative of] senex [old] * see sen- 源自 拉丁语 senex的比较级 [老的] * 参见 sen- 〔slier〕A comparative of sly sly的比较级〔interior〕Ultimately Latin [comparative adj. of] inter [between] * see en 最终为 拉丁语 inter的形容词比较级 [在…之间] * 参见 en 〔more〕Used to form the comparative of many adjectives and adverbs:用于构成许多形容词和副词的比较级〔per〕Suffixed (comparative) form*prei-yos- . prior 2 , from Latin prior , former, higher, superior. 添加后缀的(比较级)形式*prei-yos- . prior 2 , 源自 拉丁语 prior , 前者的, 更高的, 较高的. 〔anterior〕Latin [comparative of] ante [before] * see ant- 拉丁语 ante的比较级 [在…之前] * 参见 ant- 〔exoteric〕from exōterō [comparative of] exō [outside] 源自 exōterō exō的比较级 [外部] 〔per〕Suffixed (comparative) form*per-ero- , farther away. far , from Old English feor(r) , far, from Germanic *fer(e)ra . 添加后缀的(比较级)形式*per-ero- , 遥远的. far , 源自 古英语 feor(r) , 远的, 源自 日耳曼语 *fer(e)ra . 〔per〕Suffixed (comparative) form*p—-tero- . further , from Old English furthra , furthor , farther away, from Germanic *furthera- . 添加后缀的(比较级)形式*p—-tero- . further , 源自 古英语 furthra , furthor , 远离, 源自 日耳曼语 *furthera- . 〔drier〕A comparative of dry dry的比较级〔preterit〕praeter [beyond] [comparative of] prae [before] * see per 1praeter [超过] prae的比较级 [在…之前] * 参见 per 1〔minus〕from Latin minus [comparative of] minor [less] * see mei- 2源自 拉丁语 minus minor的比较级 [较少的] * 参见 mei- 2〔presbyter〕from Greek presbuteros [from comparative of] presbus [old man] * see per 1源自 希腊语 presbuteros 源自presbus的比较级 [老人] * 参见 per 1〔comparative〕An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree.比较级形容词,比较级副词:表达比较级的形容词或副词〔en〕inner , from Old English innera , farther in, inner, from Germanic (comparative) *inn(e)ra ; inner , 源自 古英语 innera , 更里面的, 内部的, 源自 日耳曼语 (比较级) *inn(e)ra ; 〔ulterior〕Latin [farther] [comparative of] .ulter [on the other side] * see al- 1拉丁语 [更远的] ·ulter的比较级 [在另一面的] * 参见 al- 1〔soon〕No sooner, as a comparative adverb, should be followed bythan not when, as in these typical examples: No sooner 作为比较级形式的副词, 其后应跟than 而不是 when , 如下面这些典型例子: 〔wrier〕A comparative of wry wry的比较级〔inferior〕from Latin [comparative of] īnferus [low] * see ödher- 源自 拉丁语 īnferus的比较级 [低的] * 参见 ödher- 〔Bolshevik〕The wordBolshevik, an emotionally charged term in English, is derived from a very common word in Russian,bol'she, "bigger, more,” the comparative form ofbol'shoĭ, "big.” The nameBol'shevik was given to the faction in the majority at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party in 1903 (the term is first recorded in English in 1907).The smaller faction was known asMen'sheviki, from men'she, "less, smaller,” the comparative ofmalyĭ, "little, few.” TheBol'sheviki, who sided with Lenin in the split that followed the Congress, subsequently became the Russian Communist Party.In 1952 the wordBol'shevik was dropped as an official term in the Soviet Union, but it had long since passed into other languages, including English.It had even spawned the slang termbolshie, though there is nomenshie. 单词Bolshevik 在英语中是带有感情色彩的单词, 来源于俄语中非常普通的词bol'she “较大的,较多的”, 是bol'shoi “大”的比较级形式。 Bol'shevik 这个名字是给予1903年俄国社会民主工人党第二次大会时的多数派的 (英语中最早记有该词是1907年)。少数派即著名的Men'sheviki 来源于 men'she, “较少,较小”, 是malyi “小,少”的比较级形式。 Bol'sheviki ,即讨论会后分裂时站在列宁一边的那些人, 后来成为俄国共产党。1952年,Bol'shevik 一词成为苏联的官方术语。 但它已传入包括英语的其他语言。它甚至衍生了一个俚语词bolshie, 尽管不存在menshie 〔exterior〕Latin [comparative of] exter [outward] * see eghs 拉丁语 exter的比较级 [向外的] * 参见 eghs 〔posterior〕Latin [comparative of] posterus [coming after] 拉丁语 posterus的比较级 [随后来的] 〔sprier〕A comparative of spry spry的比较级〔gingerly〕from Old French [comparative of] gent [gentle] * see gent 1源自 古法语 gent的比较级 [温柔的] * 参见 gent1〔than〕Since the 18th centurygrammarians have insisted thatthan should be regarded as a conjunction in all its uses, so that a sentence such asBill is taller than Tom should be construed as an elliptical version of the sentence Bill is taller than Tom is. According to this view,the case of a pronoun followingthan is determined by whether the pronoun serves as the subject or object of the verb that is "understood.” Thus, the standard rule requiresPat is taller than I (not me ) on the assumption that this sentence is elliptical forPat is taller than I am but allowsThe news surprised Pat more than me, since this sentence is taken as elliptical forThe news surprised Pat more than it surprised me. However,than is quite commonly treated as a preposition when followed by an isolated noun phrase, and as such occurs with a pronoun in the objective case:John is taller than me. Though this usage is still widely regarded as incorrect,it is predominant in speechand has reputable literary precedent.It is also consistent with the fact thatthan is clearly treated as a preposition in the than whom construction, as ina poet than whom (not than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen. Still, the writer who risks a sentence such asMary is taller than him in formal writing must be prepared to defend the usage against objections of critics who are unlikely to be dissuaded from their conviction that the usage is incorrect. · Comparatives usingas . . . as can be analyzed in a parallel way to those using than. Traditional grammarians insist thatI am not as tall as he is the only correct form, and though both literary precedent and syntactic arguments can be marshaled in support of the analysis of the secondas as a preposition (which would license I am not as tall as him ), one should treat this use ofas as a conjunction in formal writing. See Usage Note at as 1自18世纪以来,语法学家坚持以为than 在其所有用法中均应被看作连词, 因此,在诸如Bill is taller than Tom 的句子中应解释为句子 Bill is taller than Tom is 的省略说法。 根据这一观点,than 后跟随代词的情况取决于该代词作为所“理解”的动词的主语还是谓语。 这样,标准规则要求Pat is taller than I (而不是 me ), 考虑到这个句子是Pat is taller than I am 的省略, 但允许The news surprised Pat more than me , 因为这个句子被认当是The news surprised Pat more than it surprised me 的省略。 然而,当than 跟随一个独立名词短语时常被看作是介词, 如代词用于宾语的情况:John is taller than me 。 尽管这种用法仍然被广泛认为是错误的,但它仍在口语中占主要地位,并且有著名的文学先例。它也符合than 在 than whom 结构中显然被认为是介词的事实, 就象在a poet than whom (而不是 than who ) no one has a dearer place in the hearts of his countrymen 。 然而,冒险在正式写作中应用诸如Mary is taller than him 的作者必须准备针对那些不可能被劝服放弃坚信这种用法是错误的批评家们的反对意见而对此种用法进行辩护。 用比较级as…as 可以用与 than 相同的方式进行分析。 传统的语法学家坚持认为I am not as tall as he 是唯一正确的形式, 尽管文学先例和语法规则都能支持第二个as 作为介词(即允许 I am not as tall as him )的分析, 我们仍应该把这个as 作为正式写作中的连词 参见 as1〔approach〕Latin propius [nearer] [comparative of] prope [near] * see per 1拉丁语 propius [更接近] prope的比较级 [近的] * 参见 per 1〔positive〕The uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb.原级:形容词或副词的非比较级〔junior〕from Latin [comparative of] iuvenis [young] * see yeu- 源自 拉丁语 iuvenis的比较级 [年轻的] * 参见 yeu- 〔any〕Used as a pronoun,any can take either a singular or plural verb, depending on how it is construed:Any of these books is suitable (that is, any one ). But are any (that is, some ) of them available? · The constructionof any is often used in informal contexts to mean "of all,” as inHe is the best known of any living playwright. In an earlier survey this example was unacceptable in writing to 67 percent of the Usage Panel. ·Any is also used to mean "at all" before a comparative adjective or adverb in questions and negative sentences: 用作介词的any 既可接单数动词又可接复数动词, 这取决于怎样翻译:Any of these books is suitable?(这些书的任一本都合适) (这里是指 any one(任何一本) )。 But are any(但是他们中) (意指 some(任何一些) ) of them available(任何一些都合适吗)? of any(任一的) 这个结构经常用于非正式语境中来表示“所有的”的意思, 如在句子他是在世剧作家中最著名的一位。 在早期的调查中67%的用法使用小组成员,认为这个例子作为书面语不能被接受。Any 也用于比较级形容词或副词前表示“全然,压根儿”,这一用法适用于疑问句和否定句中: 〔Bolshevik〕from bol'she [comparative of] bol'shoĭ [large] * see bel- 源自 bol'she bol'shoĭ的比较级 [巨大的] * 参见 bel- 〔rather〕from Old English hrathor [comparative of] hræthe [quickly, soon] 源自 古英语 hrathor hræthe的比较级 [快地,很快地] 〔superior〕from Latin [comparative of] superus [upper] 源自 拉丁语 superus的比较级 [上方的] 〔eghs〕Suffixed (comparative) variant form*eks-tero- . exterior , external , extra- , strange , from Latin exter , outward (feminine ablative exterā , extrā , on the outside). 后缀的(比较级)变体形式*eks-tero- . exterior , external , extra- , strange , 源自 拉丁语 exter , 向外的(阴性词的离格 exterā , extrā , 在外面的). 〔even〕To a greater degree or extent. Used as an intensive with comparative adjectives and adverbs:更加:至一更深的程度,比…更,与形容词或副词的比较级连用,加强语气:〔near〕from Old English nēar [from comparative of] nēah [close, near] * see nēhw-iz 源自 古英语 nēar 源自nēah的比较级 [近的,附近的] * 参见 nēhw-iz 〔sire〕from Latin senior [older] [comparative of] senex [old] * see sen- 源自 拉丁语 senior [较老的] senex的比较级 [老] * 参见 sen- 〔the〕Because of that. Used before a comparative:由于:因为,用于比较级前:




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