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单词 民俗
释义 〔curandero〕A man who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.男民俗医师:实行民间疗法的男人;一位药草医生〔Bradford〕American writer whose works, such asJohn Henry (1931), reflect Black folklore. 布拉德福,罗尔科:(1896-1948) 美国作家,其著作,如《约翰·亨利》 (1931年),反映黑人民俗 〔curandera〕A woman who practices folk medicine; an herb doctor.女民俗医师:实行民间疗法的女人;一位药草医生〔Lomax〕American folklorist and musicologist. With his sonAlan Lomax (born 1915) he toured the country recording blues and folk musicians for the Library of Congress and various record companies. 洛马克斯,约翰·艾弗里:(1867-1948) 美国民俗学者和音乐研究家。他与儿子阿兰·洛马克斯 (1915年生)一起周游全国,为国会图书馆和各家唱片公司录制布鲁斯音乐和民间音乐 〔Dobie〕American historian best known for his works on the history and folklore of the Southwest, includingThe Longhorns (1941). 多比,詹姆斯·弗兰克:(1888-1964) 美国以西南部历史及民俗的著作著称的历史学家,著作有《长角牛》 (1941年) 〔folklore〕The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.民俗:口头传述的传统信仰、神话、故事和人们的实践〔drudge〕"Out here on the Chesapeake,they call it ‘drudging for arsters,’”says Charles Kuralt in his bookOn the Road with Charles Kuralt. The standard English verbdredge is pronounced with a centralized vowel by Chesapeake Bay oyster fishermen, yielding drudge. Drudge in turn has been picked up by city dwellers on the Delmarva Peninsula;a survey of some young people from Baltimore revealed thatthey did not even know that there was a standard English verbdredge. Kuralt gives the regional pronunciation a whimsical folk etymology with the standard meaning ofdrudge, "to do tedious, menial, or unpleasant work,” observing, "Whatever you do for a living, it's not as hard as ‘drudging for arsters.’”在切萨皮克湾那边,他们把它称之为“为捕虾做苦工,”查尔斯·库洛特在他的与查尔斯·库洛特同游 一书中谈及。 标准英语动词dredge ,在发音时其元音被切萨皮克湾捕虾渔民发成中元音,随后产生 drudge。 Drudge 又被德尔马瓦半岛一城市居民吸收;对来自巴尔的摩的一部分年轻人的调查表明,他们甚至不知道有一个标准英语动词dredge 。 对具有标准含义的drudge “做单调、卑贱或无趣工作”,库洛特给出了一个稀奇古怪的民俗语源, 他说道,“无论你以何谋生,再没有比捕虾做的工更苦的了”〔Americana〕(used with a pl. verb)Materials relating to American history, folklore, or geography or considered to be typical of American culture:(与复数动词连用)美国史料,美洲史料:有关美国(或美洲)的历史、民俗、地理或被认为典型代表美国(或美洲)文化的资料:〔Borodin〕Russian composer and chemist whose musical works were based on Russian folk themes and include the operaPrince Igor, unfinished at his death. 伯罗丁,亚历山大·波尔菲里耶维奇:(1833-1887) 俄国作曲家和化学家,其音乐作品以俄罗斯民俗题材为基础,包括至死未完成的歌剧《伊戈尔王子》




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