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单词 水坝
释义 〔Aswan〕A city of southern Egypt at the First Cataract of the Nile River near theAswan High Dam. Construction of the dam, dedicated in 1971, required the relocation of some 90,000 people and numerous archaeological treasures. The city's population is 182,700. 阿斯旺:埃及南部一城市,位于尼罗河第一瀑布,阿斯旺水坝附近。 于1971年举行的水坝落成式,需迁移90,000人及大量考古学珍藏。该城人口182,700 〔beaver〕A large aquatic rodent of the genusCastor, having thick brown fur, webbed hind feet, a broad flat tail, and sharp incisors adapted for gnawing bark, felling trees, and constructing dams and underwater lodges. 海狸,河狸:一种大的海狸属 水栖啮齿目动物,有着厚密的褐色毛皮、长蹼的后脚、宽平的尾巴和适合于咬树皮、弄倒树、建水坝及水下巢穴的尖锐前齿 〔Sakakawea〕A reservoir in west-central North Dakota. It is a widening of the Missouri River and was created in 1956 when the Garrison Dam was completed.萨卡卡维亚湖:美国北达科他州中西部一水库,是密苏里河的水面开阔处,于1956年加里森水坝建立时形成〔scheme〕an irrigation scheme with dams, reservoirs, and channels.有水坝、水库和水渠的灌溉系统〔dam〕A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water.水坝,堰:被建造横跨在水域上的障碍物,用来控制水位的涨落〔fascine〕A cylindrical bundle of sticks bound together for use in construction, as of fortresses, earthworks, sea walls, or dams.梢捆:捆在一起的圆柱形林木捆,用于护墙、护岸、防波堤或水坝的建造上〔Nasser〕A lake of southeast Egypt and northern Sudan. It was formed in the 1960's by the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile river. The rising waters of the lake submerged many historic sites.纳赛尔湖:埃及东南部和苏丹北部的一个湖。它是在20世纪60年代由于阿斯旺高水坝在尼罗河上的建设而形成的,湖水的高涨淹没了许多历史遗迹〔Nubia〕A desert region and ancient kingdom in the Nile River valley of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. After the 20th centuryb.c. it was controlled by the rulers of Egypt, although in the 8th and 7th centuries an independent kingdom arose that conquered Eygpt and ruled as the XXV Dynasty (712-663). Converted to Christianity in the 6th century a.d. , Nubia united with Ethiopia but fell to the Moslems in the 14th century. Much of the region was flooded by the completion of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960's. 努比亚:埃及南部和苏丹北部尼罗河谷的沙漠地区和古代王国公元前 。20世纪后被埃及统治者控制,但是在公元前8世纪和7世纪曾兴起一个独立王国,征服了埃及并作为二十王朝(公元前712-663年)统治。 公元后 6世纪皈依基督教,努比亚和埃塞俄比亚联合,但在14世纪又转为伊斯兰教。在20世纪60年代亚斯文高水坝建成之前,这里大部分地区洪水泛滥 〔Kaiser〕American industrialist who oversaw the construction of major highways, bridges, and dams, including the Grand Coulee Dam (1942). His shipyards produced more than 1,400 vessels during World War II.凯泽,亨利·约翰:(1882-1967) 美国工业家,管理主要的公路,桥梁和堤坝的建筑,包括大古力水坝(1942年)。他在第二次世界大战中开办的船坞制造了1400多艘舰船〔backwater〕Water held or pushed back by or as if by a dam or current.逆流,回水:被或似乎被水坝或急流止住或往回流的水〔flashboard〕A board or structure of boards extending above a dam to increase its capacity.闸板,决泄板:水坝上突出的、用以增加蓄水量的大板子或板状结构物〔Powell〕A reservoir of southern Utah and north-central Arizona formed by the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. It is the second-largest (after Lake Mead) artificial lake in the United States. The dam, built in 1964, is located in Arizona just south of the Utah border.包威尔湖:位于犹他州南部及亚利桑那州中北部、由科罗拉多河的格蓝峡谷水坝所形成的湖泊。是美国第二大人工湖(在米德湖之后)。水坝建于1964年,位在犹他州州界以南的亚利桑那州境内〔riverine〕"Members of a riverine tribe . . . were wading in the swamp, whose water they had impounded in a series of dams"(Alex Shoumatoff)“某沿岸部落的成员…正在沼泽地里艰难地跋涉,沼泽地里的水已经被他们用一系列的水坝蓄起来了”(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)〔dam〕A body of water controlled by such a barrier.水库:由水坝或堰控制的水〔dam〕To hold back or confine by means of a dam.用水坝阻止,用水坝限制〔Kariba〕A lake of south-central Africa on the Zambia-Zimbabwe border. It is formed by theKariba Dam (completed 1958) on the Zambezi River, which supplies electricity to the copper mining region of north-central Zambia and to parts of Zimbabwe. The creation of the lake forced the relocation of about 50,000 people. 卡里巴湖:非洲中南部湖泊,位于赞比亚-津巴布韦的交界处。三比西河上的卡里巴水坝 (1958年完工)形成卡里巴湖,卡里巴湖向赞比亚中北部的采铜区以及津巴布韦的部分地区输送电力。卡里巴湖工程使得大约五万人迁居 〔fear〕I watched with alarm as the current carried the raft and its passengers toward the dam.我惊恐地看着激流带着小木筏和乘客冲向水坝




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