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单词 水晶
释义 〔crystal〕A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.水晶:一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上〔Laue〕German physicist. He won a 1914 Nobel Prize for discovering the diffraction of x-rays passing through crystals.劳厄,马克斯·狄奥多尔·菲利克斯·冯:(1879-1960) 德国物理学家。因发现X光通过水晶而衍射的现象获1914年诺贝尔奖〔anorthite〕orthos [straight (from its oblique crystals)] orthos [直的(从其斜状水晶)] 〔bobeche〕A usually crystal collar on a candle socket used to catch drippings or to hold suspended pendants.蜡座,烛台托盘:蜡烛座上通常为水晶的环圈,用来接烛泪或悬挂垂饰〔neostigmine〕Either of two related white crystalline compounds, C12H 19BrN 2O 2 or C 13H 22N 2O 6S, that opposes the action of acetylcholinesterase and is used in the treatment of glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, and various postoperative conditions. 新斯的明: C12H 19BrN 2O 2或C 13H 22N 2O 6S,这两种相关的白色水晶化合物的任何一种,它有抗乙酰胆碱脂酶效应,用于治疗青光眼、重症肌无力和各种手术后症状 〔flash〕crystal that sparkled in the candlelight;在烛光下闪烁的水晶〔pebble〕Clear, colorless quartz; rock crystal.水晶,石英:透明的无色石英;石英〔sensuous〕stayed in a luxurious, flower-filled suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs.住在奢华的充满鲜花的套间里,还有水晶掉灯和很厚的东方地毯。〔quartz〕A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal. 石英:由硅石组成的一种非常坚硬的矿物质,SiO2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包括沙岩和花岗岩。石英种类包括玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶 〔ophitic〕Having a texture composed of lath-shaped plagioclase crystals in a matrix of pyroxene crystals.有斜长石结晶结构的:在嵌有化石水晶基质的晶体中,由条形纹条石组成的结构的〔scry〕To see or predict the future by means of a crystal ball.用水晶占卜:用水晶球观看或预言未来〔matrix〕The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded.基质,脉石:嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质〔facet〕One of the flat polished surfaces cut on a gemstone or occurring naturally on a crystal.刻面:经过琢磨的钻石或自然出现在水晶上的小平面〔groundmass〕The fine-grained crystalline base of porphyritic rock in which larger crystals are embedded.基质:斑岩中均匀的水晶质石基,其中嵌有大粒水晶〔axis〕One of three or four imaginary lines used to define the faces of a crystal and the position of its atoms.晶轴:用于决定水晶表面和它的原子位置的三、四条假想线中的一条〔flaw〕a flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter.See Synonyms at blemish 水晶上的一处裂纹导致了它的破碎 参见 blemish




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