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单词 沿伸
释义 〔Neotropical〕Of or designating the biogeographic region stretching southward from the Tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies:新热带区的:属于或标明由北回归线向南沿伸的生物地理区,包括墨西哥南部、美国中部和南部,西印度群岛:〔Biscay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting the western coast of Europe from Brittany in northwest France southward to northwest Spain.比斯开湾:大西洋一海湾,在欧洲西海岸从法国西北的布列塔尼向南沿伸到西班牙西北,呈锯齿状〔temple〕Either of the sidepieces of a frame for eyeglasses that extends along the temple and over the ear.镜腿:沿伸过太阳穴并到耳上的两部分眼镜架之一〔Pontus〕An ancient country of northeast Asia Minor along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Established in the fourth centuryb.c. , it flourished under Mithridates VI until his defeat by Pompey of Rome in 66. 蓬塔斯:小亚细亚东北部的一个古国,沿伸到黑海南岸。此国建于公元前 4世纪,在米特司立得提六世的统治下开始繁荣昌盛,直到公元66年被罗马的庞培击败




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