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单词 泄露
释义 〔disclose〕To make known (something heretofore kept secret).See Synonyms at reveal 1揭露:使(以前保密的事)公开,泄露,透露 参见 reveal1〔reveal〕To make known (something concealed or secret):揭露,泄露:使(某些隐藏的事或秘密)为人所知:〔utter〕of Middle English outen [to disclose] from out [out] * see out 中古英语 outen的变化 [泄露,公开] 源自 out [出来] * 参见 out〔confidence〕A feeling of assurance that a confidant will keep a secret:信心:确信机密不会泄露的信心:〔blab〕To reveal (secret matters) especially through indiscreet or unreserved talk.泄露(秘密):尤指从无意或无保留的谈话中泄露(秘密的事情)〔discover〕Middle English discoveren [to reveal] 中古英语 discoveren [泄露,揭露] 〔break〕To make known, as news:泄露,透露:告知,如消息:〔sealant〕A substance, such as sealing wax, used to seal a surface to prevent passage of a liquid or gas.密封剂:一种用来密封表面以防止液体或气体泄露的物质,如封蜡〔divulge〕To make known (something private or secret).See Synonyms at reveal 泄露:泄漏(秘密,隐私等) 参见 reveal〔leakproof〕So constructed or contrived as to prevent leaks or leakage.防漏的:为防止裂缝或泄露而制作或设计的〔leak〕The act or instance of leaking.泄露:泄漏的行为或例子〔Bhopal〕A city of central India north-northwest of Nagpur. Founded in the early 18th century, it is an industrial and trade center. In 1984 a toxic gas leak at an insecticide plant killed more than 2,000 people. Population, 671,018.博帕尔:印度中部一城市,位于那格浦尔西北偏北。建于18世纪初期,是工业和贸易中心。1984年,一家杀虫剂工厂的毒气泄露导致二千多人死亡。人口671,018〔give〕To reveal or make known, often accidentally.泄露,揭发,经常是偶然地〔tattletale〕Revealing; telltale.泄露的;使人看出实情的〔reveal〕Divulge often implies the improper revelation of something private or secret: Divulge 常意指对隐私和秘密的不适宜泄露〔get〕Somehow the secret got out.总之秘密被泄露〔let〕To make known; reveal:使知道;泄露〔untold〕Not told or revealed:没有说出的或泄露的:〔secret〕Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.极机密的:包含情报的,该情报未经授权的泄露将对国家安全构成严重威胁〔let〕Who let that story out?是谁泄露了消息?〔reveal〕"A servant . . . betrayed their presence . . . to the Germans" (William Styron).The term can also mean to reveal against one's desire or will: “仆人…向德国人泄露了他们在场的秘密” (威廉·斯蒂伦)。这个词也指违背某人的愿望或意愿的泄露〔cringe〕probably ultimately from Old English cringan [to give way] 可能最终源自 古英语 cringan [泄露] 〔betray〕To reveal against one's desire or will.See Synonyms at reveal 1泄露愿望,泄露欲望:泄露某人的愿望或欲望 参见 reveal1〔Valdez〕A city of southern Alaska on an inlet of Prince William Sound. A military base during World War II, it is the southern terminus of the oil pipeline from Prudhoe Bay. An oil spill in the waters of the sound caused extensive environmental damage in 1989. Population, 4,068.瓦尔迪兹:阿拉斯加南部毗邻威廉王子海湾的某水湾的城市。在第二次世界大战期间曾是军事基地,是源自普拉德霍湾的运油管道的南端终点。1989年由于泄露在该港造成大面积环境污染。人口4,068〔giveaway〕Something that accidentally exposes or betrays.无意显露或泄露的东西〔reveal〕"And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession . . . if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets" (Hippocratic Oath).Tobetray is to make known in a breach of trust or confidence: “对于我在职业生涯中所看到或是听到的,…如果它们是不应在国外公布的,我将决不泄露它们,而将这些事情视为神圣的秘密” (希伯克拉底宣誓)。Betray 是指通过出卖和背叛而使为人知: 〔confidential〕Containing secret information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a threat to national security.机密的:包含机密信息的,未经授权泄露可能会危及到国家的安全的〔leak〕a damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere.一座损坏的反应堆向大气中泄露出发射性物质〔unkennel〕To bring to light; uncover or disclose.揭露:揭示;揭露或泄露〔escape〕To issue from confinement or an enclosure; leak or seep out:漏出:从限制和环绕中流出来;渗漏或泄露〔unlock〕To provide a key to; disclose or reveal:揭开:提供开门的钥匙;揭露或泄露〔babble〕To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration.泄露:冲动地脱口说出;没有仔细考虑而泄露〔disclosure〕The act or process of revealing or uncovering.揭露,泄露;公开:揭露或揭发的行为或过程〔betray〕To divulge in a breach of confidence:以违背信任而泄露〔bare〕To make bare; uncover or reveal:使赤裸,泄露:使赤裸;揭去覆盖物或露出:




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