单词 | 法律 |
释义 | 〔professional〕a professional field such as law; professional training.专业领域,如法律;职业训练〔injustice〕"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" (Martin Luther King, Jr.).Aninjury is an injustice for which legal redress is available: “任何地方的不公正都是对所有地方的公正的一种威胁” (马丁·路德·金)。injury 是指能得到法律赔偿的不公正: 〔treatment〕"the right to equal treatment in the criminal and juvenile justice system"(Susan C. Ross)“在刑事和少年犯罪法律体制中受到同等对待的权利”(苏珊C.罗斯)〔prescriptive〕Making or giving injunctions, directions, laws, or rules.规定的,指定的:做出或给予命令,指示,法律或规定的〔Blackstone〕British jurist and educator who wroteCommentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769), the most comprehensive single treatment of the body of English law. 布莱克斯通,威廉:(1723-1780) 英国法官和教育家,著有《英国法律评论》 (1765-1769年),是对英国总体法律最为全面的独家论述 〔wrong〕An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights.违法,犯罪:对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害〔outlaw〕A fugitive from the law.逃犯:逃离法律的亡命之徒〔Danelaw〕lagu [law] * see law lagu [法律] * 参见 law〔lure〕With tact and perseverance he inveigled her into becoming his law partner. Todecoy is to trap or ensnare by cunning or deception: 凭着机智和不懈努力,他终于劝说她成为自己的法律合伙人。 Decoy 意为通过狡诈或欺骗手段陷害或诱捕: 〔jural〕From Latin iūs iūr- [law] * see yewes- 源自 拉丁语 iūs iūr- [法律] * 参见 yewes- 〔police〕Regulation and control of the affairs of a community, especially with respect to maintenance of order, law, health, morals, safety, and other matters affecting the public welfare.警政:对一个社区的事务的管理和控制,特别是对有关秩序、法律、健康、道德和安全的维护,以及其它影响到公共福利的事情〔institutional〕Of or relating to the principles or institutes of a subject such as law.基本原理的:某一学科,如法律的原理或规则的,或与之相关的〔observance〕The act or practice of observing or complying with a law, custom, command, or rule.遵守:对法律、习俗、命令或规定遵从的行为〔unprintable〕Not proper for publication for legal or social reasons:不宜出版的:因法律或社会的原因不适于被出版的:〔legal〕from lēx lēg- [law] * see leg- 源自 lēx lēg- [法律] * 参见 leg- 〔bound〕Being under legal or moral obligation:有义务的:受法律或道德义务所约束的:〔axiom〕An established rule, principle, or law.公理,原理,原则:建立起来的规则、原理、或法律〔sumptuary〕sumptuary laws discouraging construction of large houses on small plots of land.限制在小块土地上建筑大型房屋的规范法律〔attachment〕Legal seizure of property or a person.拘捕或扣押:对财产或人员的法律扣押〔legalism〕Strict, literal adherence to the law or to a particular code, as of religion or morality.墨守陈规,条文主义,文牍主义:死板、生硬地坚持法律或某一特定的宗教或道德准则〔equity〕Justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness.正义:在法律的范围内应用而又受伦理与公正原则影响的正义〔lawyer〕The defense is represented by a barrister from Leeds. In England asolicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent, representing clients in lower courts,and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts;in the United States the term denotes the chief law officer of a city, town, or governmental department: 被告由一位来自利兹的律师代理。 在英格兰,Solicitor 是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师, 在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。在美国,这个词指代城市、城镇或政府部门中的总法务官: 〔metaphysics〕the metaphysics of law.法律的基本原则〔fee〕In feudal law, an estate in land granted by a lord to his vassal on condition of homage and service. Also called feud 2fief 封建地产:在封建法律中,领主授予为其效忠的封臣的地产 也作 feud2fief〔nomothetic〕nomos [law] * see nem- nomos [法律] * 参见 nem- 〔letter〕had to adhere to the letter of the law.必须恪守法律的字面意思〔right〕 Prerogative denotes an exclusive right or privilege, as one based on custom, law, office, or recognition of precedence: Prerogative 指某人基于习惯,法律,职务或公认地优先地位的基础得到的排他权利或特权: 〔prove〕Proved is actually the older form of the past participle; proven is a Scottish variant that was first introduced into wider usage in legal contexts: Proved 实际上是过去式的较早形式; proven 是这个词的苏格兰语变体, 它首先在法律领域得到广泛的使用: 〔rabbi〕Abbr. R.A person trained in Jewish law, ritual, and tradition and ordained for leadership of a Jewish congregation, especially one serving as chief religious official of a synagogue.缩写 R.犹太的法学博士:在犹太法律、仪式及传统方面受过训练的人,并被任命主持犹太教集会,尤指在犹太教堂中作为主要神职的人员〔Salic〕Of or relating to the Salic law or to the legal code of the Salian Franks.萨利法典的:属于或有关萨利法律或萨利法兰克人的法律条文的〔Proudhon〕French anarchist who believed that human moral development would ultimately eliminate the need for laws and government.普鲁东,皮尔·约瑟夫:(1809-1865) 法国无政府主义者,他认为人类道德水平的发展将最终消灭政府和法律存在的必要性〔counterpart〕A copy or duplicate of a legal paper.复制品,副本:法律文本的复制品或副本〔Fenian〕From alteration influenced by féne [body of freemen under early Irish law] 源自 受 féne的影响 [早期爱尔兰法律统治下的自由民众群体] 〔sheriff〕The chief law enforcement officer for the courts in a U.S. county.县治安官:美国县级法院的主要的法律执行官员〔contraband〕Goods prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported.违禁品:被法律或条约禁止进口或出口的货物〔passable〕That can be legislated:(法律等)可予通过的:〔probate〕Judicial certification of the validity of a will.遗嘱检验文件:遗嘱有效的法律证明文件〔offense〕Crime refers both to an act committed or omitted in violation of—and punishable by—law and to a serious or grave offense: Crime 指故意犯的罪行或疏忽造成的罪行,违反法律并能被法律惩罚的,或指一项严重或重大的犯罪: 〔legitimate〕from lēx lēg- [law] * see leg- 源自 lēx lēg- [法律] * 参见 leg- 〔pharisee〕Pharisee A member of an ancient Jewish sect that emphasized strict interpretation and observance of the Mosaic law in both its oral and written form. Pharisee 法利赛人:古代犹太教一派的成员,强调严格解释和遵守摩西法律,无论以口头还是书面的形式 |
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