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单词 波利斯
释义 〔Decapolis〕A confederacy in northeast Palestine of ten Roman-controlled cities settled by Greeks. It was formed after 63b.c. and dominated by Damascus. 戴克波利斯:由希腊人定居的十个古罗马人统治的城市联邦之一,位于巴勒斯坦东北部公元前 63年后建成,由大马士革统治 〔Damanhur〕A city of northeast Egypt on the Nile River delta northwest of Cairo. In ancient times it was known as Hermopolis Parva. Population, 221,500.达曼胡尔:埃及东北部一城市,位于尼罗河三角洲上、开罗西北。在古代,因赫尔莫波利斯·帕瓦而闻名。人口221,500〔Kannapolis〕An unincorporated community of south-central North Carolina north-northeast of Charlotte. It was founded c. 1905 as a planned company town by a manufacturer of household linens. Population, 29,696.坎纳波利斯:北卡罗来纳州中南部一无法人地位的社区,位于夏洛特东北偏北。该市是作为一个规划好的公司城镇,大约于1905年由一家用亚麻织品制造商建成。人口29,696〔Columbus〕A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population, 31,802.哥伦布:美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的东南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802〔Heliopolis〕An ancient city of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta north of modern Cairo. It was the center of worship of the sun god Ra until the rise of Thebes (c. 2100b.c. ). Its importance as a historical repository with famed schools of philosophy and astronomy declined after the founding of Alexandria in the fourth century b.c. Two of its obelisks, both known as Cleopatra's Needle, are now in London and in New York City's Central Park. 赫利奥波利斯:埃及北部一座古城,位于尼罗河三角洲,在今开罗以北。在底比斯崛起(公元前 2100年)之前,一直是朝拜太阳神位的中心。它是一座历史的宝库,拥有众多闻名的哲学及天文学学校,其重要性直到 公元前 4世纪随着亚历山大城的建立才逐渐下降。有两块都被称作“克娄巴特拉方尖碑”,目前一块置于伦敦,另一块在纽约的中央公园里 〔Shiraz〕A city of southwest-central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. It has long been an important commercial center noted for its carpets and metalwork. The ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby. Population, 800,000.设拉子:伊朗中西南部一城市,在德黑兰东南偏南。该城长期以来一直是商业中心,以其出产的地毯和金属制品闻名。古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。人口800,000〔Persepolis〕An ancient city of Persia northeast of modern Shiraz in southwest Iran. It was the ceremonial capital of Darius I and his successors. Its ruins include the palaces of Darius and Xerxes and a citadel that contained the treasury looted by Alexander the Great.波斯波利斯:波斯一古城,位于伊朗的西南部、今天的设拉子东北。它是大流士一世和他的胜利者们举行庆典的首都。其废墟包括大流士和色雷斯的宫殿及亚历山大大帝藏宝的城堡〔Hierapolis〕An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor in present-day Turkey. The Roman city was known for its baths fed by hot springs. Hierapolis was also an early center of Christianity.海尔波利斯:小亚细亚西北部的一座古城,在今土耳其境内。罗马古城曾以温泉浴而闻名,海尔波利斯也曾是早期基督教中心〔Pasargadae〕A ruined city of ancient Persia northeast of Persepolis. It was Cyrus the Great's capital and is said to have been founded by him in 550b.c. 帕萨加第:古代波斯波利斯东北部的一座废城。它是居鲁士帝国的首都,据说是由居鲁士于公元前 550年建成 〔Gadara〕An ancient city of Palestine southeast of the Sea of Galilee. It was one of the Greek cities of the Decapolis.加达拉:巴勒斯坦一古城,位于加利利海东南。是德卡波利斯的希腊城市之一〔Apaporis〕A river rising in south-central Colombia and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) southeast to the Japurá River on the Brazilian border.亚帕波利斯河:发源于哥伦比亚中南部的一条河流,向东南注入巴西边界的雅普拉河。流程约805公里(500英里)




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