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单词 波罗的海
释义 〔Stockholm〕The capital and largest city of Sweden, in the eastern part of the country on the Baltic Sea. Founded in the mid-13th century, it grew as a trade center allied with the Hanseatic League. Stockholm was the leading city of the kingdom of Sweden after 1523 but did not become the official capital until 1634. The Nobel Institute is here. Population, 653,455.斯德哥尔摩:瑞典首都及最大城市,位于该国东部,邻波罗的海,建于13世纪中期,后发展成与汉撒同盟结盟的贸易中心斯德哥尔摩于1523年后成为瑞典王国的首席城市,但直到1634年才成为正式的首都诺贝尔学院座落于此。人口653,455〔Balt〕A speaker of a Baltic language.讲波罗的海语言的人〔Nacka〕A city of eastern Sweden, an industrial suburb of Stockholm near the Baltic Sea. Population, 59,009.纳卡:瑞典东部一城市,斯德哥尔摩的一个城郊工业区,位于波罗的海附近。人口59,009〔Mecklenburg〕A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea. It was originally occupied c. sixth centurya.d. by Slavic peoples who were then displaced by Germanic settlements. After 1621 Mecklenburg was divided into two duchies, which joined the German Confederation in 1867. 梅克伦堡州:历史上德国东北部一地区,临近波罗的海。这儿最早在公元 6世纪就有斯拉夫人居住,后为定居于此的日耳曼人所占领。1621年以后,梅克伦堡州被分成两个公爵领地,并于1867年加入了德意志联邦 〔Kiel〕A city of northern Germany onKiel Bay, an arm of the Baltic Sea. Chartered in 1242, Kiel joined the Hanseatic League in 1284, passed to Denmark in 1773, and was annexed by Prussia in 1866. German sailors mutinied here in 1918, setting off a socialist revolution. Population, 245,751. 基尔:德国北部城市,位于基尔湾 (波罗的海的一个水湾)。基尔于1242年被特许建立,1284年加入自由日尔曼城市商人联盟,1773年转入丹麦,1866年曾被普鲁士占有。1918年德国水手在这里叛乱,发动社会主义革命。人口245,751 〔Bornholm〕An island of eastern Denmark in the Baltic Sea near Sweden. It was held for varying periods by Denmark, Sweden, and Lübeck merchants before becoming part of Denmark in the 1600's.博恩荷姆:丹麦东部一岛屿,位于瑞典附近的波罗的海,在17世纪成为丹麦的一部分之前,不同时期分别由丹麦、瑞典和吕贝克商人统治〔Kaliningrad〕A city of extreme western European U.S.S.R. on the Baltic Sea near the Polish border. It was founded in 1255 by the Teutonic Knights and joined the Hanseatic League in 1340. As Königsberg it was an important Prussian city and the birthplace of Immanuel Kant (1724). Transferred to the U.S.S.R. in 1945, the city was renamed Kaliningrad in 1946. Population, 385,000.加里宁格勒,哥尼格斯堡:苏联欧洲部分最西端一城市,濒临波罗的海,毗邻波兰边境。该市由条顿骑士团于1255年建立,1340年加入汉萨同盟。该市旧称哥尼格斯堡,为当时重要的普鲁士城市之一,也是以马内利·康德的出生地(1724年)。1945年该市划归苏联管理,1946年更名为加里宁格勒。人口385,000〔Gotland〕A region of southeast Sweden comprising several islands in the Baltic Sea, includingGotland Island. Inhabited since the Stone Age, Gotland is the traditional homeland of the Goths. 哥德兰岛:瑞典东南部地区,包括波罗的海的几个岛屿,其中包括哥德兰岛 。从石器时代哥特兰岛就有人居住。传说那儿是哥特人的故乡 〔Neman〕A river of western European U.S.S.R. flowing about 933 km (580 mi) west then north and west to the Baltic Sea.涅曼河:苏联西部欧洲部分的一条河,向西再向北,然后向西流入波罗的海,流程约933公里(580英里)〔Courland〕A historical region and former duchy of western European U.S.S.R. between the Baltic Sea and the Western Dvina River. It passed to Russia in 1795 and was largely incorporated into Latvia in 1918.库尔兰:历史上的一个地区,是原西欧部分苏联的领地,位于波罗的海和西德维纳河之间,1795年转给俄国,1918年大部分并入拉托维亚〔Lett〕A member of a Baltic people constituting the main population of Latvia.列托人:构成拉脱维亚主要人口的波罗的海人的成员〔Gdynia〕A city of northern Poland on the Gulf of Gda÷sk northwest of Gda÷sk. It has been a major Baltic port since the 1930's. Population, 243,100.格丁尼亚:波兰北部一城市,位于格但斯克海湾内,在格但斯克西北部。自从20世纪30年代以来,它一直是波罗的海一个重要海港口。人口243,100〔Oresund〕A narrow strait between southern Sweden and eastern Denmark connecting the Baltic Sea with the Kattegat.厄勒海峡:瑞典南部和丹麦东部之间、连接波罗的海和加特的狭窄海峡〔Latvian〕The Baltic language of the Latvians. Also called In this sense, also called Lettish 拉脱维亚语:拉脱维亚人所使用的波罗的海语言 也作 在此意义上也可称作 Lettish〔Saaremaa〕An island of northwest European U.S.S.R. in the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga. Long strategically important, it has been controlled by the Teutonic Knights and by Denmark, Sweden, Livonia, Estonia, and Russia.萨拉岛:苏联欧洲部分西北部一岛屿,位于波罗的海的里加湾湾口处。长期以来被视为战略要地,曾先后被条顿人骑士团、丹麦、瑞典、爱沙尼亚和俄罗斯控制〔Wismar〕A city of north-central Germany on an inlet of the Baltic Sea. It was an important member of the Hanseatic League after 1266 and later passed to Sweden (1648). The city was heavily damaged during World War II. Population, 57,874.维斯马:德国中北部一城市,位于波罗的海的一个小湾上。1266年后是汉萨同盟的一个重要成员,后来转给瑞典(1648年)。第二次世界大战期间这个城市受到严重破坏。人口57,874〔Ahvenanmaa〕An archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. Colonized in the 12th century by Swedes, the islands were ceded to Russia in 1809 and became part of Finland after World War I.阿维南玛群岛:波罗的海中的群岛,位于瑞典和芬兰之间的波的尼亚湾的入口处。该群岛12世纪时为瑞典的殖民地,1809年割让给俄国。第一次世界大战后成为芬兰的一部分〔Liepaja〕A city of southwest Latvia on the Baltic Sea southwest of Riga. Founded by the Teutonic Knights in 1263, it passed to Russia in 1795, was briefly the capital of the Latvian provisional government (1918), and was annexed by the U.S.S.R along with the rest of Latvia after World War II. Population, 112,000.利耶帕亚:拉脱维亚西南部的一个城市,位于里加西南方,濒临波罗的海。由条顿骑士建于1263年,1795年归属俄罗斯,曾在很短时间内是拉脱维亚临时政府的首都(1918年),第二次世界大战后,与拉脱维亚的其他地区一同并入苏联。人口112,000〔Prussian〕Any of the western Balts inhabiting the region between the Vistula and Neman rivers in ancient times.古时居住在维斯瓦和涅漫河之间的西波罗的海居民〔Sjaelland〕An island of eastern Denmark bounded by the Kattegat and the Baltic Sea. Separated from Sweden by the Oresund, it is the largest island of Denmark and the site of Copenhagen, the country's capital.西兰岛:丹麦东部一岛屿,被卡特加特海峡与波罗的海围绕,越厄勒海峡与瑞士相望。该岛是丹麦最大的岛屿,并且是该国首都哥本哈根所在地〔Visby〕A city of southeast Sweden on western Gotland Island on the Baltic Sea. It was a member of the Hanseatic League and a commercial center from the 10th to the 14th century but declined after its capture by the Danes in 1362. Visby was a pirate stronghold for the next two centuries and passed to Sweden in 1645. Population, 20,100.维斯比:瑞典东南部一城市,位于波罗的海的哥特兰岛西岸。在10世纪到14世纪之间曾是汉萨同盟的一员和商业中心,但自从被丹麦人于1362年占领后开始走向衰败。维斯比成为以后二个世纪海盗据点,1645年划归瑞典。人口20,100〔Volga〕A river of European U.S.S.R. rising in the Valdai Hills northwest of Moscow and flowing about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) generally east and south to the Caspian Sea. It is the longest river of Europe and the main commercial waterway of the U.S.S.R. The Volga is linked by canals and other rivers to the Baltic Sea.伏尔加河:苏联欧洲部分一条河流,源于莫斯科西北部瓦尔代山,长约3,701公里(2,300英里),大致向东流再向南注入里海。它是欧洲最长的河流和苏联主要商业水道。伏尔加河被许多运河和其它河流连向波罗的海〔Bothnia〕An arm of the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland. It is icebound for nearly half the year.波的尼亚湾:波罗的海的一个海湾,位于瑞典和芬兰之间。有近半年的冰冻期〔Riga〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on theGulf of Riga, an inlet of the Baltic Sea bordering on Latvia and Estonia. Founded as a trading post on a site originally inhabited by Baltic tribes, the city became a member of the Hanseatic League in 1282 and later passed to Poland (1581), Sweden (1621), and Russia (1710). It is the capital and largest city of Latvia. Population, 883,000. 里加:苏联西欧部分一城市,位于里加湾 沿岸,它是波罗的海的一个海湾,毗邻拉脱维亚和爱沙尼亚,最初由波罗的海商旅居住而成为商贸中心,该城市于1282年成为汉萨同盟的一员,后来先后被划归波兰(1581年)、瑞典(1621年)和沙俄(1710年),该城是拉脱维亚的首府和最大的城市。人口883,000 〔Greifswald〕A city of northeast Germany near the Baltic Sea southeast of Stralsund. Chartered in 1250, it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 62,991.格赖夫斯瓦尔德:德国东北部一城市,靠近波罗的海,位于斯特拉尔松东南,于1250年特许设立,为工业和贸易中心。人口62,991〔Turku〕A city of southwest Finland on the Baltic Sea west of Helsinki. Settled in the early 13th century, it was the capital of Finland until 1812. Population, 162,282.土尔库:芬兰西南一城市,临波罗的海,位于赫尔辛基以西。建立于13世纪早期,在1812年以前一直是芬兰的首都。人口162,282〔Pomerania〕A historical region of north-central Europe bordering on the Baltic Sea in present-day northwest Poland and northeast Germany. It was inhabited by Slavic tribes in the 10th century and conquered by Poland in the 12th century. The territory was later split up and controlled by various powers, including the Holy Roman Empire, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany.波美拉尼亚:欧洲中北部一个历史上著名的地区,濒临波罗的海,位于今天的波兰西北部和德国东北部境内。10世纪时由斯拉夫人的部落居住,12世纪时为波兰征服。这一地区后来分裂并被各个强国统治过,包括神圣罗马帝国、普鲁士、瑞典、丹麦和德国〔Oder〕A river of central Europe flowing about 904 km (562 mi) from north-central Czechoslovakia through Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea. It is a major waterway of Eastern Europe.奥德河:一条欧洲中部的河流,流程约904公里(562英里),从捷克斯洛伐克中北部,经过波兰和德国流入波罗的海。它是东欧的一条主要水上通道〔window〕St. Petersburg was Peter the Great's window onto the Baltic.圣彼得堡是彼得大帝进入波罗的海的一个入口〔Neva〕A river of northwest European U.S.S.R. flowing about 74 km (46 mi) from Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland, an arm of the Baltic Sea.内华达河:前苏联欧洲部分西北部的河流,由拉多加湖流至波罗的海的伸出部分芬兰湾,流程约74公里(46英里)〔Falster〕An island of southeast Denmark in the Baltic Sea off the southern tip of Sjaelland, with which it is connected by bridge.法尔斯特岛:丹麦东南部的一座岛屿,在波罗的海边,通过一桥梁与锡兰岛南端相连〔Stralsund〕A city of northeast Germany on an inlet of the Baltic Sea opposite Rügen Island. Chartered in 1234, it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League and changed hands many times before it passed to Prussia in 1815. Population, 75,335.施特拉尔松德:德国东北部一城市,临波罗的海一港湾与吕根岛对峙该城于1234年或特许自治,为汉萨同盟的领导成员之一,并几度易手,直至1815年归于普鲁士统治之下。人口75,335〔Rostock〕A city of northeast Germany near the Baltic Sea north-northwest of Berlin. Originally a Slavic fortress, it was chartered in 1218 and was an important member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century. Population, 241,146.罗斯托克:德国东北部一城市,位于柏林西北以北,濒临波罗的海。该市最初为斯拉夫人的城堡,1218年被授予特权,是14世纪汉萨同盟的重要成员之一。人口241,146〔Flensburg〕A city of northern Germany onFlensburg Fjord, an arm of the Baltic Sea at the Danish border. Founded c. 1200, the city is a port and shipbuilding center. Population, 86,873. 弗伦斯堡:德国北部一城市,位于德国与丹麦交界处波罗的海的一个海湾弗伦斯堡 湾内。建于公元1200年,该城市是一个海港和造船中心。人口86,873 〔Kalmar〕A city of southeast Sweden onKalmar Sound, an arm of the Baltic Sea between the Swedish mainland and Öland. An important trade center since the eighth century, the city was the site of the Union of Kalmar (1397), which joined Sweden, Denmark, and Norway into a single monarchy that lasted until 1523. Population, 30,300. 卡尔马:瑞典东南部一城市,位于瑞典大陆和厄兰岛之间波罗的海的卡尔马湾 。从8世纪开始,该市就成为一重要的贸易中心。该市为卡尔马联盟(1397年)的所在地。卡尔马联盟把瑞典,丹麦和挪威联合成一个君主国,一直延续到1523年。人口30,300 〔Lolland〕An island of southeast Denmark in the Baltic Sea south of Sjaelland.洛兰岛:丹麦东南部岛屿,位于西兰岛以南波罗的海〔Baltic〕Of or relating to the Baltic Sea, the Baltic States, or a Baltic-speaking people.波罗的海的:波罗的海波罗的海国家、或讲波罗的海语言的人的或与之相关的〔Klaipeda〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Baltic Sea. Founded as a fortress in 1252, it was an important trading town of the Hanseatic League and was later held by Sweden, Russia, Prussia, Lithuania, and Germany before its capture by Soviet forces in 1945. Population, 195,000.克莱佩达,梅梅尔:苏联欧洲部分西部一城市,位于波罗的海边。1252年作为一个堡垒建立。它是汉萨同盟的一个重要商业城镇。后来它先后被瑞典,俄罗斯、普鲁士、立陶宛和德国占领,1945年被苏联军队占领。人口195,000




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