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单词 注意
释义 〔affair〕It's your lookout to see that your application is filed on time. 你应注意去看看你的申请是否准时归档 〔pass〕If you pass the new photographs in the collection, you'll miss some outstanding ones.如果你不注意这一影集中的新相片,你就错过了一些杰作〔tune〕"Nobody tunes in to what anybody else is saying"(Bruce Allen)“没有人注意别的人在说什么”(布鲁斯·艾伦)〔pamper〕Baby suggests bestowing on someone the indulgence and attention one might give to an infant: Baby 显示出对某人给予婴儿所应获得的溺爱与注意〔demanding〕Requiring much effort or attention:费力的,费神的:需要很多努力或注意〔punctilious〕Strictly attentive to minute details of form in action or conduct.See Synonyms at meticulous 谨小慎微的,一丝不苟的:严格注意行为或举动的小细节的 参见 meticulous〔theatrical〕theatricals Affectedly dramatic gestures or behavior; histrionics. theatricals 造作:造作地引入注意的动作或行为;装模作样〔shtick〕A characteristic attribute, talent, or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention:独特风格,特色:能帮助获得承认或注意的有特征的属性、才能或特点:〔likeness〕"A striking similitude between the brother and sister now first arrested my attention" (Edgar Allan Poe).“这对兄妹之间惊人的相似首次引起了我的注意” (爱德加·阿伦·坡)。〔look〕To turn one's attention; attend:转移注意力;注意〔sloppy〕These adjectives apply to people, their appearance, their way of thinking, or their work and mean marked by an absence of due or proper care or attention.这些形容词可以用于人、人们的外表、人们的思维方式或人们的工作,意思是以缺少应有的或正确的留心或注意为特征的。〔attention〕from attentus [past participle of] attendere [to heed] * see attend 源自 attentus attendere的过去分词 [留心,注意] * 参见 attend〔govern〕Govern yourselves like civilized human beings.注意自己的言行,使自己象一个有教养的人〔cognizance〕We will take cognizance of your objections at the proper time.在适当的时候我们将注意你的异议〔aware〕a watchful parent with a toddler in tow;一个注意照看蹒跚学步的小孩儿的家长;〔attentive〕Giving care or attention; watchful:注意的,专心的,留心的:小心或注意的;关注的:〔yo〕Used as a greeting or to attract someone's attention.唷!:用于招呼或引起某人的注意〔forehanded〕Looking or planning ahead; circumspect.谨慎小心的:事先注意或计划的;考虑周到的〔fix〕To direct one's efforts or attention; concentrate:集中,专心:吸引某人的努力或注意;专心:〔see〕Remark suggests close attention and often an evaluation of what is noticed: Remark 暗示密切地注意和经常对所观察的事物进行估价: 〔studious〕Giving or evincing careful regard; heedful:给予或表明关注的;注意的:〔bring〕To get the attention of; attract:引起…的注意;吸引:〔drift〕To wander from a set course or point of attention; stray.偏离:离开一定的路线或注意点;游离〔fixate〕To command the attention of exclusively or repeatedly; preoccupy obsessively:全部或反复控制地注意;固定地占据:〔advertence〕The action of being attentive; attention or consideration.注意,留心,殷勤,考虑,顾及:注意、关心、殷勤的动作;注意,留心,殷勤,考虑,顾及〔conscious〕Inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful:留心的:内心上注意的或敏感的;留心的:〔advertent〕Paying attention; attentive; heedful.注意的;留心的,体贴的,殷勤的;留神的,警觉的〔inobservance〕Lack of heed or attention; disregard.不留心,玩忽:不留意,不注意;不在意〔ketchup〕The wordketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in the borrowing process, both in the borrowing of a word and in the borrowing of a substance.The source of our wordketchup may be the Malay word kēchap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese.Kēchap, like our word, referred to a kind of sauce, but a sauce without tomatoes;rather, it contained fish brine, herbs, and spices.The sauce seems to have emigrated to Europe by way of sailors,where it was made with locally available ingredients such as the juice of mushrooms or walnuts.At some point, when the juice of tomatoes was first used,ketchup as we know it was born.However, it is important to realize that in the 18th and 19th centuriesketchup was a generic term for sauces whose only common ingredient was vinegar. The word is first recorded in English in 1690 in the formcatchup, in 1711 in the formketchup, and in 1730 in the formcatsup. These three spelling variants of a foreign borrowing remain current.ketchup 这个词显示出在借词过程中的变异, 既发生在借词上又发生物质转借上。ketch up 这个词的来源大约是马来词 kechap , 可能是从中国广东方言变为马来语的。Kechap 也象ketchup一样指一种酱, 但是不含番茄的酱,而是含咸鱼汁、药草和香料。大概是由水手们传到欧洲,在欧洲只能用当地有的调料如蘑菇或胡桃汁制成。当番茄汁初次被被使用时,我们所指的调味番茄酱便产生了。但应注意的是18和19世纪时,ketchup 是表示一般成分只含醋的调料的通用词。 1690年这个词首先以catchup 的形式在英语中出现, 1711年改为ketchup , 1730年又改为catsup 。 这个外来词的三种不同拼法现在都通行〔interest〕A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something:兴趣,好奇心:对某事的好奇、关心或注意〔thoughtful〕Attentive suggests devoted, assiduous attention: Attentive 指热情且殷勤地注意〔Ledbetter〕American folk and blues musician. Ledbetter was a traveling musician and laborer until his discovery by the musical archivists John and Alan Lomax, who brought his work to national attention (1934).莱德贝特,胡迪娅:(1885?-1949) 美国民歌及布鲁斯音乐家。莱德贝特原来是一位巡游歌手及体力劳动者,后被音乐制作人约翰和阿伦·隆麦克斯发现,并使他的作品受到全国注意(1934年)〔hit〕can't go into a bar lately without being hit on.最近只要去酒吧,没有不受到注意〔engage〕To attract and hold the attention of; engross:吸引,全神贯注:引起或赢得注意;使全神贯注:〔jealous〕Vigilant in guarding something:警戒的:在保护某物时注意的:〔icon〕One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol:偶像:成为人们注意和崇拜对象的人物;偶像:〔unthinking〕Not taking due thought; thoughtless or heedless:轻率的:未给予应有的考虑的;轻率的或不注意的:〔represent〕To draw attention to by way of remonstrance or protest:(强烈)抗议,告诫:通过反对抗议引起对…的注意〔efface〕To conduct (oneself) inconspicuously:隐没:使(自己)不被人注意〔unattended〕an unattended fire.没有注意的火灾




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