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单词 活火山
释义 〔Katmai〕An active volcano, about 2,048 m (6,715 ft) high, in the Aleutian Range of southern Alaska at the eastern end of the Alaska Peninsula. It is located in a national monument that includes the Valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes.卡特迈火山:阿拉斯加半岛东端阿拉斯加州北部,阿留申山区的一座活火山,海拔约2,048米(合6,715英尺),位于包括万烟山谷的国家保护区内〔Mayon〕An active volcano, 2,461.4 m (8,070 ft) high, of southeast Luzon, Philippines. It is considered one of the world's most perfect cones.马荣火山:菲律宾吕宋岛东南部活火山,海拔2,461.4米(8,070英尺),被认为是世界上最完美的火山锥〔lava〕Lava was appropriately named by people living near Mount Vesuvius.The only active volcano on the European mainland, Vesuvius has erupted frequently since Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried by it ina.d. 79. The Neapolitans who lived in the vicinity took a word in Italian,lava, meaning "a stream caused suddenly by rain,” and applied it to the streams of molten rock coming down the sides of Vesuvius. The term was then taken into Standard Italian,where it came to mean the rock in both its molten and its solidified states.The Italian word in all its senses was borrowed into English around the middle of the 18th century (1750 being the earliest date of record).火山岩这一恰当的名称是由生活在维苏威火山附近的居民命名的。维苏威火山是欧洲大陆唯一的活火山,自从公元 79年庞贝和赫库兰尼姆被它埋没以来,它一直频繁爆发。 生活在附近的那不勒斯人用意大利语中的一个单词lava 指代从维苏威火山上流淌下来的熔化岩石流,而这个词的本意是“由雨水骤然形成的溪流”。 这一词语被纳入标准意大利语,意为处于熔化或凝固状态的岩石。大约在18世纪中期,这一意大利单词和其含义都被借用到英语之中(最早的记录见于1750年)〔Vesuvius〕An active volcano, 1,281 m (4,200 ft) high, of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples. A violent eruption ina.d. 79 destroyed the nearby city of Pompeii. 维苏威山:一个活火山,海拔1,281米(4,200英尺),位于那不勒斯湾东海岸的意大利南部。公元 79年的一次猛烈的喷发摧毁了附近的城市庞贝 〔Izalco〕An active volcano, about 2,388 m (7,828 ft) high and still increasing in height, of western El Salvador. It is sometimes called "the Lighthouse of the Pacific.”伊萨尔科火山:一座活火山,约2,388米(7,828英尺)高,而且高度仍不断增长,位于萨尔瓦多西部。有时被称为“太平洋的灯塔”〔Hekla〕An active volcano, 1,492.1 m (4,892 ft) high, of southwest Iceland. In medieval Icelandic folklore, Hekla was believed to be one of the gateways to purgatory.赫克拉火山:一座活火山,高1,492.1米(4,892英尺),位于冰岛西南部。在中世纪的冰岛民间故事中,赫克拉被认为是通往炼狱的大门之一〔Apo〕The highest mountain, 2,956.1 m (9,692 ft), of the Philippines, an active volcano on southeast Mindanao.阿波火山:菲律宾最高的山,海拔2,956.1米(9,692英尺),是棉兰老岛东南部的一座活火山〔Kilauea〕An active volcanic crater on the southeast slope of Mauna Loa in south-central Hawaii Island. It is one of the largest and most spectacular craters in the world.基拉韦厄:夏威夷岛中南部冒纳罗亚火山东南斜坡上的活火山口,是世界上最大的和最壮观的火山口之一〔Antisana〕An active volcano, about 5,760 m (18,885 ft) high, of north-central Ecuador in the Andes southeast of Quito.安蒂萨那:厄瓜多尔中北部的一座活火山,高约5,760米(18,885英尺),在基多东南的安第斯山脉上〔Taal〕A lake of southwest Luzon, Philippines, south of Manila. It contains Volcano Island, the site of the active volcanoMount Taal. 塔阿尔湖:菲律宾吕宋岛西南部,位于马尼拉以南。内有火山岛,是活火山塔尔山 的所在地 〔Cotopaxi〕An active volcano, 5,900.8 m (19,347 ft) high, in the Andes of central Ecuador. The symmetrical snowcapped cone is one of the highest volcanoes in the world.科托帕克希火山:一座位于厄瓜多尔中部安第山的活火山,高5,900.8米(19,347英尺),其对称的由雪覆盖的岩锥是世界上最高的火山〔Etna〕An active volcano, 3,325.1 m (10,902 ft) high, of eastern Sicily. Its first known eruption occurred in 475b.c. 埃特纳火山:一座位于西西里岛东部海拔3,325.1米(10,902英尺)的活火山。根据现知的材料它首次喷发于公元前 475年




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