单词 | 流放 |
释义 | 〔Australia〕A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies. The first British settlement, a penal colony at Fort Jackson (now part of Sydney), was established in 1788. The present-day states grew as separate colonies; six of them formed a federation in 1901. In 1911 Northern Territory joined the commonwealth and the Capital Territory, site of Canberra, was created. Canberra is the capital and Sydney is the largest city. Population, 15,544,500.澳大利亚:联邦制国家,由澳洲大陆塔斯马尼亚州岛,两块外部疆域及几个附属岛屿组成。英国于1788年在杰克逊堡(现悉尼一部分)建立第一块流放殖民者居住地。现今的各州已成为独立的殖民地;其中六州于1901年组建联邦。1911年北部地区加入联邦,作为首都地区的堪培拉这时也形成了。堪培拉为首都,悉尼为最大城市。人口15,544,500〔Mandelstam〕Russian poet, translator, and critic. Although his early works were highly regarded, he went unpublished in the Soviet Union after 1933, when he denounced Stalin and refused to comply with Soviet censors. He endured years of internal exile and eventually died in a concentration camp.曼德斯坦:俄罗斯诗人、翻译家和评论家。他的早期作品受到高度评价,但1933年后因其指责斯大林并拒绝遵守苏联出版品检查,在苏联未有作品问世。经历了国内的多年流放后最终死于集中营.〔Harington〕English writer known for his translation (1591) of Ariosto'sOrlando Furioso. He was banished from Elizabeth's court because of his satires. 哈林顿,约翰:(1561-1612) 英国作家,曾因翻译阿里奥斯托的名著《疯狂的奥兰多》 闻名于世(1591年)。由于他的讽刺文章被伊丽莎白法庭流放 〔Knox〕Scottish religious reformer and founder of Scottish Presbyterianism. While living in exile (1553-1559) during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, a Catholic, he came under the influence of John Calvin. Returning to Scotland (1559), Knox led the struggle for religious reform. With the drafting of the Confessions of Faith (1560), Protestantism became the established religion in Scotland.诺克斯,约翰:(1514?-1572) 苏格兰宗教改革家和苏格兰长老会的创建人。在天主教徒玛丽女王统治苏格兰时,他被流放。他在流放中(1553-1559年)受到了约翰·加尔文的影响。回到苏格兰以后(1559年),他领导了宗教改革斗争。随着《信仰声明》的起草(1560年),新教成为苏格兰的国教〔transportation〕Deportation to a penal colony.流放:放逐到一个流刑地〔Cayenne〕The capital of French Guiana, onCayenne Island at the mouth of the Cayenne River. Founded by the French in 1643, it was the center of a penal colony from the 1850's until the 1940's. Population, 38,093. 卡宴:法属圭亚那首府,位于卡宴河 河口的 卡宴岛 。1643年由法国建立,从19世纪50年代至20世纪40年代是罪犯流放的中心地。人口38,093 〔Khomeini〕Iranian Shiite leader and head of state (1979-1989). Arrested (1963) and exiled (1964) for his opposition to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's regime, he returned to Iran on the shah's downfall (1979) and established a new constitution giving himself supreme powers. His reign was marked by a return to strict observance of the Islamic code.霍梅尼,卢霍拉:(1900-1989) 伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派领袖和国家元首(1979-1989年)。因反对沙·穆罕默德·礼萨·巴列维的统治而被捕(1963年)和流放(1964年),沙被颠覆后回到伊朗(1979年)并创立了一个赋于他自己最高权利的新宪法。他的统治以重新严格遵守伊斯兰教义为标志〔ostracism〕The act of banishing or excluding.流放:放逐或流放的行为〔Rizal〕Philippine national leader and writer. Having been exiled (1892-1896) for his political novels, he was arrested on his return, charged with sedition, and executed, an act that precipitated an insurrection against Spanish rule (1896-1898).黎刹,若斯:(1861-1896) 菲律宾民族领袖和作家。因其政治小说遭流放(1892-1896年),他在回国后被逮捕,以煽动叛乱罪被处死,该事件加速了反抗西班牙统治的起义(1896-1898年)〔relegate〕To send to a place of exile; banish.流放:送到一个流亡的地方;放逐〔banish〕Transport pertains to the sending abroad, usually to a penal colony, of one convicted of a crime: Transport 指将罪犯流放到劳役地: 〔exile〕Enforced removal from one's native country.流放:被强迫离开自己的国家〔transport〕To send abroad to a penal colony; deport.See Synonyms at banish 流放:把…送到海外的行刑地;流放 参见 banish〔Clarendon〕English politician and historian who was falsely accused of treason and banished (1667). While in France he wrote his major work,The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (1702-1704). 克拉伦登:英国政治家和历史学家,被错判叛国罪并流放(1667年)。在法国写出他的重要著作《英国叛乱和内战史》 (1702-1704年) 〔preexilian〕Relating to the history of the Jews before their exile in Babylonia in the sixth centuryb.c. . 流放前的:关于犹太人在公元前 6世纪流放到巴比伦之前的历史的 〔expatriate〕To send into exile.See Synonyms at banish 流放 参见 banish〔Hippias〕Athenian tyrant (527-510) who governed with his brother Hipparchus. After his brother's assassination, he ruled brutally until he was exiled by the Spartans (510).希庇亚斯:雅典暴君(527-510年)与其共同统治雅典在其遇刺之后,他残酷地统治人民最终被斯巴达人流放(510年)〔Coventry〕A state of ostracism or exile:放逐,流放:放逐或流放的状态:〔Boulanger〕French military and political leader who after serving in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) envisioned himself dictator and was accused of treason. He committed suicide in exile.博兰格尔,乔治斯·欧内斯特·简·玛丽:(1837-1891) 法国军事和政治领袖,参加普法战争(1870-1871年)后,企图成为一个独裁者,但被起诉为叛逆,后在流放中自杀〔Gaullism〕The political movement supporting Gen. Charles de Gaulle as leader of the French government in exile during World War II.戴高乐运动:二战时期的政治运动,支持流放中的吉·查尔斯·戴高乐为法国总统〔banish〕To force to leave a country or place by official decree; exile.放逐,流放:被官方法令强迫离开某国或某地;放逐〔exile〕To send into exile; banish.See Synonyms at banish 流放;把…驱逐出境 参见 banish〔colony〕an island penal colony.一个岛的流放群体〔sign〕"The exile of Gaveston was the sign of the barons' triumph" (John R. Green). “盖夫斯顿的流放标志着男爵的胜利” (约翰R·格林)。 |
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