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单词 流派
释义 〔fauvism〕An early 20th-century movement in painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors.野兽派:20世纪早期的绘画流派,由一群法国画家发起,其特点是显著的鲜艳色彩和对开式的自由处理〔Mahayana〕One of the major schools of Buddhism, active in Japan, Korea, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, and China, which teaches social concern and universal salvation.大乘佛教:佛教的主要流派之一,流传于日本、朝鲜、尼泊尔、西藏、蒙古和中国,教导人们关心社会和普渡众生〔Hawks〕American filmmaker who brought his unique directorial style to a variety of motion-picture genres. His works includeHis Girl Friday (1940) and The Big Sleep (1946). 霍克斯,霍华德·温切斯特:(1896-1977) 美国电影制片人,他将自己独特的导演风格发展成多种电影流派,作品包括《他的女郎星期五》 (1940年)和 《长睡》 (1946年) 〔expressionism〕A movement in the arts during the early part of the 20th century that emphasized subjective expression of the artist's inner experiences.表现主义:20世纪早期艺术的一种流派,强调艺术家的内心经验的主观表达〔postimpressionism〕A school of painting in France in the late 19th century that rejected the objective naturalism of impressionism and used form and color in more personally expressive ways.后期印象主义:19世纪后半期法国的绘画流派,反对印象主义的客观自然性,以更为个人化的表现方式运用形式与色彩〔cubism〕A nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early 20th century, characterized by the reduction and fragmentation of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes.立体派:20世纪初出现于巴黎的一个绘画和雕刻抽象流派,其特征是把各种自然形态简化并分裂成抽象的、通常为几何形状的结构,并常被描绘成一系列互不相联的平面〔Kleenex〕"It's an attitude that comes from looking at countries—and people—as ‘dispensable,’ the Kleenex school of foreign policy"(Mary McGrory)“它是一种来自于把国家——和人民——看成是‘非必需’的看法,即克里内克斯流派对外政策的态度”(玛丽·麦格罗里)〔Scott〕British writer of ballads and historical novels, a genre he developed. His works includeWaverley (1814) and Ivanhoe (1819). 司各特,沃尔特:(1771-1832) 英国的民谣家和历史小说家,他发展的一种流派。他的作品包括《威弗利》 (1814年)和 《艾凡赫》 (1819年) 〔genre〕"his six String Quartets . . . the most important works in the genre since Beethoven's"(Time)“他的六部弦乐四重奏…是该流派自贝多芬以来最重要的作品”(时代)〔style〕The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular person, group, school, or era.独特的风格,体裁:一个人、一群人、流派或一个时代的文学与艺术表达、其作品特征的总和〔Parrington〕American literary historian and philosopher known especially for his three-volume studyMain Currents in American Thought (1927-1930). 帕林顿,弗农·路易斯:(1871-1929) 美国文学史专家和哲学家,尤以他的三卷研究专著《美国思想的主要流派》 而闻名(1927-1930年) 〔Coleridge〕British poet and critic who was a leader of the romantic movement. With William Wordsworth he publishedLyrical Ballads (1798), which contains "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” his best-known poem. 柯尔雷基,塞缪尔·泰勒:(1772-1834) 英国诗人批评家浪漫主义流派的倡导者,同威廉·华兹华斯一起出版了抒情歌谣 (1798年),里面包括了他最为著名的诗歌《老水手的故事》 〔suprematism〕A school and theory of geometric abstract art that originated in Russia in the early 20th century and influenced constructivism.至上主义:20世纪早期出现于俄国,对构成主义产生影响的纯几何抽象绘画流派及理论〔luminism〕A style of 19th-century American painting concerned especially with the precise, realistic rendering of atmospheric light and the perceived effects of that light on depicted objects.采光艺术派:19世纪美国的美术流派,他们尤其关心大气光的精确而现实的再现,以及这种光在被表现的物体上所收到的效果〔Cole〕American painter acknowledged as the leader of the Hudson River School, America's first painting movement.科尔,托马斯:(1801-1848) 美国画家,作为哈得孙河流派,美国第一次绘画运动的领导者为人们所熟知




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