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释义 〔Eger〕A city of northeast Hungary on theEger River, about 311 km (193 mi) long. The city was occupied by the Turks from 1596 to 1687. Population, 64,702. 埃格尔:匈牙利东北部的一座城市,位于流程约311公里(193英里)的埃格尔河 沿岸。从1596年到1687年为土耳其人所占据。人口64,702 〔Juba〕A river of southern Ethiopia and southern Somalia flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) to the Indian Ocean.朱巴河:流经埃塞俄比亚南部和索马里南部的河流,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里),流入印度洋〔Rhone〕A river rising in the Alps of south-central Switzerland and flowing about 813 km (505 mi) west-southwest and northwest to Lake Geneva then into eastern France, where it joins the Saône River at Lyons and continues southward to the Mediterranean Sea.隆河:源于瑞士中南的阿尔卑斯山的河流,流向西南偏西和西北,流程约813公里(505英里)流向日内瓦湖,然后流入法国东部,于索恩河汇流,并继续向东流入地中海〔Ruhr〕A region of northwest Germany along and north of theRuhr River, which flows about 233 km (145 mi) westward to the Rhine River near Duisburg. The industrial development of the region began in the 19th century. 鲁尔区:德国西北部一区,位于鲁尔河 沿岸以北,鲁尔河向西流程大约233公里(合145英里)在杜伊斯堡附近注入莱茵河,这一地区的工业发展开始于19世纪 〔Boyne〕A river of eastern Ireland flowing about 113 km (70 mi) to the Irish Sea. In the Battle of the Boyne on July 1, 1690, the armies of King William III defeated the forces of James II, who fled to France.博伊奈:爱尔兰东部一河流,流程约113公里(70英里),流入爱尔兰海,在1690年7月1日的博伊奈战役中,国王威廉三世的军队击败了詹姆斯二世的军队,后詹姆斯二世逃往法国〔Potaro〕A river, about 161 km (100 mi) long, of central Guyana. It has gold deposits and is known for its Kaieteur Falls.波塔罗河:盖亚纳中部河流,流程约为161公里(即100英里)。河底含金矿砂,并以其凯厄图尔瀑布闻名〔Olenek〕A river of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about 2,172 km (1,350 mi) east then north to the Laptev Sea.奥列尼奥克河:苏联西伯利亚东部的一条河,流程约2,172公里(1,350英里),向东然后向北注入拉普捷夫海〔Belaya〕A river of eastern European U.S.S.R. rising in the Ural Mountains and flowing about 1,416 km (880 mi) generally northwest to the Kama River.别拉亚河:苏联东部欧洲部分一河流,发源于乌拉尔山,流程约1,416公里(880英里),总体向西北住注入卡马河〔Urubamba〕A river of Peru rising in the Andes and flowing about 724 km (450 miles) north-northwest to join the Apurímac River and form the Ucayali River.乌鲁班巴河:秘鲁境内的河,发源于安第斯山脉。流程为724公里(450公里),向西北偏北方向汇入阿普里马克河从而形成乌卡亚利河〔Songhua〕A river of northeast China rising near the North Korean border and flowing about 1,850 km (1,150 mi) northwest, east, and northeast to the Amur River.松花江:中国东北的一条河流,发源于与朝鲜交界的附近,流程约1,850公里(1,150英里),向西北、东、和东北方向注入阿穆尔河〔Pilcomayo〕A river of central South America rising in central Bolivia and flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) southeast along the Argentina-Paraguay border to the Paraguay River.皮科马约河:南美洲中部的一条河,起源于玻利维亚中部,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里),沿阿根廷与巴拉圭边界向东南注入巴拉圭河〔Tisza〕A river of central Europe rising in the Carpathian Mountains in the western Ukraine and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) generally southward across eastern Hungary and northern Yugoslavia to the Danube River.蒂萨河:中欧一河流,发源于乌克兰西部的喀尔巴干山脉,流程为965公里(600英里),大致向南流经匈牙利东部和南斯拉夫北部,最后注入多瑙河〔Minho〕A river flowing about 338 km (210 mi) from northwest Spain south and southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. Its lower course forms part of the border between Spain and Portugal.米尼奥河:从西班牙西北部向南和西南注入大西洋的一条河流,流程约338公里(210英里)。其后半段形成西班牙和葡萄牙的部分边界〔Ruvuma〕A river of southeast Africa flowing about 724 km (450 mi) eastward along the Mozambique-Tanzania border to the Indian Ocean.鲁伍马河:非洲东南部一条河流,流程约724公里(合450英里)向东沿莫桑比克-坦桑尼亚边界注入印度洋〔Tuolumne〕A river, about 249 km (155 mi) long, of central California flowing generally westward to the San Joaquin River.图奥勒米河:一条流程约249公里(155英里)的河,位于加利福尼亚州中部,流向大致向西,注入圣华金河〔Atbara〕A river of northeast Africa rising in northwest Ethiopia and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) to the Nile River in eastern Sudan.阿特巴拉河:非洲东北部一条河流,发源于埃塞俄比亚西北部,流程约805公里(500英里),在苏丹东部注入尼罗河〔Chubut〕A river rising in the Andes of southwest Argentina and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) eastward to the Atlantic Ocean.秋波河:发源于阿根廷西南安第斯山的一条河,流程约805公里(500英里),向东注入大西洋〔Brazos〕A river rising as a tributary in eastern New Mexico and flowing about 1,400 km (870 mi) generally southeast across Texas to the Gulf of Mexico southwest of Galveston.布拉索斯河:发源于新墨西哥东部属地的一条河流,流程约1,400公里(870英里),大致向东南穿越得克萨斯州注入加尔维斯顿西南部的墨西哥湾〔Kistna〕A river of southern India rising in the Western Ghats and flowing about 1,287 km (800 mi) eastward to the Bay of Bengal.奇斯特纳河:印度南部一河流,发源于西高止山脉,流程约1,287公里(800英里),向东流入孟加拉湾〔Apaporis〕A river rising in south-central Colombia and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) southeast to the Japurá River on the Brazilian border.亚帕波利斯河:发源于哥伦比亚中南部的一条河流,向东南注入巴西边界的雅普拉河。流程约805公里(500英里)〔Douro〕A river rising in north-central Spain and flowing about 772 km (480 mi) westward then southwestward along the Spanish-Portuguese border. It enters the Atlantic Ocean at Oporto.杜罗河:发源于西班牙中北部的一条河流,流程772公里(480英里),沿西班牙-葡萄牙边境向西再向西南。在波尔图注入大西洋〔Saginaw〕A city of east-central Michigan on theSaginaw River, which flows about 32 km (20 mi) northward into Saginaw Bay, a large inlet of Lake Huron. The city is a port of entry and an industrial center. Population, 69,572. 萨吉诺:美国密歇根州中东部一城市,位于萨吉诺河 上,流程大约32公里(合20英里),向北注入 萨吉诺湾, 休伦湖的大海湾。这个城市是进口港和工业中心。人口69,572 〔Athabasca〕A river rising in the Rocky Mountains of southwest Alberta, Canada, and flowing about 1,231 km (765 mi) east and north toLake Athabasca on the border of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. The river and lake are important constituents of the Mackenzie River system. 阿萨巴斯卡河:起源于加拿大亚伯达省西南部的落基山脉的一条河流,流程约1,231公里(765英里),向东后向北,注入艾伯塔省北部边界和萨斯喀彻温省的阿萨巴斯卡湖 。该河流与湖泊是马更些河流体系的重要组成部分 〔Sandusky〕A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland onSandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about 241 km (150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early 1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population, 29,764. 桑达斯基:美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰西部桑达斯基湾 沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。 桑达斯基河 ,流程约241公里(150英里),向西和向北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764 〔Salween〕A river of southeast Asia rising in eastern Tibet and flowing about 2,816 km (1,750 mi) east then south through Burma into the Gulf of Martaban.萨尔温江(怒江):东南亚一条河流,源于西藏东部,流程约2,816公里(1,750英里),向东然后向南经缅甸注入马达班湾〔Chu〕A river of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. flowing about 1,126 km (700 mi) eastward into Issyk-Kul.朱河:苏联中亚部分南部的一条河,流程约1,126公里(700英里),向东注入伊斯库尔湖〔Mattaponi〕A river, about 201 km (125 mi) long, of eastern Virginia flowing southeast to the York River.马特波尼河:美国弗吉尼亚州东部的河流,流程201公里(125英里),向东南注入约克河〔Purus〕A river of east-central Peru and western Brazil flowing about 3,379 km (2,100 mi) generally northeast to the Amazon River.普鲁斯河:秘鲁中东部和巴西西部的一条流程约3,379公里(2,100英里)的河流,大致向东北流入亚马逊河〔Luangwa〕A river, about 805 km (500 mi) long, of eastern Zambia flowing south-southwest to the Zambezi River.卢安瓦河:大约805公里(500英里)流程的一条河流,从赞比亚东部西南偏南方向流入赞比西河〔Kuskokwim〕A river of southwest Alaska flowing about 965 km (600 mi) southwest toKuskokwim Bay, an inlet of the Bering Sea. 卡斯科奎姆河:美国阿拉斯加西南一河流,流程约965公里(600英里),向西南流入白令海的一个海湾卡斯科奎姆湾 〔Brahmaputra〕A river of southern Asia rising in the Himalaya Mountains of southwest Tibet and flowing about 2,896 km (1,800 mi) east then south and west through northeast India to join the Ganges River and form a vast delta in central Bangladesh.布拉马普特拉河:南亚河流,发源于西藏西南部的喜马拉雅山,流程约2,896公里(1,800英里),先向东后向南和西流经印度东北部汇入恒河,在孟加拉中部形成一个大三角洲〔Maroni〕A river of northern South America flowing about 724 km (450 mi) northward along the Suriname-French Guiana border to the Atlantic Ocean.马罗尼河:南美北部一河流,流程约724公里(450英里),沿苏里南和法属圭亚那边境向北注入大西洋〔Wabash〕A river of the east-central United States rising in western Ohio and flowing about 764 km (475 mi) generally southwest across Indiana and southward on the Indiana-Illinois border to the Ohio River.瓦伯什河:美国中东部河流,发源于西俄亥俄州,流程约764公里(475英里),向西南跨过印第安纳州再向南在印第安纳-伊利诺斯交界注入俄亥俄河〔Ebro〕A river rising in the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain and flowing about 925 km (575 mi) to the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Barcelona.埃布罗河:发源于西班牙北部坎塔布连山的一条河流,流程约925公里(575英里),注入巴塞罗那西南方的地中海〔Yamuna〕A river of northern India rising in the Himalaya Mountains and flowing about 1,384 km (860 mi) generally southeast to the Ganges River at Allahabad.亚穆那河:发源于喜马拉雅山脉的印度北部河流,流程约1,384公里(860英里),大致向东南在阿拉哈巴德注入恒河〔Pechora〕A river of northeast European U.S.S.R. flowing about 1,802 km (1,120 mi) northward intoPechora Bay, an arm of the Barents Sea. 伯朝拉河:苏联欧洲部分东北方的一条河,流程约1,802公里(1,120英里),向北注入伯朝拉湾 ,巴伦支海一海湾 〔Olekma〕A river, about 1,319 km (820 mi) long, of southeast Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing north to the Lena River.奥雷克马河:苏联西伯利亚东南部的一条河,流程约1,319公里(820英里),向北注入勒拿河〔Vilyui〕A river of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about 2,446 km (1,520 mi) eastward to the Lena River.维柳伊河:苏联西伯利亚东部的一条河流,向东流入勒拿河,流程约为2,446公里(1,520英里)〔Dee〕A river of northern Wales and western England flowing about 113 km (70 mi) partially along the Welsh-English border to the Irish Sea.迪河:威尔士北部和英格兰西部一河流,流程113公里(70英里),部分沿威尔士一英格兰边境直至爱尔兰海〔Morava〕A river of eastern Yugoslavia rising in two forks and flowing about 209 km (130 mi) north-northwest to the Danube River east of Belgrade.摩拉瓦河:发源于南斯拉夫东部的一条河流,有两处分岔,流程约为209公里(130英里),向西北偏北方向在贝尔格莱德东部注入多瑙河




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