单词 | 浅薄 |
释义 | 〔dilettante〕A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge.See Synonyms at amateur 浅薄的涉猎者:在艺术或知识领域里的涉猎者 参见 amateur〔effete〕Marked by self-indulgence, triviality, or decadence:颓废的:以自我放纵、陈腐浅薄且颓废堕落为特征的:〔trivial〕Ordinary; commonplace.普通的,平凡的浅薄的〔superficial〕"I do not take a great interest in many people . . .for I find most of them shallow" (Booth Tarkington).“我对许多人没有太大兴趣…因为我发现他们中的大多数都很浅薄” (布斯·塔金顿)。〔sciolism〕A pretentious attitude of scholarship; superficial knowledgeability.假充内行:假充学者的态度;浅薄的知识〔superficial〕Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; shallow.肤浅的:只关心或只理解很明显或很显然的事物的;浅薄的〔cardboard〕Lacking depth; superficial:肤浅的:缺乏深度的;浅薄的:〔facile〕Arrived at without due care, effort, or examination; superficial:表面的,浅薄的:未经应有的关心、努力或考验就达到的;表面的:〔frothy〕a frothy French farce.浅薄的法国轻喜剧〔talkative〕 Glib refers to fluent, easy, and smooth speechthat often suggests shallowness, lack of sincerity, or questionable motives: Glib 指流利、轻松和平滑的谈话,这种谈话常常暗示着浅薄、缺乏诚意或值得怀疑的动机: 〔yeasty〕Frothy; frivolous:浅薄的;琐碎的:〔frothy〕Playfully frivolous in character or content:浅薄的:个性或内容好玩的、好嬉闹的:〔lifestyle〕Whenlifestyle began to gain wide currency a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial,perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to a primary basis of social classification.Nonetheless, the word has proved durable and useful,if only because such categories doin fact figure importantly in the schemes that Americans commonly invoke in explaining social values and social behavior,whether appropriately or not,as in Rachel Brownstein's remark that 当life style 在上一代人中开始广泛使用时, 许多评论家认为这个词浅薄且只风行一时,因此反对它,这可能是因为它看上去把消费习惯、衣着和享乐上升为社会阶级划分的主要基点。但是,这个词证明是持久有用的,如果仅仅因为这些范畴,事实上确实成为美国人解释社会价值与社会行为时所采用的极其重要的标准,无论合适与否,例如在雷切尔·布朗斯坦的话中 |
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