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单词 浏览
释义 〔browse〕An act of browsing.浏览浏览的行为〔thumb〕To scan written matter by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb:翻阅,翻查:用或似用拇指翻动书写物的纸张以浏览〔scan〕scanned the morning papers while eating breakfast.吃早饭时浏览早上的报纸〔quick〕a quick inspection.See Synonyms at fast 1很快的浏览 参见 fast1〔scan〕The act or an instance of scanning.细察:细察或浏览之动作或事例〔glimpse〕glimpsed at the headlines.浏览了一下标题〔run〕run over a speech before giving it.演说之前浏览一下演讲稿〔scan〕In the 1969 edition ofThe American Heritage Dictionary a dead issue was buried by our Usage Panel, 85 percent of whom thought it was acceptable to usescan in the sense "to look over quickly,” though the note stated that this was less formal usage.The usage issue was raised becausescan in an earlier sense meant "to examine closely.” From a historical perspective it is easy to see how these two opposite senses ofscan developed. The source of our word, Latinscandere, which meant "to climb,” came to mean "to scan a verse of poetry,” because one could beat the rhythm by lifting and putting down one's foot.The Middle English verbscannen, derived from scandere, came into Middle English in this sense (first recorded in a text composed before 1398). In the 16th century this highly specialized sense having to do with the close analysis of verse developed other senses,such as "to criticize, examine minutely, interpret, perceive.” From these senses having to do with examination and perception,it was an easy step to the sense "to look at searchingly" (first recorded in 1798),perhaps harking back still to the careful, detailed work involved in analyzing prosody.But a thorough search can change into a quick one, as it seems to have done in the case of the verbscan. 在1969年版的美国传统词典 中,我们的用法委员会放弃了一个已废弃的争议, 其中85%的人认为scan 意为“快速浏览”是可接受的, 虽然注释上说这是非正式的用法。之所以这么用是因为scan 在较早的意义上表示“仔细检查”。 从历史的角度了解scan 的两个相反意思如何发展是容易的。 这个单词的词源是拉丁语scandere ,意为“攀登”,后又演化为“标出诗之格律”, 因为人们可以通过抬起或放下脚来打拍子。中世纪英语动词scannen 即是在这个意义上从 scandere 转化而来的(首次被记载在一本1398年之前编辑的教科书上)。 在16世纪这个已经高度专门化并且用来表示仔细分析诗歌的词语又发展出了其它的意项,如“批评、细致入微地检查、翻译或理解”。从这些表示检查和察觉的意思,很容易就过渡到“细察”(1798年首次被记载)的意义,也可能返回到仔细分析诗体的细微工作。但就象这个动词scan 一样,彻底地搜查可能变成快速地浏览 〔flip〕To turn through; leaf:翻:浏览;翻书页:〔skim〕To give a quick and superficial reading, scrutiny, or consideration; glance:浏览,略读:进行快速的并且肤浅的阅读、调查或考虑;撇一眼:〔skim〕skimmed through the newspaper.浏览了一遍报纸〔glance〕gave the paper a glance before breakfast.在早餐之前浏览一下报纸〔charge〕no charge for window-shopping.浏览商店橱窗免费〔scan〕To look over quickly and systematically:扫视:快速而大略地浏览〔peruse〕Peruse has long meant "to read thoroughly" and is often used loosely when one could use the wordread instead. The worst that can be said about the latter use is that it is excessively literary or precious.However, common misuse of the word in the sense "to glance over, skim,” as inI only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, was unacceptable to 66 percent of the Usage Panel. Peruse 很久一直意指“详尽地阅读”, 经常在能用read 这个词时不严谨地用来取代它。 能够提及的后一种用法中最差的一种便是极端文学或过分矫揉造作的。然而,对于百分之六十六的惯用法研究小组成员来说,意为“浏览或略读”的该词的通常错误用法是不能接受的,如在句我只有一会儿时间来迅速浏览这本手册 中 〔flip〕To leaf; browse:翻动书页;浏览〔ruffle〕To flip through (the pages of a book).浏览,很快地翻(书页)〔scan〕To look over or leaf through hastily:浏览:匆忙地阅读或翻过:〔thumb〕To scan (written matter) by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb.翻阅,翻查:用或似用拇指翻动(书写物的)纸张以浏览〔browse〕browsed the evening paper; browsing the gift shops for souvenirs.浏览晚报;漫步礼品店搜寻纪念品〔flip〕flipped through the catalogue.浏览了一下目录〔run〕To read or review quickly:浏览:快速阅读或过目:〔run〕run down a list once more.再浏览一下单子〔skim〕To read or glance through (a book, for example) quickly or superficially.浏览,略读:快速地或浅浅地阅读或浏览(例如一本书)〔scan〕Middle English scanden, scannen [to scan a verse] 中古英语 scanden, scannen [浏览一首诗] 〔glance〕A brief or cursory look:浏览:粗略的或仓促的看:




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